Battle 3 Moto Format at BC?

dude, the bibs are a sick idea.. i still have on my blue wrist band from last year.. lol

Do not wear that at your wedding.....that's not getting started on the right foot....

We will have some of those leftover from last to hand out again. Just north and south wrist bands....eff the invaders
security this year?? the pipe bombs going off all night next to us last year were a little, ummm, frustrating?!

Noise Curfew of 10 pm, and it will be enforced. This goes for everyone. You will asked to leave, and if you disagree, the licking county sheriff will come and escort you out. Also, there will no pitriding this year, period. To and from staging, thats it. No razrs, no golf carts, only people who are elderly or diabled or that have a real handicap can have a pit vehicle. Track personnel will be using pit vehicles, so dont see that and think its ok. Its not ok. So everyone better get a grip on your kids, it will be the longest ride home of your lives when you get kicked out for breaking the rules on either account.

The Battle is about good racing, not BS, leave your BS at home.
Noise Curfew of 10 pm, and it will be enforced. This goes for everyone. You will asked to leave, and if you disagree, the licking county sheriff will come and escort you out. Also, there will no pitriding this year, period. To and from staging, thats it. No razrs, no golf carts, only people who are elderly or diabled or that have a real handicap can have a pit vehicle. Track personnel will be using pit vehicles, so dont see that and think its ok. Its not ok. So everyone better get a grip on your kids, it will be the longest ride home of your lives when you get kicked out for breaking the rules on either account.

The Battle is about good racing, not BS, leave your BS at home.

Does the cerfew go for generators as well I hope?

I must congratulate you on the no pit riding rule, your layout keeps the parking close enough to the track for all to be able to walk! Why is it that in a sport that is one of the most physically demanding people insist on riding pit vehicles? GET IN SHAPE! Lol
Three moto format three day event and bibs equals fun and the big race feel. Only problem I see is Area 51 and Baja are the same weekend and I have been told by numerous people they are going to one or the other but oh well!! It's gonna be fun for sure!! We will be there
even tho i wanna ride area 51, youd be stupid to miss the battle at the cliff.

That's completely asinine to say. How about -- Baja Brawl and Area 51 Can-Am are long established (this year is 9th Annual Can-AM) events so you'd be stupid to schedule a 'big' race on top of them? I don't actually think anyone is stupid, just did not completely check into the other events running and what seemed like a great weekend for the Battle really isn't so great.

I hope next year this event is on another weekend so not only is it easier to attend schedule-wise, but can grow by drawing from other areas instead of competing against them. Not only racers, but sponsors, vendors, etc.
If your an Ohioan, in my opinion, this is THE race you dont want to miss.

I do agree with your thoughts on next years scheduling in hopes of growth.

I cant even really say much about anyones decision because ill be in Mexico that weekend. lol Just my opinion though. Make OHIO the place to come to instead of ny or mi.
John if I could move BC out of the State of Ohio so you would feel like you are going somewhere special I would. I apologize for trying to change things so that Ohio has a big race. Have fun in NY! Good luck!
You guys really need to try and stop pissing in one anothers wheaties. It has nothing to do with traveling to other states. It has to do with events at fantastic facilities. I'm sure the last round of the Battle will be a great race an event to attend.

The first year went very well but there were problems. Some may not return because of them but most will. All tracks have problems so it really is no big deal. I think the point being made is the Battle race is only in its second year and running on top of established major annual races is only going to hurt it.

The opportunity to grow Ohio racing is here and seems to be working. Take advantage of it and do the best you can to grow. I only see suggestions to schedule it at a better less conflicting time next year....I don't see anyone throwing sticks and stones. It would be more wise to say that the race will be scheduled to avoid running on top of these events next year.....instead of alienating possible racers by insulting them. Promoting is separate from emotions.

Just my opinion