The more I mess with this bike the more I like it.
To everyone in the world that gripes/hates on the airbox being up is that so overly rated as BAD BAD BAD. I like it. The filter is bone dry after the pressure wash......6 bolts (including the two seat bolts) and flip up the gas tank on a hinge......there she is. Pop off the plastic air box cover (which was held on by 2 of the 6 bolts) and there she is a nice pressure tab holding a perfect flat air filter recessed into the airbox. I think it's an awesome design.
And you aren't scraping the airfilter on the sides of your dirty airbox and watching dirt fall into the bottom and sprikling into the boot.
Wish I would of bought a 2010 in '10, instead of listening to all the haters write articles on how terrible these bikes were. I like everything about the bike except still for the gas tank that you can't see how full it is, until it's almost too late. Don't blink.