2 stroke starting after rebuild.


PR Addict
I have an 04 cr125 I just put a new bottom end in, last summer I did the same with a 99. My last one I did after a complete rebuild it wouldnt start after kicking and kicking over and over, had perfect comp, great spark, but fuel wasnt making it to the cylinder. Bump started it and bam, fired right up like nothing and ran great and started first kick everytime after that. Same situation with my 04 I'm working on now, everything is as it should be but will not kick start. Havent got around to taking it out to bump start yet but was wondering if anyone else has had this issue? Is it common, it almost seems like just kicking it isnt enough to get the fuel mixture to the top end alone. Any input would be helpfull, thanks.


PR Elite
The only thing I can think is, are you lubing the piston and cylinder with 2 stroke oil on assembly ? Maybe you are over doing it? I know that if you use too much it can cause a knocking sound for a few seconds on start up so maybe its causing a no start issue with yours?


PR Addict
I use assembly lube on all bearings, I usually just wipe the cylander and piston down with a clean oiled rag so its not running dry till it gets fuel throughout the engine. Maybe thats my issue, could i just take a little bit of oil and poor down in the cylinder rather then pull the whole top end off?


PR Addict
Havent messed with it since I tried the first time, it's got great comp and spark. Just wont fire up, the last cr I did acted exactly the same after top and bottom end build, bumped it once and fired up and ran great ever since. Almost like it needed primmed the first time because it always started one kick no matter what after that. Just wondering if theres a rebuild step I'm not doing.


PR Addict
Yeah, I'll prob give that a shot later. Just thought it was strange both my cr's did the same thing after the rebuilds. Thought maybe it was something I was doing. lol