AMS takes a break!


PR Addict
Taken from their facebook post:

American Motosports, LLC

Matt and I would like to thank all of our wonderful, loyal customers and staff that have supported us over the last 12 years. Over these past 12 years we have held over 296 outdoor mx races and 126 indoor races. That is a total of 424 races. Most motocross promoters will never come close to that number in their lifetimes of promoting.
In these 12 years we have operated 2 other businesses and went from having 2 children to now having 4 (Ages: 16, 15, 5 & 3 yrs). Needless to say things are always very busy for us. Unfortunately, it has become overwhelming and although it was an extremely difficult decision because we feel that we are letting down this great motocross community, we have to take care of things at home first. We have decided that we will not be scheduling any races for the 2014 season at this time. We are not going out of business. We will still have our AMA Promoter Charter. And we will still have our track outside of Broadway. In the future if we feel like it is time, then we can schedule something at that time but right now we need time to figure out our own personal and business goals and most importantly we need time to be with our family. Thank you all again! And before anyone asks….. Yes, we are still racing in Columbus this Saturday, December 7th. The 2013 racing season isn’t over yet! Hope to see you there!


PR Addict
This begs the question; who's gonna run the fair races next year? Some of those races are an integral part of those county fairs.


PR Member
I raced the series all year, even though I wasnt hitting everything jump wise, I had a good time, it was well run and fun. This is too bad yet another blow for racing locally. There is a big difference race wise from now vs back in the 80's and early 90's when I raced it is pretty alarming actually what is happening

Taken from their facebook post:

American Motosports, LLC

Matt and I would like to thank all of our wonderful, loyal customers and staff that have supported us over the last 12 years. Over these past 12 years we have held over 296 outdoor mx races and 126 indoor races. That is a total of 424 races. Most motocross promoters will never come close to that number in their lifetimes of promoting.
In these 12 years we have operated 2 other businesses and went from having 2 children to now having 4 (Ages: 16, 15, 5 & 3 yrs). Needless to say things are always very busy for us. Unfortunately, it has become overwhelming and although it was an extremely difficult decision because we feel that we are letting down this great motocross community, we have to take care of things at home first. We have decided that we will not be scheduling any races for the 2014 season at this time. We are not going out of business. We will still have our AMA Promoter Charter. And we will still have our track outside of Broadway. In the future if we feel like it is time, then we can schedule something at that time but right now we need time to figure out our own personal and business goals and most importantly we need time to be with our family. Thank you all again! And before anyone asks….. Yes, we are still racing in Columbus this Saturday, December 7th. The 2013 racing season isn’t over yet! Hope to see you there!


PR Founding Father
I did not race the fair races, but usually raced AMSs outdoor track in Broadway. After some of the races this year, this does not surprise me at all. We kept hearing that Matt was getting burnt out, and it seemed that way.

Hate to see a SW Ohio Series track go away. Hopefully a year away will refresh Matt, and he gets back into the racing business. My suggestion with the piece of ground he has would be to increase the size of his local track there in Broadway, and step away from the grind of building and holding all the fair races throughout the week.

Wish him the best of luck in whatever he and his family do. Thanks for all the good races over the years.


PR Founding Father
I just wanted to say a huge thanks to Matt and Amy! I enjoyed working for them during a few indoors and fair races... It is ALL ABOUT FAMILY - Enjoy your break, create those memories with your children.. There will be plenty of time again for racing, when they are all grown!

Best Wishes!
Connie Sickels


PR Founding Father
Yeah, I always had fun at their races. I was unforntunate in not being able to support them by racing over the past few years, but maybe when they come back, I'll be in a better position to as well. Good luck and thanks Matt and Amy! :)


PR Addict
This is very sad news indeed! I hope they are just taking a break and not affected by the declining local scene of MX.

More and more owners of tracks are closing the doors to racing. In my area two other tracks are considering going to practice only days and/or becoming training only facilities only. Broome-Tioga is considering this as the local crowd has abandoned them and the race scene there is just a shell of it's former national track.

Another may be forced to close. Doublin gap May be gone also. I am not their biggest fan, but now their community is pushing for no overnight camping. This looks like it is going to be upheld Also, there are noise ordinance issues also. If this is the case, I hear that they too will become a training facility and quit promoting races at Doublin Gap. Here is the article on the camping problem...

Soon the only racing will be Loretta Lynn qualifiers and practice days. Go out and support the local racetracks. I like what the owner of BriarcliffMX has to say. Never met him, but he is passionate. If I didn't live 5 hours away, I would be there at all his races. Unfortunately, he is, but I plan to attend one (or more) next year.

Support the local tracks! They are the backbone of the sport!!