Western Reserve Motorcycle Club Open Practice

I saw Mog making those reverse laps. Bob told me to go out with him but I said I am still trying to figure out how to turn left, don't need the confusing of turning right. lol I def had fun and can't wait to spin more laps. It was ten till nine and I said I still have ten minutes so I went back out.
On the MX track? The place was a rocky DUSTBOWL. You could hardly breathe it was so dusty. Let's not forget the "fast kids' or should I say disrespectful jackasses that basically didn't care about any of the little kids or slower riders. (sure the track separated the classes after a couple hours) but then we had to sit for over an hour waiting to get back out on the track. That sucked ass. Should have been 15 minute intervals or even 20. Oh yeah- they gave the A/B's 30 minutes and cut the C's down to 20 after they had waited an hour. Friggin' stupid. What the hell, they're a private club and can do whatever they want, right? Well they can do it without my money, that's for sure. #nothappy

Man that stinks. Glad I didnt waste my time. I rode there once..loved every minute of it. That was like 3 years ago. Havent been able to make it back since they almost never have open practice and I wasnt trying to make that drive on a weekday. Never been a fan of the Club approach.
Yeah- I'm not kissing any ass to "save face"- that's not my style. It sucked and I expected a lot more out that place because of last year, practice was perfect. Literally perfect. This year- epic fail and when you factor in the hours of drive time, taking off early for work, doing more sitting than riding, ******* kids with no sense risking MY LIFE or injury? Aww hell no. Plus 25 bucks and eating dust the whole time?

Nah- I'll be passing on those "Open practices"
When you don't run organized practice every week or often it shows.
There are a few tracks that got it right. Dirt World, Beans and Apple.

I really like Western Reservers track ,the layout is a lot of fun
Never been there when I didn't have a good time
The club usually does a great job of running things
Maybe they were just caught off guard from not having many open practices.
You say those other tracks do such a good job of running practices because they run so many and that's
A fact, Dirt World has never had a bad practice since I've been there,was muddy as heck one last fall because of the rain
Guys were complaining and wanting there money back but we stayed and rode and made the best out of it
malvern does a good job also but any track could have a bad day
Give them a break and try out the club again
Personally I wish they would have more,it is a fun track for all levels
I have been waiting on this practice for awhile and they have it on the week I'm on vacation
Hope they have another one soon and give them another shot
When the place is good,and it usually is,you'll have fun!!!!
I wouldnt count on them running open practice a lot. When I inquired I was told

"we are not a practice track we are a club." Not sure that really answered my question....or did it?

I though gee that was a great way to push away an interested paying customer. Really dissapointing as I too consider it one of the best tracks around.
I guess its their choice to make
If the club doesnt need the money then they wont and dont need to hold practices
Its a shame but the way I see it is Ill race and spend my money at the tracks that do open up to the public
I don't understand what all the fuss is. It was a bit dusty and hard in spots but it got better as the night went on. They split practices as soon as the crowd got too big and the sessions were 20 min each. I wasn't happy at first either but the second time out it got better and I had a blast the rest of the night.

There was no more chance of getting run over by faster riders than any other time I've been to practice tracks. Constructive criticism is certainly helpful but lets not get carried away here!
i was there and had a blast, since last time was the joe rice mud fest lol, you only get faster riding with fast people and seeing there lines as they fly by, im not tootn my own horn but i did way more passin than getting passed, reminded me of smith road, again i had a blast, wish they had practice all the time, my little guy loved the kids track also.