Here's the Scoob Report:
Weather today, well, since about 5am or so yesterday was great!! Track was a gnarly SOB first moto. I survived and am good with that. Plessenger was hauling the mail. Won both 250 motos with relative ease and he did the first 450 moto walking away. Had to go home and let out the pooches, so mossed moto 2 of which I heard McDade took with the overall. 15 minute pro motos... 7 minute moto or 4 lap moto setup worked well I thought. Hershey got his foot caught in a rut in practice and decided to not take a chance of ending season again by doing so again in moto and set out today. Well, other than being the trick with the mic 2nd motos....
For 23 classes, we did pretty good I think today. One of my motos was 22 out of 23m but I was done racing before 7pm I believe. Thinking injuries were kept to a minimum all day except last moto, last lap, last corner kid went down in Super Mini I think it was and had to be taken in the ambulance I think. Compound lower leg fractures. Let's pray for the kid there...
As for me, nothing spectacular in terms of results. Thinking 6-8 of each Vet 30 and Vet 40 left yesterday so gates weren't as packed as they could have been. Starts were horrible, So was deep tire width corner rut riding... If I could learn to get through them better, I really think my results would improve greatly. Thinking it was 8th overall in Vet 40 and 11th in Vet 30. Some fast dudes in both classes to likes of Jeff Gibson, Shaun Kuchler, Josh Hamilton, Agin and others. Kinda wish they would run us all together, but score us different between A and B/C in those classes. Not really sure where I stack up. Just know I am not an A rider at this point.
Was a good weekend. If you bagged it, you missed it. Your fault. See you next year. I'm pooped. Should have been in bed a couple of hours ago... Good night!