What is your most prideful moment while on a dirtbike?

First year I ever raced, a friend of mine convinced me to race harescrambles. I had only raced a few times before that. That season I won my class for the year.

My Lord that was 23 years ago. Time flies.
1989 Axton Virginia. First pro national I ever qualified for! I remember it like it was yesterday. Learned that day what it took to ride a motorcycle for 30+2 twice. Also learned that I wasn't in near good enough shape. HAHA
Mine was a hare scramble in East Palestine
Was my first ever race and I got first place in my class
Was 1978 and was riding a brand new RM125C
Still have that very first trophy
Any of you guys remember this?
Was from one of my earliest races from around 1978


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Either in '82 at High Point, during the race in early May right before the nationals there, I got second behind Denny Swartz on my Maico in the open A class. Dave Sr encouraged me to try the national in a couple weeks but I didn't have a Pro or Pro-am license yet. Or, in '84 riding for Dirty Harry's KTM at High Point I got 10th on Saturday before the Sunday nationals in open A class. Was told I qualified for Sunday's program, but again I didn't have the Pro-am license.
Mike, That was my first National i qualified for also. You had to of been riding a 125. Knox also qualified that day.
Yeap, I was on the five hundy that day. Rode like crap and got like mid 20's. I do remember the tight section up by the fence being full of sharp edge holes. Riding though there on the white flag I said out loud. "Thank GOD I never have to ride here again". And yes, I said the same thing the next year. Not exactly a moment I am proud of.
crazy how we can remember specific details of a track we rode 25 f'ing years ago but I forget the wives birthday every year. You would think she would figure out what is more important to me and leave...but NO....
Chris you raced the 250 that day. You and i ended up battling in one of those motos. I thought we could've stayed home and done this. Chuck Reed was there also but he didn't make it in.
That's right. One too many concussions. But I know I remember those holes in the track. And the mass amount of arm pump as a result.
I thought that track was awesome. After 30 plus 2 twice i think we all went home with our pride in our girlfriends purses.
Mike, That was my first National i qualified for also. You had to of been riding a 125. Knox also qualified that day.

Yeah, riding an RM 125 that year. That was possibly my favorite bike of all time. I love that track. Haven't been back down there since I quit riding nationals but I have always wanted to go back.
crazy how we can remember specific details of a track we rode 25 f'ing years ago but I forget the wives birthday every year. You would think she would figure out what is more important to me and leave...but NO....
Thats funny!
Mike how did you end up that day. I went 26 27 for 26 overall. Speaking of fast Ohio riders anyone heard from Mark Mussleman he was super fast on Hondas then Ktm before they were popular. Maybe he is lurking or just dropped off the radar.
I seen Mark early spring. I could not believe my eye. He actually has a belly.
He is just living the normal live. Kid in college and working the same place he did in high school. We talked about riding again, at least doing some vintage stuff with me but I think he is over it. But like all of us, just a taste would get him back in.