Even though we did less racing this year due to weather, family obligations and other factors we did get to try some new tracks this year which was cool. So, here goes my 2 cents based on our accounts only. Love Malvern! The boy's favorite. The only downside is that we raced far less there this year. In previous years, Malvern was our go-to track every other weekend like clock work. Miss that! We miss the night racing. Nothing like Malvern under the lights. We also miss the nightime atmosphere with a campfire, especially this time of the year. Briarcliff, love it. The boy's other favorite. Need a few more! I think it would be cool to throw in a race on the C track one event after a few updates. Briarcliff has the best atmosphere for families and a ton of fun for the kids. At the Battle I remember looking for my son that took off on his bicycle after Friday's practice, I found him with about 30 other kids having a blast BMX'n on the pitbike track. Oh, the track is pretty good too. Crow Canyon was a new one for us. Enjoyed our time there as well. The turnout was low which was good because I could see a pitting issue there. Loved how you could see all the track from up top especially the gate drop. The boy really liked the track, it was his new favorite for a while. I would like to see some of the Jumps not quite so peaky for the youngins' that have to roll em. Overall we enjoyed it as well and look forward to going back. MX213. You can't beat the scenary here! This track reminds me of an old fashion motocross track tucked in the hills and valleys surrounded by trees. Low turnouts when we went, not sure why? This was Jack's new favorite for a while. I think the negative is track prep here, gotta break up the chunks better to create more lanes. I love the layout and speed of the track with safe jumps and long corners. Plenty of parking. Good place, get there! That's the only tracks we hit this year as far as OMA goes. We plan on trying Chillitown, we missed their battle this year since the wife made me go on vacation. Dirtworld is too much of a haul for us, but I heard it was pretty good. We had thought about Beans but heard the jumps were a bit peaky. I would like to check it out sometime so that we could decide for ourselves. A great year of racing in the OMA thus far. If you notice every time we go to a track it is Jack's new favorite place. He just likes to race, ride his bike with the other kids and mess with Jarrett. He never complains about track conditions, jumps or what not, dad does the whining on that stuff. The year is not over yet folks, better get out and ride cause the ole' muther is coming! We met a ton of new people, we got a few new kids into racing, we got to meet the almighty Hershey and have had good results on the track as well. My 2014 thoughts on tracks and series are below, class structures can be done in another thread. Thanks and see you at the track, well not this weekend.

grrrrrrrrrr. The Winlands.
1. Better weather. 5 races we attended we were threatened with gloom and doom and missed a few due to the conditions.
2. Mo Malvern.
3. Mo Malvern night racing, especially in the fall and heat of the summer. Just more night racing period.
4. More Cliff.
5. Cliff "C" track race.
6. A series at each track with no minumum requirement or set schedule.
7. A few Saturday races thrown in.
8. keep the fair stuff going. Fairs are good for the sport.
9. I'm getting hungry and can't think anymore.
10. See # 9.