Class advice needed


PR Addict
Advice needed for first year of atv racing. Getting into the game late at age of 32.... Would you guys recommend cra woodsmen / or vet , oma x c class . I live in Coshocton which is somewhat centrally located to quite a bit of tracks/events . Thanks for any help !

flyin polack

PR Addict
I'd run the age classes and stay away from the C class until you know where you fit into the mix of riders and how well you can fend off aggressive riding. . Age groups are "generally" more responsible. There seems to be a wire that becomes disconnected when some young C riders put on their helmet. We were all one of them...but no need in missing work due to someone elses actions. I still start on the far outside when ever I race just for safety because I want to have fun and ride tomorrow.


PR Addict
Thanks for the advice . Fun and safety are top priority with family and bills. Age class locally should be humbling in my area , local old timers can fly lol


PR Addict
Sell your quad and become a motocross racer... Less expensive, safer, more open riding opportunities and certainly a higher return on investment.

...and join the moto revolution. District-X.


PR Addict
Thanks ohiowildman, same to ya ! Yz , I'll stick to quads , much respect to you 2 wheel fellas though.


PR Founding Father
Sell your quad and become a motocross racer... Less expensive, safer, more open riding opportunities and certainly a higher return on investment.

...and join the moto revolution. District-X.

I agree 100%......Get off those quads. They are dangerous.


PR Addict
There is definitely a respect factor in the vet class. We all seem to understand that going to work Monday pays for the racing. But don't be fooled, its still a fast class.


PR Founding Father
The coincidence was when the quad landed on the downed biker :)

pfffft! Details......Ya know, the guys I see mostly stopping on jumps to do the whole look it over, like there really thinking about jumping (yaaaa, right!), are the bikes. Dont stop people! Im buying a tazer, if I catch you stopping on my track, I will run you down (on my quad) and give you a few jolts of electrickery.


PR Member
At smith road it was a few bike rider that got hurt during the races in 2012. The quads just had to be pulled of the track because they broke down. If you want safe.... I recommend a three wheeler, I have never seen one three wheeler rider get taken off the track by the "meat wagon. ". Sounds weird but its true.


PR Addict
At smith road it was a few bike rider that got hurt during the races in 2012. The quads just had to be pulled of the track because they broke down. If you want safe.... I recommend a three wheeler, I have never seen one three wheeler rider get taken off the track by the "meat wagon. ". Sounds weird but its true.

3-wheelers, seriously?... you're oblivious to common sense.

To BC...What is your bike/quad ratio @ the cliff? Maybe 25 to 1...


PR Member
I understand that they had their problems in the past. The guys that race three wheelers now understand the limitations of their machines. I used to race a three wheeler fourteen years ago and crashed more on my quad or on a bike then I ever did on three wheeler. Three wheelers can be great fun you just have to know,understand and respect the machines limits. It seems that with more suspension and power of today's quads and bikes people seem to get a false sense of security. Three wheeler will let you know when you have reached its limits.


PR Addict
3-wheelers, seriously?... you're oblivious to common sense.

To BC...What is your bike/quad ratio @ the cliff? Maybe 25 to 1...

Actually it is you who is oblivious to logics and statistics, and are making a statement based on emotional perception rather than fact.

First, to the original post, what you'll find is that Senior Quad is a much rougher class than Woodsman when it comes to talent, but its that same talent, coupled with maturity that makes the tougher class far, far safer.

Getting back to threewheelers, its not the machines that make any class more or less dangerous, its the mentality of the racers within it. How important is winning to the racer, how much are they there just to have fun, and what kind of risks are they willing to take, and how much do they fear injury? Nothing against the talented teenagers out there, but quite frankly, to ride in front of you scares the hell out of me!

The same things that makes Senior Quad a safer class, makes 3 wheeler class far more safer yet, because its that Senior Quad mentality that is even more exaggerated amongst trike racers that make the class safe. We all know each other very well, and view the opportunity to race more as a spectator show than being first. Our average age is about 35. We make it a point to make newcomers a part of the whole group, make them feel welcome, and fill them in our class etiquette. While I can assure anyone that the competition is intense, and real, nobody will take you out for a position, and racers would take themselves out before taking somebody else out. We have an agreement amongst our oursleves that there is no deliberate contact, and we've booted those riders who find it necessary to liquored up in the pits before a race from our ranks. I do believe that when it comes down to raw statistics, Dozer is absolutely right in that we have an unmatched safety record for crash and injury, including even Senior Quad. Its not the machines, that make its safe or unsafe, its the mentality and attitude of the people operating them, and we are amongst the safest classes you could possibly race in.


PR Addict
pfffft! Details......Ya know, the guys I see mostly stopping on jumps to do the whole look it over, like there really thinking about jumping (yaaaa, right!), are the bikes. Dont stop people! Im buying a tazer, if I catch you stopping on my track, I will run you down (on my quad) and give you a few jolts of electrickery.
That would be hilarious!


PR Member
Senior quad is the way to go. They can be some very fast riders but they are safer than the other classes. Everyone in senior quad probably has a good job and family. They want to go home in one piece.