Messing up the flow?

I'm in a conga line last weekend after three or four "adult type beverages". The fat girl from accounting who was leading the line, decides to throw in a "dip", right when we all were expecting a "cha, cha, cha".... Totally screwed up the flow

That is the only time a man should use the word "flow".

OK, One other time. If you can do the section of the track that Scoob detailed with the quadruple dragonback ... Then you can say you, it, everything flowed.
I think its both rider and track. The more the rider enjoys the feeling, the more it flows in their mind. Also like Jason says, placement and design of obstacles is relevant: Case-in point:
At BC…
The Gonzer wall that was in the tight right around the treejust before the off-camber left (going toward the triple) (in an old layout)flowed well. Tough little Waller that was fun yet tricky and made that section better than just two turns.

The Super Berm……just didn’t work, on so many levels. It Killed the flow…

The super berm will rise again!!!! This time it will "flow" like niagra falls.....
I agree that a track has to have a good flow to it.
If you can run a nice steady comfortable pace that is fast for you and flow from obstacle to obstacle with out getting out of your comfort zone
the track has good flow
If you can go fast and smooth than come to an obstacle that doesn't work in relationship to the last than the tracks flow is not good
When a track has good flow you leave there feeling like you are on top of your game and the evenings riding was great.
When the track has bad flow you can't do good laps and you feel like your fighting the bike everywhere
We rode Malvern last nite and left after about an hour and a half because the flow of that track is off.
It use to be our favorite track but now I feel you can't get around that track smooth because something has the flow disrupted.
Dirt World has the same issue now,the small rhythm section now doesn't flow with the track,I could not find a way through that section now that was smooth
So for me the track doesn't have good flow,Has some fun sections that flow but the whole track doesn't work together
I think it is a matter of opinion for each track for each person if the track has good flow or not
When you can get on a track and ride smooth and enjoy how you are riding than that track flows well for you
I love Malvern but the one section after running parallel to the road you make a left and go thru those what ever they are humps messes up the flow to the track
I watch as many people go thru there as I could and see most everyone has an issue with that section
Don't mean to pick on any track just trying to describe what I believe a tracks flow is
Ill stop now,sorry to ramble on but I do believe every track should have good flow
Gary, I have a sever headache from reading that. You said a track needs to have good "flow" (yes, threw up in my mouth again) but then said flow is dependent on the rider????? Sorry but those two things go together...
Listen guys, enough "F" word. If you have to hit the breaks on the front of a double or triple that's not bad "flow" that's just a bad design. If a section of the track causes you to mess up. That's not "flow" that's either a good design or a flaw in your ability. Everyone doing all the doubles that's not "flow" that's a waste of dirt
Because I like Flo!


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Ok boys, I need some clarification on this one.
SEVERAL times I have seen posts on here saying that this or that messed up the "flow" of the track???
These things are called obstacles. By definition they are there to mess up the flow.... I hear some of the best riders in the world using this "flow" thing... RV said he hopes they "open up the flow" of Muddy Creek for next year. Why? So he can go 120mph over that step up triple? And win by 3 min instead of 2 min? I guess I just don't understand.
Yes, I am a grumpy old fat man that get upset at the drop of a dime, but "flow" is my new trigger. :p
I feel like you're getting the negative nancy award for September. :)

Cant say I don't agree.
Pot stirring points in this part of the season are only worth 1/4 of what they are over the winter........ not to worry. I'll bust out a famous rant soon if I keep reading the deep thoughts of a former racer turned mini dad turned OMA savior turned track designer turned race order maker turned transponder promoter turned pot stirrer chaser!
Pot stirring points in this part of the season are only worth 1/4 of what they are over the winter........ not to worry. I'll bust out a famous rant soon if I keep reading the deep thoughts of a former racer turned mini dad turned OMA savior turned track designer turned race order maker turned transponder promoter turned pot stirrer chaser!

Oh stop... I'm starting to blush....
I plan on taking the points lead soon
I bet if I rode Aneheim 1, it wouldnt flow.....just sayin....

Yes and no....... again, sorry.
Case in point:

Larocco's Leap.
None of us Vets Triple Jump it.....Ok, maybe a select few.
But the majority do double - single.

Now, depending on how/where the landing is shaped/spaced between hump 2 & 3 makes all the difference (in the world) if we can keep a good flow through the section or if we front flip over the handle bars like Mike Metzger on a bad day.
Believe me ....we've had both good and bad designs in that section.

If the Aneheim-1 track had landings or flats the you were capable of reaching (at your speed) you would be able to keep a good feeling flow. Even without doing all the leaps fully.