It seems we can never find middle ground. It is right or it is left.
That's true, I think, because some people, that make money on espousing entrenched positions and talking points,
have convinced other people to never compromise no matter how stupid the position.
I don't believe that any Pitracer denizen seriously believes that an 8 or 9 year old kid should be hustled
onto a plane and sent back to wherever without some process to see if that is the best thing for the
kid. We don't do that to stray dogs.
But finding a solution to the issue of unaccompanied kids coming here because they think
they'll be better off demands compromise on all sides. We need to somehow stop them and
the people that sent them from thinking it's a good idea and still treat them as otherwise
innocent kids. Yelling that they'll get free insurance (they won't) or that we need a better
fence with armed troops (hasn't worked and won't) or that we should just let all illegal
immigrants become citizens (made things worse when Reagan tried it ) doesn't help and
prevents compromises that would help.