Crow Canyon MX Track Preview 2013


PR Addict
Brock, on Saturday are you running a straight practice, or a split practice with big bikes, minis, and ATVs?


PR Addict
10:00 till 11:00 will be open practice excluding Quads and 50s. From 11:00 till 4:00 practice will be broken up into groups including quad and 50 practices.


PR Addict
Elliott4179 has the start times correct, that was the first thing I asked Brock today. The gate will be open Friday and I will ask Brock until what time. They are installing 4G down here today so he can't post here till he gets home tonight.
The work continues today.



More mulch ready to be mixed in.











PR Addict
Looks great, kudos on all the work. I have to admit it almost hooked me into coming out this weekend, but I need a weekend off to get some stuff done.

What's with all the bowl turns? I'm just not a fan of bowl turns - seems like a big waste of dirt and makes it harder to prep the track.


PR Elite
The single into the downhill woods section looks sketchy to me, if you weep side and dont jump I think you have the potential of getting landed on as you turn left to go down the hill.

Maybe Im looking at it wrong?


PR Addict
It the same speed either way and the downhill goes out to the right so I don't think it's likely someone can jump on someone. Plus it's really small. As Tara's bowl turns it all through one area and nowhere else. Series of 5 bowls in a row. As far as prep that's the least of my concerns. I've moved a million yards of dirt I can handle prepping a few turn lol. Plus they all have mulch in them to keep from drying out


PR Founding Father
What's with all the bowl turns?

NASCAR knobbies!! ;) UTV races....

Anywho, what sort of moisture you getting over there? Enough? Can't take anymore? We can work in? Getting ready to fire up the water truck?...

I plan to be there early AM. I hate the mud, but is what it is. Hate cleaning the bike afterwards more so...


PR Founding Father
Hold off on firing up the water truck just yet. Mother Nature's gonna cry here in a bit...


PR Founding Father
So...what's the damage? With a newly built track, although pics looked dry, my guess is the rain we got would be hard to recover from by manana manana. Your about an hour or so east of me, but the line of showers looked the length of the Buckeye State pretty much and fairly consistent.

Later practice? Bring my powerwasher and a couple 55 gallon drums of water? Dunno yet? Mother Nature kinda reminding me of another mother I know with a different last name... Bumm...


PR Addict
It the same speed either way and the downhill goes out to the right so I don't think it's likely someone can jump on someone. Plus it's really small. As Tara's bowl turns it all through one area and nowhere else. Series of 5 bowls in a row. As far as prep that's the least of my concerns. I've moved a million
yards of dirt I can handle prepping a few turn lol. Plus they all have mulch in them to keep from drying out
Track looks sweet Brock! I hope you get a good turnout regardless of weather... U put some time in the place for sure... Should a kept my bike and bought in to membership


PR Addict
We have had three showers so far and yes track was crazy dry, but not now lol. As you can see from the photos it is smooth, tapered, and dry. With the showers no matter how much we get it'll run off and be ready to get ripped! I just put $400 new ripper teeth on so we will be good with a possible delay in practice time on Saturday. We will run later since we won't need to water much if any. So lets say maybe 11:00 or 12:00 start and finish 5:00 or 6:00.

As far as Sunday, It will be over the top unreal perfect track conditions with the weather we have been blessed with. So Don't kick yourself in the but for missing it! I treated this one and only event like a National MX. No corners cut, I through down a ton of money to make it epic! Thanks, Brock


PR Member
I only have a gatefiller in the 50 and 65 class but we will be's a little drive but you have put the work in and deserve a good turn out unlike some clapped out tracks here in Ohio who doesn't do anything but mist and drop gates.

Good work...


PR Addict
Due to the weather and the fact this is the only MX Event of the year, we feel it is better to reschedule our race of the moto revolution series until the 9th of next month. Practice will be open for trail riding Saturday and Sunday along with a scheduled practice open to everyone on Sunday. 10:00 open practice. 11:00 till 5:00 segment practice. I just left the track at 8:00 tonight and it is actually in really good shape for the amount of rain we've had. The problem is, we have so much mulch in piles, we will need tomorrow to spread them out without rushing to practice. That would leave us very little time for track prep Sunday morning if practice would start at 8:30, so 10:00 practice day is the best answer. Also, the fact we put so much time and money into the facility, Saturday practice would tear up everything we've rebuilt. The weather says rain till 9:00 am, then 30% chance after, so I want to wait till 12:00 Saturday to get it prepped for Sunday.

I know the dirt out here can handle all the water you can throw at it, but once its ripped, a simple rain shower would destroy it! We just don't need to take the chance. So it is on like Donkey Kong for practice on Sunday. I will be out there tearing it up with everyone! This will also give us a great idea of how it flows, what needs redone, and answer any other questions that pop up. This way, June 8th and 9th will be over the top! I hope you all understand and I promise I will let you know tomorrow how perfect it will be on Sunday. I'll even post pics, so DO NOT MISS IT! Thanks, Brock


PR Addict

Join Date
Aug 2008

I'm super bummed! Jason Rodgers was there yesterday and was worried all the dirt we moved would absorb to much water and it might ruin the place. It was calling for rain for 12 more hours after that and we never got any! It rained a ton yesterday so everyone was freaked out including me. Since he has put on events and I haven't, I respect his advice and it made perfect sense. If we only have one shot why risk it, even though I'm confident it will be awesome, when we have a fall back date reserved for this. Now the club gets three days to hold a public event instead of one. I know it's easy to just look at the race and say race but the club also has to generate money from practice to pay for all the money they sank into the place. I'm looking out of the big picture window not the peep hole. The race has nothing to do with the club so being the promoter of the race and the president of the MX club this is the best outcome. Trust me I wanna race but I'm in this for the long haul and I'm one of the least selfish person you will ever meet. I fought so hard to put an event at crows and I need everyone to be open minded and just support me Sunday. And prove to you being able to ride Sunday would just tease the crap out of you to wait till next year to ride it again. Now you have three opportunities. If it don't rain any today I may even let the guys that show up, ride this evening once I get the mulch spread. Then rip it Sunday morning and let loose. Thanks for the support and understanding I consider everyone a friend and thanks for your thoughts and comments. I will keep all posted all day on track. Brock


PR Addict
The sun is out and all the rain somehow missed us since Friday so Practice will be perfect today! It is sunny and I'm pumped to satrt ripping. See ya at the CROW!