PR Founding Father
Holy crap J.O. - you're only on there twice! I know you've got some awesome events on your plate over there for this season - will the BC site have a schedule posted anytime soon?
Less events you have; the more hungry racers are to participate.....expect those days to packed chock full.....o' nuts. MOTO NUTS!!!

My other predictions: June 22nd will have 400+ riders show up to OIR for Bike only Pro Day.
Jason Rogers may or may not have bags under his eyes after this long stretch.....Apparently he does not want to sleep, at all.
July 25th – Knox County Fair (Friday)
July 28th– Medina County Fair (Tuesday)
Aug. 6th – Richland County Fair (Wednesday)
Aug. 7th – Holmes County Fair (Thursday)
Aug. 10th – Malvern, Battle for Ohio State Championship Round #2
Lake county fair will most likely be in this block....