Scoob, my miss guided, sleeple little buddy. We are not against people making money from the industry. I'm all for EVERYONE making as much as they can. What I don't like is the monopoly that the AMA amateur national championship has become. I just want other tracks and Promoters to have the
OPPERTUNITY to hold that event. How would you feel if that event was held in say, Nashport? or any other of the thousand or so tracks that pour hours of time and money into their facility just to make a buck or two?
Your hero Obama is all about taking from the rich and / or working class and giving to the poor and lazy. Why are you not on board with this idea?
Sleeple? Never been called that before. Not certain how I should take that as I do not know what it means. I'll take it as a compliment. Thanks Knoxville!
Naw, I see your point...kinda, but I felt the same about Bill Gates and his so called monopoly. Did he and/or Coombs hold a gun to peeps heads and make them buy their product/service? I think not. They just provide a "superior" product of the competion (well, at least one more peeps pay for) that folks have latched on to. That's not their fault. It was kinda thier goal.
Sure, competition is good, but not just for the sake of competition. When you say "that event", you meaning the championship at Loretta's? If so, that's where it's at. The goal is to get there. It's not the Stuperbowl. All sorts of tracks get their chance to hold an area and/or a regional. Sure, the Coombs familia seems to own more and more of them ???, but if it's not working, it's not working. Take Steel City for example. Not sure why it wasn't working, but... Also, more different tracks are getting their chance every year.
The cost? Well yeah, YOUR hero Oblama likes to make things that way through taxes and taking $$ from the rich so in turn drives them to make more. If your income was reduced 10% or so just because someone feels you should have to pay for someone who feels not only they do not have enough, but they don't want to do anything to work for it, would you be OK with that? No, you'd do what you could to replace it. It's an expensive sport. Obviously more and more folks are paying for it.
We see eye to eye on some things it seems, just not others. All good. Lord knows we do not want everyone thinking like me...umm, nor yourself I am guessing. All good. Your constant bashing and complaining you guys do finally hit a cord last night. It's your right to voice your silly opinion as it is mine. We're good..well, better..well, OK anyways.
Take cares Emerson. As you were...