2013 Monster Energy Supercross Round 1 - Anaheim

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Im so happy to see Durham running the East Coast. Besides Wilson, Musquin, and Wharton. Dont see anyone else that has any front running SX experience. West Coast is stttaccckeed.








more @ http://www.racerxonline.com/2013/01/03/anaheim-press-day-gallery#37
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XRp6kZKAW04" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
6 riders to contend for the top spot !!! They all look so well prepared and faster than ever. Cant even sleep the last few nights I am so jacked !
How did Weege get his job? He is such a Spooge.... Must be from Xenia.

Barrington: You Rock man. Thanks !
Canard at 1:05, Stewie at 2:40. Both looking good. Track seems a little fast to me though, at least once they started hitting the quads and and jumping over the step-on, step-offs.
Who is this YZ125 Jackass.........and where did he come from? I've never said a thing to the guy and for some reason he has a man crush on me or something. I seem to always be on his mind. But at least everyone knows my real name, where I live.........no hiding here. So please reveal yourself.
There's a picture of Andrew Short on his Chaparral Honda at the Press Day photos on Racer X so they must still be lining up for at least the 1st race.
There's a picture of Andrew Short on his Chapparral Honda at the Press Day photos on Racer X so they must still be lining up for at least the 1st race.

Yea i guess they got things sorted out. Rumors were that the semi wasnt paid for. Maybe that explains the black tractor instead of the matching red on they use to use.

It does seem like a lot of effort and money to spend on one guy for Chaparral! You would think that they would add a 250F rider for the West Coast rounds since they are based in California and could get double the exposure from the expenditure with 2 guys on the track for the West Coast rounds.
I agree........Man, get a HD Chevy truck and a 28 foot car hauler for one freakin rider and save yourself $350,000. It amazes me the money that is spent.