PR Founding Father
I was wondering for a while what the heck THRONE was in there for. I guess now I finally realized he is trying to spell THORN. I guess that's another tough word like YOUR and YOU'
Anyway, I can't help but think in a way that this insurance is an example of what's wrong with our country. I ride dirt bikes by choice, I hurt myself, and now I'm expecting someone to pay me so I make a profit from my injury?
I mean it's one thing to have insurance to help pay uncovered medical bills, etc when injured/disabled and unable to work. But making a profit from injuring yourself in a sporting activity somehow seems fraudulent to me.
LOL! I had to read it a few times before I actually got what I think he was trying to say....
Yeah, I was kinda thinking along your lines Pit at first, but the medical arena is a crazy game. Charge high 'cause you know insurance isn't going to pay all of it, etc., etc. As far as the supplemental insurance, if their not making money, they wouldn't be doing it. They wait until someone like me who used to get hurt all the time to finally slow down, but keep the insurance "just in case"...although I have slowed, I don't seem to be done quite yet...
Maybe you need Taco bell today then?
Meal Deal 3 please with a Mt. Dew!!
The real fraud is the hospital inflating charges. $107 for a bag lactated ringers when they get the back for $6.
They charge you 1900 for the ER visit. When they spent $200 in supplies. They charged you $94 for an iv stick and they pay me 1 minute of of my hourly wage to start the iv. The adjustment block of the insurance claims are interesting.
I agree, but it's a vicious circle. You have those that do not pay anyway so we that do have to pay for them as well as the un and under insured folks. For those that have few medical incindents and/or the money to cover expenses without insurance get the most raw deal when charged and pay, but they may come out in the end on top due to not paying overinflated medical insurance costs due to having to the insurance companies having to cover the cost of every Tom, Dick, & Hershey that want to sue them!! (kidding on the Heshey part. Thinking that's supposed to be Harry.
'Tis the Democrat way. Oblamma just trying to add to the issue. Sure, Canadians have "free" healthcare, but they pay for it in getting substandard care I would think. What would be the incentive for a doctor to be better than the next when they all get paid the same? Out of the goodness of their heart? Please...some may do this to an extent, but we all work to get paid, not because it makes us feel good about ourselves. Let's be honest...