Legal recreational cannabis


PR Founding Father
I have not one time said I need to make decisions for anyone. However using that logic is saying we dont need a judicial system! Seriously, who has the right to say you cant go kill your neighbor because he pissed you off?
If it is only the judicial system that restrains you from killing another person then I understand why you would seek guidance in this as well.

I can be certain that no one was killed in an attempt to transport my dirt bike from Japan to the USA
I know the DEA isnt after the importers of my bike
I know by purchasing my dirt bike Im not funding terrorists nor drug dealers selling to kids

If these are truly your concerns, legalization would snuff all of them.


PR Elite
If it is only the judicial system that restrains you from killing another person then I understand why you would seek guidance in this as well.

If these are truly your concerns, legalization would snuff all of them.

No the judicial system doesnt stop me, my morality does. But with the logic on restraint you are portraying in this discussion who is to stop the person with a morality that doesnt match ours on that topic? Restraining that person with the judicial system from murder is no more right to him than this argument about pot is to you. There in lies the big problem, a way to hold a society accountable for their actions in a way that every one will agree to. Impossible on middle ground topics.

I dont believe that legalization will snuff all those problems, you do. Where is the right answer? Who is to say we are to follow one road or the other? I can find reports and studies to justify both sides.

Damn it man, I am running out of google searches to get people a buzz about this!


PR Founding Father
No the judicial system doesnt stop me, my morality does. But with the logic on restraint you are portraying in this discussion who is to stop the person with a morality that doesnt match ours on that topic?
Stop paralleling the killing of another person to legalizing weed.

I dont believe that legalization will snuff all those problems, you do.
I know the environment we have now help to create and continues to perpetuate the issues you listed.
Hershey you haven't even begun to search. You need to enter truth before you do your next Google search no offense but you'll see more factual info. That article is full of made up bs. The judicial system helps very few if any, it is the system that's failed us. As for cannabis use going down that's false, more people use it today than ever before because it is socially accepted and does don't cause the problems drugs(Alcohol) do. It is a herb with lots of uses. And for the biggest bs, the gateway theory. Pills and Alcohol are the first substances most humans come in contact with, which leads the way to others, not cannabis. I've seen people over the years get hooked on the pills from racing injury's which then leads right to the H s**t. I've never seen pot do that. I've known people who use the indica strain of cannabis for pain relief instead of pills to avoid the deadly addiction of opiates
Its all good but us pot heads are winning. Try a little cannabis sometime you might enjoy it. Sativa for the daytime and Indica for the night.

Live to ride and enjoy life.


PR Addict
I'm not okay, your not okay...and that is okay.....

Dead horse thread here....Everyone will have their own opinion on this matter and fight to try and prove they are right....nobody wins...but we all learn things along the way for better or for worse

Now... who wants to talk about e-cigarettes versus smoking actual cigarettes ?


PR Elite
Give it up Hershey, the pot stir award was a one and done, just like gp's....pun intended

Haha... yeah I guess its time to quit. I cant find anymore off the wall arguments against it in google. It was fun while it lasted.

Honestly I dont really care, if I did I wouldnt hang out with lots of people I do.

Settle down Sharc!


PR Founding Father
Give the GP's one more shot....

The weed thread was a good run hershey. Not nearly as good of a run as the Roman Candle thread.............


PR Addict
Sooooo.... Thought I'd bring back hersheys favorite thread besides the Dungey one... I must not watch the news enough because I just learned that Ohio will vote on legalization of Marijuana this November with issue 3...not sure yet on my feelings for this one. On one hand I think my dad who suffered a stroke and a aneurysm could benefit possibly with his daily pain but the other hand thinks once you open pandoras box... Takers anyone?


PR Founding Father
Only problem I see is the monopoly for the select growers. Kinda like casinos. Will benefit A few growers. Will take in a lot of tax.