Giant helicopter over my head.

I'm confused... Riding a motorcycle at high rates of speed, jumping 50+ feet through the air, and banging bars with the guys next to you is safe. But, God forbid someone flies a 10-15lb helicopter over your head while you ride a 200lb machine that could kill you the instant you make a mistake even with your helmet, neck brace, chest protector, and/or other safety equipment being worn. Don't even remind me about the drive to and from the track, that must be like riding in a chariot guarded by angels.
You're right the ambulance wasn't there for the drone. I don't think it was ever a safety issue. The footage they get is pretty sweet. We're going to see them more and more at tracks. I'd love to own one myself. We just have to expect some people just aren't going to like big brother hovering over their heads.
You're right the ambulance wasn't there for the drone. I don't think it was ever a safety issue. The footage they get is pretty sweet. We're going to see them more and more at tracks. I'd love to own one myself. We just have to expect some people just aren't going to like big brother hovering over their heads.
I agree. the footage was good and we will start seeing more and more of them. note it wasn't just a 4 prop drone it was a true heli with a go pro.
If the camera wielding machine were just a drone I would be on board with all the people knocking Knox for being overly grumpy on that extremely windy day. However, if I read it correctly this was a remote controlled helicopter with a 6' open rotor span that probably weighs 80-100 lbs. I get where he is coming from, yeah we ride dirt bikes but you are in control of your own bike. I understand nobody got hurt, he had permission and the operator is supposed to be experienced. But if that thing was close over my camp in those weather conditions I would have been nervous too.

Now the little $400 drones that weigh 4-5 lbs with enclosed rotors ...... have at it!

The shots from above are really cool!
If the camera wielding machine were just a drone I would be on board with all the people knocking Knox for being overly grumpy on that extremely windy day. However, if I read it correctly this was a remote controlled helicopter with a 6' open rotor span that probably weighs 80-100 lbs. I get where he is coming from, yeah we ride dirt bikes but you are in control of your own bike. I understand nobody got hurt, he had permission and the operator is supposed to be experienced. But if that thing was close over my camp in those weather conditions I would have been nervous too.

Now the little $400 drones that weigh 4-5 lbs with enclosed rotors ...... have at it!

The shots from above are really cool!

like I said earlier. I Knox has a good point and I understand everyone's concern but note the direction of the wind and where he was flying. Other than the two minutes or so that he was over the pits. If he had complications that caused him to go down..well He was high up, down wind, and also was over the track. if it fell it would fall away from the pits and only hit the dirt on the track due to the wind alone. I think after this talk he will take even more precautions than he already does to prevent from hurting anyone and keep it safe. I mean all he was doing is idling around with a camera. the winds that day were nothing for that heli. check out his YouTube page MXRACER3651. if he is going to go down it will not be while idling around. the guy does some crazy s**t flipping that SOB around.
The gopro makes for a better target. If you have the right to fly it over my head without my consent, I have the right to shot it out of the sky without your consent. I have control of my firearm. I have years of experience... right?
Im not a gun guy, but see my point?
The best example I can think of is the NFL. They use a camera mounted on wires over the field and not a heli or drone. WHY? because of the safety of the spectators and players.
Now if they can keep the players from beating their children and wives...

That goodyear blimp is a huge hazard. If that SOB comes down.....half the stadium comes down.
That goodyear blimp is a huge hazard. If that SOB comes down.....half the stadium comes down.
Come on man, your better then that. Everyone knows the blimp is a "lighter then air ship". If it comes down, just treat it like a beach ball and bounce it back up. No damage and no one hurt... Im telling you, some people... get your facts straight before you post....o_O
95 cr is in my garage collecting dust until my dad takes it to a track.

The 125 is the winter project now. Wheels, ohlins and Athena 144. That shits expensive. Should be done atleast by August of 2016.
That is the coolest video of riding i have seen yet
Still it wasnt done over a big crowd of people
this looks like it was a more controlled video shoot and well done
I would bet everyone there was well aware of the heli being present and were well alert
I ride bikes knowing the risks, I sign a release knowing the risks of motocross.
I do not want to be put at risk of someone playing around with a flying guillotine!

Twist it however you want. I will throw rocks at it when I see it near me. I mean play catch with rocks with my kids.
Dont worry I have great rock control and it should not be an issue.

Once again some person with a single interest of their own wants to make rules that the masses have to deal with, cuz they think they are entitled.
Three pages for a helicopter drone thingy but 2 posts only about this weekend and the MXDN? I'm a benchracer but can at least admit it... And riding season ain't even over yet... Winter months should be interesting