How did you get started in racing?

My uncle was a partner in a local Suzuki shop, there was no escaping it. First race was on an lt50 at the Columbus indoors in 1985. I kept the plaque through the years because it had "coors" on it, and I used to think that was cool when I was a kid. Good marketing beer companies. Btw, I would consider that race to be a fair race, I think it was at the fairgrounds. I think it was in the coliseum? Old guys chime in. I'm not even sure where the heck it was. It was rinky dink enough to be a fair regardless.

Yeah, the Fairgrounds Coliseum was bad@$$ back in the day when Drew ran it. Had fun there even before I was racing...

How did I get started in racing? Well, the short of it was Hartford Nationals and Honda Hills. My first race was at Honda Hills after a dude about killed me there, but I don't remember that. Just what folks have told me about it. The long story? We don't have time for that... ;)
I had no Ideal you had family ties to happy hollow Chris-I always sort of like that track, I think I still have a bumper sticker "I raced Happy Hollow" something like that

Yeap that was us... Track was pretty narrow but we worked with what we had. Best part was 90% or the track was in shade with all the trees around... Worst part was all the darn trees around. On the starting line for my first race, my father leaned over to me and said 'Everyone is starting in second gear, you should too" I had NEVER tried to start in second gear, ever... I revved the hell out of my '79 yz80 and when the rubber band was pulled, I dumped the clutch. It nearly flipped me off the back. (I still have the picture of it on my wall in my old room at Mom and Dads house). Got to the first turn in 16th of course last... ended up 5th. I think some punk kid by the name of Mike Blair was right ahead of me.... I still have the trophy. My Dad ran the starting line, cousin turned the 1-2 board, Mom sister and aunt were scores, Uncle was the announcer, Every yellow flagger was a family member and the ref was another uncle... How in the hell did I not win? Ok, my family does not love me...
I was about to graduate from college and would finally be in a financial situation to buy a motocross bike. I had never ridden anything but a moped before then, but I knew I wanted to race motocross. I even told my then girlfriend, now wife, that I was planning on racing dirtbikes someday. She was cool with it, so I kept her around for a while (18 years and counting). Anyway, after saving and buying my first bike at the age of 25 I started riding regularly. After about a year of 'practicing', I hit my first race at Summit Indoor in the 250C class. I finished mid-pack I think. That was in 1998. Been hooked ever since.
I got into riding (farm fields and woods) through a buddy in elemetary school around 1982-83. He had an Italjet 50. I lived on a farm literally 10 minutes from Kenworthy's and rode every day I could.

My first exposure to racing was my oldests sister's boyfriend, whose name is long gone in my memory. I remember going to Hara arena in 85 (?) to watch him race a one-off AX. Discovered Kenworthy's in my backyard in 1988. First race in 1989, first job (in high school) working at Honda of Troy, still IN Troy; 1991.

How close were they? My old address was 4025 Tipp Elizabeth Rd, Tipp City. KW was 2308 Ebberts Rd, Troy. HoT was 701 N Market St, Troy. Look 'em up. You know you want too...
My dad became a member of the Dayton Motorcycle Club in 1966. So my dad and uncles all rode. At 4 I rode a CT 70 that I could not touch the ground on. My dad bought me a 1974 Yamaha GT 80 that I rode for a few years. I got a year old '79 YZ 100 that I rode all the time. Dad would take me to DMC to ride the track and we would trail ride together with friends. My Dad rode Huskys he bought off Phil Alderton (Flipper) back when he had a tiny little Husky shop. In 1983 I helped buy my first new bike, a 1983 YZ 125. The whole time I was riding motorcycles I was racing BMX on a National level though the 80s. Raced BMX until I graduated high school in 1988. Last year I raced, we raced something like 27 Nationals. So, I was just getting burnt out. Started college, and bought a new YZ250, and in the summer of 1988, decided to race motocross after riding on MX tracks for all those years, and racing BMX for a long time. First race probably had 20 plus on the gate in the C class, and I believe I went something like 5-4 in the motos for 5th overall.

From that point on, I raced motocross, and started buying new bikes every year, and had some success in the C class, and B class in the 90s. I always loved motocross, and just wish I had started it sooner, for all those years I was racing BMX all over the country.
My uncle was a partner in a local Suzuki shop, there was no escaping it. First race was on an lt50 at the Columbus indoors in 1985. I kept the plaque through the years because it had "coors" on it, and I used to think that was cool when I was a kid. Good marketing beer companies. Btw, I would consider that race to be a fair race, I think it was at the fairgrounds. I think it was in the coliseum? Old guys chime in. I'm not even sure where the heck it was. It was rinky dink enough to be a fair regardless.

Hey, I got one of those!


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always rode street bmx and mtn bikes growing up, a few kids had dirtbikes and rode on a property in the woods near my house, we would sit and watch them ride for hours. made a deal with my dad, brought home good grades and he bought me a 1997 kx100. rode on the property near my house for a few weeks until someone got hurt and they shut it down, I had a bike and no where to ride. my dad ran into pete kern at a gas station, im sure some people on this board would recognize that name, him and his son chris were on there way to ride and my dad asked for some info on where to ride and they exchanged numbers, they introduced us to the sport and to ama d12, been on bikes ever since.
My best friend growing up raced MX at Pymatuning, Broken Spokes, and Malvern starting in 1993 through 1995 (or thereabouts). He was a little tike on a Yamaha 50. After 2 years he gave it up. In 1998 or 99, my brother's friend raced his 400ex "Couch" at Malvern. I was hooked then. I loved atvs (grew up around utility ones too). I have been around them/racing, but couldn't afford my own until I turned 19. I bought a couch (atv) and racing MX since. I don't care if you have 2, 3, or 4 wheels or even a gator 6x6. If you are riding, racing, and having a good time, I have no complaints.

I continue to race some MX, hit the ATV Nationals, and try to follow SX. Lately, I am turning into the pro-practicer. I blame Georgie for not buying the 50 acres across the street from him or the other piece of property behind that one. No places to ride that are relatively close to home.
My best friend growing up raced MX at Pymatuning, Broken Spokes, and Malvern starting in 1993 through 1995 (or thereabouts). He was a little tike on a Yamaha 50. After 2 years he gave it up. In 1998 or 99, my brother's friend raced his 400ex "Couch" at Malvern. I was hooked then. I loved atvs (grew up around utility ones too). I have been around them/racing, but couldn't afford my own until I turned 19. I bought a couch (atv) and racing MX since. I don't care if you have 2, 3, or 4 wheels or even a gator 6x6. If you are riding, racing, and having a good time, I have no complaints.

I continue to race some MX, hit the ATV Nationals, and try to follow SX. Lately, I am turning into the pro-practicer. I blame Georgie for not buying the 50 acres across the street from him or the other piece of property behind that one. No places to ride that are relatively close to home.

Lol! Dude, I know. That soil is NAASSTY. Sandy mix. People would love it. Lets buy the property 50/50!
The way I got into riding was one of my neighbors had an old mini bike frame that I talked my dad into buying. My dad's friend had a local body shop so they teamed up and painted the frame metal flake purple with white wheels it was super Cool! I think it had a 3 ½ hp power B&S motor. After getting my feet wet on that for a bit, I had another neighbor that was selling a JT1 mini 60, so I ended up with that. As I recall at some point we had to take the 60 to our local Yamaha dealer (tri-county Yamaha before it was Shipps) to get something fixed. While we were there I saw a Brand New 1977 YZ80 D and somehow convinced my dad into trading in the mini 60 for that YZ80.

Shortly after getting the YZ80 my parents decided to build a new home in West Chester, Ohio I guess the moto gods were looking out for me because we moved right next door to Steve Gifford a then very fast mini senior rider with a totally Bad Ass E.C. Bert YZ80. I would go over to his house all the time and help with bike prep (actually learned a lot) I ended up going to a few races with Steve and his family and got hooked (I met a lot of local pros through Steve, riders like Bret Rader, Mike Bias, Randy Bryant, Eddie Forsythe and flipper Alderton), at some point in 79 I ended up with his year old 78 YZ125 for a little bit. My first race was at Dirt Country MX in 1980 on a 1979 MX175 (basically a stripped down version of a 1979 DT175) I raced the 200 class and got 7th out of 7th still have the trophy. I recently saw Steve after 20 plus years and pointed out how much he effected my life and didn’t even realize it. He taught me a lot about using the front brake and always elbows up riding style that a lot of people didn't have back then. Had I not moved in next door to Steve Gifford I might not be typing this . . . .
This goes out to CK1racerX enjoy...

Being from KY and all I guess we all got started in racing the same way.

Most of us headed up to Kenworthys or Dirt Country and parked next to someone with Ohio plates (knowing those like to bench race more actual race) and once they started visiting with their neighbors about AMA this or District 11 that we just stole their bike, gear and sometimes their girlfriends and headed back home to the Bluegrass and started ripping it up....

Good times...
This goes out to CK1racerX enjoy...

Being from KY and all I guess we all got started in racing the same way.

Most of us headed up to Kenworthys or Dirt Country and parked next to someone with Ohio plates (knowing those like to bench race more actual race) and once they started visiting with their neighbors about AMA this or District 11 that we just stole their bike, gear and sometimes their girlfriends and headed back home to the Bluegrass and started ripping it up....

Good times...

You dick... I had a bike stole at Dirt Country in '85
My Dad raced flat track in Nor Cal in the late 60's and when we moved to Alaska he bought a Greeves and raced "scrambles". I went to the races to cheer him on and was hooked on bikes. He wrecked during a race, badly breaking his upper arm and Mom said "no more". So he built flat head Ford's and went stock car racing. When he got out of the Air Force we moved to Ohio and I convinced him to get me a Briggs powered mini bike at a yard sale for $10. We fixed it up and I rode the piss out of it on the farm and went up to a Rockford 60cc then a Kawasaki G4TR 100cc. Moved on to a Penton 125 to ride with my friends and later swapped it for a Can-Am TnT enduro that I raced my first HS at Canal Fulton in late 1978. I was hooked. I sold the Can-Am for a year old 78 RM125C and raced my first MX 35 years ago. Damn. I am old.
My Dad raced flat track in Nor Cal in the late 60's and when we moved to Alaska he bought a Greeves and raced "scrambles". I went to the races to cheer him on and was hooked on bikes. He wrecked during a race, badly breaking his upper arm and Mom said "no more". So he built flat head Ford's and went stock car racing. When he got out of the Air Force we moved to Ohio and I convinced him to get me a Briggs powered mini bike at a yard sale for $10. We fixed it up and I rode the piss out of it on the farm and went up to a Rockford 60cc then a Kawasaki G4TR 100cc. Moved on to a Penton 125 to ride with my friends and later swapped it for a Can-Am TnT enduro that I raced my first HS at Canal Fulton in late 1978. I was hooked. I sold the Can-Am for a year old 78 RM125C and raced my first MX 35 years ago. Damn. I am old.

Where was your first MX?
I love hearing these stories. Its just cool how guys find the greatest sport in the world.
a Can-Am TnT enduro that I raced my first HS at Canal Fulton in late 1978. I was hooked. I sold the Can-Am for a year old 78 RM125C and raced my first MX 35 years ago. Damn. I am old.

I worked there in the late 80's while I raced! I worked with the track owner Steve at the time...

My Dad rode scrambles in the 60's, never really that fast he just had fun. I was hooked at 3 just watching. At 5-6 I got a yamaha 60. Red with the white stripe on the fender. I was always small ( still am hence Georgies warning about CK1 and his weight in the first corner) so I couldnt touch the ground. Spent some time coasting down hills til my dad was confident I could ride it. I rode the wheels off that bike. I was the one kid in the neighborhood with a bike. I was the epitome of unsafe riding habits. At 8-10 years old I rode down the rail road tracks for hours alone! SIngle mom parenting bs....anyway I had that same crappy bike rode to $hit til I was 15. I missed 3 years out of that living out of country. Came home to the same bike for about half a summer til it finally grenaded the trans.

I bought a clapped out bent framed 1980 CR80 in 84 I think. Dad took me to Crash and Burn ( later Grand Prix Raceway ) in Canal fulton. Lived 10 min from the place. He only let me ride the bike on a practice day. In 86 I bought a 1981 RM125. By this time I had 2 reallygood riding friends.

I dont know why, no one I knew raced, I wanted to race. Dad would never let me so at the big age of 18 and out of the home stead I went to Grand Prix and signed up for my first Harescramble. Funny thing is Dad went along with me. Go figure. I have the trophy still some place but I did good and never stopped. Bought a piece of junk 86 RM250 and raced that half a year then went on a yamaha spree. I bought a brand new 1990 YZ250 and went racing every single weekend after! I started racing MX in 94 I think. Malvern it was. Found some new riding friends and we raced 2-3 nights a week for a couple of years. Back before the AMA ruined racing and Obama ruined the economy.

I have made a ridiculous amount of good friends through the years because of my addiction to racing and riding. Of course none of them will admit to it.
this goes out to ck1racerx enjoy...

Being from ky and all i guess we all got started in racing the same way.

Most of us headed up to kenworthys or dirt country and parked next to someone with ohio plates (knowing those like to bench race more actual race) and once they started visiting with their neighbors about ama this or district 11 that we just stole their bike, gear and sometimes their girlfriends and headed back home to the bluegrass and started ripping it up....

Good times...

i knew it!!!
I was hooked when I saw Bob Hannah on wide world of sports. We rode around on XR 75 ,s till I bought my first bike with my own cash...a 76 YZ 80.
Went off to college and smoked weed for 15 years before getting back into riding when my son was born in 1996. Been high on bikes only since.
This is me on my first machine, 7 on believe. Old skool, no helmet, cut-off shirt and sears shoes. Lol. I was intrigued by flat trackers at the local fairgrounds. As I grew older my passion for motocross became my focus. I was lucky enough to grow up in a neighborhood full of kids with bikes, trikes and quads. We had miles of trails and met every day with the same common goal, to Moto! I became obsessed with riding. I went through several bikes, mini trail, MR 50, XR75, DS 80, clapped out "81" RM 80. Then I got my first real race bike, "86" RM 80 and I begged my dad to let me race. I built a track with a shovel, I spent 8 hours a day digging and about 2 riding. When the jumps became easy I spent more time digging. I actually lowered the floor of my parent's property 2 feet to get dirt to build the jumps I wanted. I stacked bales of hay and then buried them in dirt to make doubles, triples and a tabletop. I built a watering system out of a 55 gallon steel drum that I pulled behind my XR. I grew up a few miles away from Troy Graham and would frequent his practice track. I had to sneak the back fields and roads to get there without my mom knowing. I often just watched Troy and his dad test and tune, wishing that my dad would do the same. Dad worked 70-80 hrs a week and was only home at dark. This was actually a good thing, it taught me to work on my own stuff. If it broke I fixed it, I was rebuilding top ends at 12. I was also only a stones throw from Bill Leake's parents. His nephew and I were good friends and moto'd. It was Bill that persuaded my dad to let me race. Dad figured one and done. Wrong! Weaver's, 80 class, I placed 14th. It became a family affair. Dad had Wednesdays off, practice at Honda Hills. We raced every chance we had. That was the glue that bonded our family. Now here I am with my son, bonding in the best of ways. I can't wait to hear his stories some day. On an ending note, it took renting a dozer to flatten out the track I built with a shovel. My dad became the best test and tuner a son could ever want.


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