PR Elite
OK, How do we change it? How do we change the government?
Voting does not work. No one gets into the White house country club unless they are brainwashed, controlled and invited.
Im not talking a revolution or war, or even any type of violence.
Somehow we have to make it cool to have a job and pay our own way. Also help others, but not support them forever.
Stop paying taxes? How about religion. I have a small ministry that is tax exempt and everyone that is part of my church is my sub-contractor.
so...When I do your job you pay my tax exempt church and I keep it all except what I pay you. The Amish kind do it. I can grow a beard!
We need to stop paying them! They are supposed to be public servants with jobs to support themselves and be president and congressmen and representatives because they love our country. NOT cause they want a job as king crap to feed there ego.
Here's the plan...