Mx 213 Sunday 3-10-13

So, we have seven (7) pages of demagoguery, filibustering, gerrymandering and lollygagging - and we still ain't determined what this track looks like, if its open, how folks listen to Lady Gaga and rap-crap, why the whales blew up the ozone, or nothin'. I'm going back to Washington and this time, I'm done with these cockamamey schemes and this persnickety malarkey. * pSST - hope to see you guys at 213 Sunday, if I can find the scallywags.
I was up, i was down, confused. Is it actually open or still a maybe ? Will i get stuck in the driveway lol? Never been there got over 2 hrs and just want to be sure. Thank u for posting this on pitracer! I would have never known. This is such a great place and i always try to remember that some of us may be 4 to 5 hrs apart.
I was not starting anything or going against's just in this day in age,Everything is instant,There will be videos and picture and with the hype of Oma....I just don't see the point of all the hype and work you guys put into this to open when it could be all slop or mud.....Imagine all this work and hype and people get stuck in the drive!!!!! Would not be good at all.....That's why some of these tracks all fail,False hope and advertising....."track is great,track is awesome today,I will groom it up and rip it up will be primo".... If its going to be a mud hole...Say it's going to be a mud hole.....sure you might not get as many people BUT you won't ruin your whole track Reputation for the whole year.....I would just wait a few weeks and see how the weather is!!!! Better to lose a little money today....then lose it all year! Good Luck. It does look like it might be nice out though!
They are updating they're facebook page in the "open for practice Sunday March 10Th" thread to the left. Updated as of Thursday. Keep an eye there on what's going on, or call. I would expect that they have already been to the track and expect to be open as it's Friday and he hasn't said no yet. EXPECT MUD!
I am a relative newbie to Ohio moto so I will "watch my tone", but IMO, for those heading to the track Sunday if they are open, you would have to expect it to be soft or some mud. Thats the nature of the beast in early March in Ohio. Everyone would hope for a good first time out for a great promotion for one our OMA tracks, but reality is its going to be narly. No amount of track prep is going to fix that. Its just too early in the year. Its my opinion that we need to be thankful we may have a chance to ride outdoors finally (been long enough), and that the OMA track owners are trying to do something positive for our moto community. There will always be opportunity to make improvements (web sites, communication, etc..). If it was so easy, anyone who wants to should step up and try to do it better.

Yup Mike, you’re 100% right about just how wet some of Ohio can be in spring. The flats stay soaked for months. But some places in Ohio do have the capability to dry up from winter pretty quickly, especially on the Eastern side of the State.

Not sure how long you’ve been in Ohio but a large majority of the riders on here remember having some of our absolute BEST days in early spring and even winter.
Yep, places like Scenic, Honda Hills, Amherst, COCR and Malvern have had some of their best days when you would least expect it.

If we got lucky and had 3-4 nice days, even in the middle of winter, a track could put a post during the week. We’d get updates pretty constantly and sure enough, if it still looked good on the weekend, we’d get 50-100 guys to show up and Moto. It was sweet!

I’m betting that a bunch of people are watching MX 213 with high expectations simply because it would be nice to get an early spring riding spot again. Lets hope so, because MX 213 looks very cool.

Believe it or not, this was a January 28[SUP]th[/SUP] 2006 ride …in Ohio!

I really cannot believe all the negative comments in the previous pages. MX 213 is a track owned by the Belmont County fairgrounds that been in existance for I believe the last 4 years and has improved every year. It was started as a fund raiser for the fair board by a bunch of hard working guys that really had no MX experience whatsoever and took a shot at making a safe, fun track that is fun to ride by all ages and bike sizes. The thing about these guys is they have no background in MX and have been open to suggestions and improvements from day one. This track is 5 minutes from my house and has been a blessing for my son. Believe me thay have had their moments and hard times but they have always tried to provide a safe fun place to ride and have listened to suggestions and not acted like they know it all like some other tracks with the my way or the highway attitude. Sorry if they didn't inform all of you they might be open Sundaybut I was unaware of the rule that all tracks had to be net worthy and have an invite, if you look back last summer they posted many times when they were having practice. Some of you old MX vets need to relax. See ya Sunday.....if they are open.
Wow, really taking a bashing here. MX 213 is posted on the home page of pitracer under Ohio's non-sanctioned tracks along with directions and has been since the re-design of pitracer. We have also used pitracer to post on the majority of our events in the past and received very little hits. Unless you are a big name in this business you get overlooked. But it looks like we have some attention now. As of right now facebook is a way of contacting us. We have answered every post on facebook and we have posted numerous times both on facebook and the official web site contact information and directions. We realize many of you have never heard of us. This will be our 4th year to open. We are learning as we go. We accept constructive criticism and we use that to improve the track. We are not going to make everyone happy but we do our best. The track will be open Sunday March 10, 11am-5pm. Yes it has been a hard winter and there may be some soft spots but we are working on it. As far as the comment regarding the track being ripped up over the winter, this is not true. We are assuming you are basing your information on the area that was being prepared to install the new race gate, otherwise the track has been left sealed until this past week to prepare for practice. If you have questions based on the track it would be best to contact us. Ed 740-338-7323, Jerry 740-359-4583. Directions: Take exit 213 off I-70 and follow the signs to the fairgrounds and the James E. Carnes Center. Enter gate 2, it really is not hard to find.
It's funny how 95% of the posts on this site are from the same 5% of the users, and generally in the same context. Don't let the vocal minority get you down. Keep on keepin' on!
Ok everyone, time out! We are all a bunch of friends here, and it is starting to sound like we hate each other. My god, after a winter that doesn't seem to want to die, who would think that the possibility of riding outdoors would start such an argument?! I don't know the 213 guys that well, yet. I will say that the facility is run by a group of older gentlemen who seem to be really good guys, but may not be as Internet savvy as others. As a group, that is something Jeremy and I will have to try and help with. I truly believe that is one of the huge differences that will become apparent to everyone this season. OMA tracks trying to help each other and work together, not waiting (sometimes hoping) for the other tracks to fail so someone can point a finger and snicker.

Well said, I'll be there tomorrow to support the guys! See you guys for practice! Loneranger come out and throw a leg over the bike.
I rode mx213 last year and had a blast up until I cased the big triple... That hurt! I'm looking forward to going back again for sure but not sure if tomorrow is the day. Bob are you planning on going?
What you are witnessing here on Pit Racer is passion, not just a passing comment from a casual customer. Ohio has a very large riding population that has been passionate about the sport for decades. In Ohio, we Flat Track, Hare Scramble, Dual Sport, MX, atv, utv, and all around generally like to ride off road.
The folks on here are real, these are the people that ride.

You’re right in that only a few (as compared to the volume of viewers) have the fortitude to post here because unlike other forms of current media, if you talk crap here, you’ll wear it. It’s user driven and that makes this place real. We plan our riding, we see each other at the track and then we talk about it on here. Simple concept.

We have been bombarded by the OMA’s fearless leader since before the snow flew about how he and his assailants are ready to make drastic changes. How, for 2013, Ohio will now have Premium Moto and the OMA will not be out worked by anyone. Brash to the point of already placing the OMA above established sanctions that have held successful events for years. OMA words …not ours.

So now here we are with riding season but a few days away and we’ve done our part, we bought in to the OMA rhetoric. We’ve sent in the money and purchased the memberships. We know that we can spend more money on hoodies and t-shirts and that kids get stickers. But, we also know that an sincere question or concern from a potential OMA customer may be met with stinging condescension.

Check with your fearless leader. If you are honest and do what you say you will, this place will respond with overwhelming support and alliance. With some good promotion on here, the rider turnouts will be the largest around and the entire State will want to be at your next event. Right JO? He’s more than anxious to come on here Mondays to let us all know just how epic his place was and how many enjoyed it. With the OMA assassins now giving Ohio Premium Moto for 2013 it shouldn’t be any different for MX -213...right?

So rather than pout about what you feel is bashing (I’m thinking self inflicted wounds), just get to work addressing things..pun intended.
The heat you are feeling is nothing more than our passion being fuelled by the OMA for months. Time to live up to the Hype. Nothing mentioned on here should be that difficult for a band of assassins. After all, you’re not bound to anyone but yourselves … are District -X!

How’s the tack ? Making plans to be there Sunday with OMA membership in hand!
Okay so now that it sounds like they are open tomorrow and the sun is out.

Who is going?


Hey Bob,
I’m planning on it and DD is a maybe. MX 955 has said he’s game, he’s got a new 350 pumpkin to try out. Let’s get a bunch of guys to show up….as ya know, nothing helps dry up a spring track better than some sun and a ton of riders.
Just in case anyone thinks this is me having a hard-on for MX213, it’s not. I want the place to Rock & Roll just as much as all of you…..actually, probably more.
That’s why I’m doing it. Check the views, we all know what’s happening.

This is me, voicing my opinion (in tone set by the fearless OMA leader) about my dismay on the lack of preparation of MX 213 for what they are about to endure. They may be new to all of this, but he’s not. OMA, Get over there and help them, any way you can.

I’ll get off the soapbox now and get my bike and gear ready for MX -213 tomorrow…..the sun is out and it’s getting warm.
It sounds like we may get a great day of riding in!

Hey Bob,
I’m planning on it and DD is a maybe. MX 955 has said he’s game, he’s got a new 350 pumpkin to try out. Let’s get a bunch of guys to show up….as ya know, nothing helps dry up a spring track better than some sun and a ton of riders.

Sharc, Craig,

Trailer is already loaded from some indoor riding and I am also planning to be there. Talked to a couple others too who are likely IN.