indoor MX in ytown?

Steel Valley MX is a go. Going to start moving dirt on Monday. Pictures to follow. I can tell you that its big, bigger then any indoor open right now. Heated changing area with lockers. Heated staging area. Also have provisions for an outdoor track if all goes well this winter. We do have one question, and that is what hours of operation do the riders want to see? Also what do riders like
and dislike about other tracks rental setups? We have everything we belive the riders would like worked out, but dont want to set a schedual untill we get some feed back.

During the week we could be there by 3:30 Since its really close, 4 until 10 would be great. Saturdays 10 til 7 Sundays 10 til ? John knows his stuff, so apart from good dirt, we look forward to it. If he gets too much dirt, he knows where he can dump it :)
I'd love to see some dates set aside just for the kids to ride too. Maybe a 50 / 65 /85 / pitbike thing like NEMX just had.
I'd love to see some dates set aside just for the kids to ride too. Maybe a 50 / 65 /85 / pitbike thing like NEMX just had.

There is actually room for a kids track, and that is also in the works. Just not right away but if everything goes good there are plans for a dedicated track just for the kids, since they are the future of our sport.
I would be open Mondays and Tuesdays. Seems like the other indoors are closed those days.

Good luck! Hope it works out.
good luck this is awesome news, keep many updates comming our way! it will be nice to see what happens with a bigger facility, mucho potential. i know me and some peeps will come ride for sure.
Looking like we are going to be open 7 days a week, at least untill stuff is rolling. Started moving dirt this morning. Just for some dimensions and to give you an idea of how big it is. The main part of the track the building is 300 feet long (thats a football field), the celing is around the 45 foot mark at the peak, and with the main building and the 2nd part where heated staging and more track is the track is going to cover 50,000 square feet. It should be more like an outdoor track inside, then your normal indoor tracks. We also got the go ahead to put in a outdoor track. Just walking the property yesterday and looking where the outdoor track is going it should be pretty fun. Some elevation changes and we dug some test holes the dirt is somewhat sandy, looks to be pretty good. Hoping to get some pictures on here soon.
I have kicked around the indoor deal quite a few times. And I don't see how you can come close to justifying the investment without being married to the business. That means opening at least 5 days per week. I don't think there is a way to just do Wednesdays or Thursdays or Saturdays. Way to much money involved in the investment. Good luck creekside, hope it goes well.
I have kicked around the indoor deal quite a few times. And I don't see how you can come close to justifying the investment without being married to the business. That means opening at least 5 days per week. I don't think there is a way to just do Wednesdays or Thursdays or Saturdays. Way to much money involved in the investment. Good luck creekside, hope it goes well.

Just close in your whole track with a retractable roof and it will all fall in place! Lol
Any hints on where in Y-town this will be? This sounds cool.

I actually was in Niles yesterday for a ball game and then went to eat in Boardman. I decided to take the scenic route and drive through downtown Youngstown. It's been a few years since being down there. No issues at all.

I believe most of the trouble you hear about is in the neighborhoods, not the public places. Went to school there many years ago, played in bands there many years ago, hit the Covelli center every couple of years, usually no big deal.

Ohio is quickly becoming the new hotbed for MX.
Pumped to see some pictures once the dirt is taking shape.

How long till you anticipate opening?
Not trying to start anything or make anyone mad, im just trying to put out information. I just did the math on the dimensions of NEMX, the track square footage is 51,840 while the whole building is 64,800.
The address is 2415 Wilson Ave. The 50,000 square foot was a guess on my part, when i was out there waling around yesterday since my brother (owner of Woodford Excavating) is the actually owner of this track and doing all the work. I'm not sure how to post pictures on here, but if you are on facebook you can look up John Woodford he posted some pics of the smaller of the two buildings full of dirt. He has a few other pics before dirt was moved in also. Hopeing to have it open soon!!!!
I have kicked around the indoor deal quite a few times. And I don't see how you can come close to justifying the investment without being married to the business. That means opening at least 5 days per week. I don't think there is a way to just do Wednesdays or Thursdays or Saturdays. Way to much money involved in the investment. Good luck creekside, hope it goes well.

You are 100 percent right. We are open 5 days-over 40+ hrs week, don't pay ourselves, others work for free to help out, and my construction company still pays "rent" to pay the bills a few months before we open the next season. So basically I pay for everyone to ride there all winter. If there was no mortgage I may make 5k for 1200- 1500 hrs of work for 5 months. And that does not include any extra work on building or propety. If things were like they were before the economy went down about 2008 I would probably break even.

There have been lots of improvements I have done since we opened and more I would like to do. I have to take my own $ from my own pocket to do those. If I could make money I would gladly put it all back in to improve the place.

We love what we do for the motocross community and that's why we have kept doing it but it is not an investment to make money by any means. There are people that come when you have a busy day or 2 and they say you are just raking in the bucks. But they are not there the days we have 5 people show for 7 hrs work, prep costs, and other costs those days.

To add to sbwr cost. 1k month in diesel for track prep, 800 month ng, 120 month water, gas/snowplowing, salt, equipment and building maintance, insurance, and the list goes on.

Every indoor in Indiana and Michigan has closed the past few years. There is a reason for that. And now we would have 4 indoors within 1- 1 1/2 hrs from each other. 3/4 of the riders don't ride indoors and want to go south or wait for the outdoors to stay open late in season or open early in spring.

All I have to say is good luck.
The address is 2415 Wilson Ave. The 50,000 square foot was a guess on my part, when i was out there waling around yesterday since my brother (owner of Woodford Excavating) is the actually owner of this track and doing all the work. I'm not sure how to post pictures on here, but if you are on facebook you can look up John Woodford he posted some pics of the smaller of the two buildings full of dirt. He has a few other pics before dirt was moved in also. Hopeing to have it open soon!!!!

That's about 10 mins from me. Is that the old Calex plant?