
Chet and Nick will do a great job. But, isn't OIR limited on practices etc.? I would love to have practices at OIR. It is basically down the street.


PR Addict
Alright guys, this is as much as I can let out for now. We will be opening OIR next year. The guidelines we have to follow are non consecutive Sundays no more than two a month so it looks like we will have about 14 to 16 Sundays to work with, which will be divided up with somewhere around 5 OMA races and the rest of the dates will be practices. More info to follow!


PR Addict
So why not run outlaw still twice a month this year....
We have a heavy workload the rest of this year, and with Outlaw being a 2 hour round trip we felt that the time would be better spent getting OIR( 20 minute round trip) back in pristine shape and ready to open.


Well this is not exactly the way I planned to announce this but sence the door has been open guess I might as well walk through it. Let me start by saying that my decision to give up control of OIR should in no way reflect badly on the track at all. The bottom line here is that I was an idiot to think that I had the time and energy to run two race facility's.

The last thing I want to do is give OIR a half harted effort, my intention was to bring the same kind of effort that I have put into Malvern to OIR. I realize now that it is just to much.

I left behind a crazy paced excavating business to have more quality time with my family. Now here I am creating the same scenario with motocross.

I am moving the three remaining OIR race dates down to Malvern. This does two things, makes things simpler for me and my staff and allows Chet and Nick time to get the facility the way they want it and have some open practices this year. I think this is the best plan, giving them time to learn the dirt and get the track tweaked with out the pressures and craziness that comes with race day. They will just be better prepared this way.

I am sure there will be those who are not not thrilled by this. I really believe this is the best direction for everyone, including the riders. I can continue to focus on making Malvern the best it can be without getting burned out. OIR is left in the very capable hands of a father and son who have had their heart in this sport for ever and a lot of experience running an Mx facility.


PR Founding Father
I thought a minor issue was whwn you left the CRA to get less races. Now it seems like you got just as many. Not sure how you can run two places in the same season. Seems difficult enough for one. Atleast you keep everyone in the loop.

good luck outlaw. Sema like OIR has the Hand curse since they left. Hopefully the guys at outlaw can lift the spell!


PR Addict
Yes OIR has had it rough in recent years! I am atleast glad the Hand family still gets credit for so many great memories at OIR. Hopefully this will be the final turning point in the return of OIR! I am not giving up on this race track...it's way to important for our MX Community! Bring back the start! Lose the step-down thing before the sand turn or something with that...that I where the bad crashes have happened that I have noticed. I'm with ya Chet and Nick!


PR Founding Father
I thought a minor issue was whwn you left the CRA to get less races. Now it seems like you got just as many. Not sure how you can run two places in the same season. Seems difficult enough for one. Atleast you keep everyone in the loop.

good luck outlaw. Sema like OIR has the Hand curse since they left. Hopefully the guys at outlaw can lift the spell!

The reason the majority of people wad up there is because they feel like that an easy/must-do scrub obstacle. Then they find out real quick that was a mistake because they're on the noggin and falling out of the sky fast.


PR Member
Best of luck to revamping OIR. Please tell me you're not going to ban quads. There are a lot of us in the Portage County area who live 20 minutes from the track and would be there for every practice. It was nice to get in that first practice of the year there in April.


PR Member
The reason the majority of people wad up there is because they feel like that an easy/must-do scrub obstacle. Then they find out real quick that was a mistake because they're on the noggin and falling out of the sky fast.

hahaha!!! True story have seen that happen too many times in my oir days