Bubba banned for 2015.

Im still trying to figure out any benefit the sport gets for have ANY association with the FIM? Why do we need them? Did they help grow the sport in OUR country? HELL NO
If I would involved in the AMA, it would be my first mission to end any and all relationship with other outside organizations that bring NOTHING to the table.

It does not effect me in any way if Bubba rides, but the simple fact that his fan base is one of, if not the largest of any current rider this issue should have been addressed in a timeframe that benefits the sport. The fact that a strong argument can be made that the drug at the root of the dispute was in fact for a medically diagnosed condition is reason enough to error on the side of discretion.
Now, the fact that the AMA was not notified or even get to weigh in on the matter is CLEARLY reason enough to sever ties with FIM.
At the end of the day, people are idiots. They are looking to blame everyone for this situation. Bubba is a grown man, and has many handlers, trainers, coaches, team managers, etc. NO ONE filed the paperwork that should have been filed. Drug testing is part of EVERY major sport in the world these days. He knew the rules. They did not follow them. They did not follow them in Millville either having a nurse show up to give him IV's, and he got caught.

So if Peyton Manning breaks the drug policy in the NFL, we let him play sunday because he has a big fan base?

At the end of the day, the penalty seems a bit harsh...BUT, he knew the rules and did not follow procedure. How about his fan base be pissed as hell at him, and call him out for being an idiot for not filing paperwork. There is way more to it than what we read probably. Just my guess.

But at the end of the day, no ones fault but Bubbas. Period.
I agree Johnny, it is his fault. His fan base should be upset. But the penalty does not fit the crime. And he is the Manning of moto.
This is a business. When Toyota had a recall on millions of cars, did they stop selling / making them until the problem was fixed? NO. (That analogy makes perfect sense in my mind but looks stupid typed out...oh well)

My one and only argument is the decision does not HELP motocross. And that's all I care about.... Oh wait...."Period"
I kinda wonder if James or Suzuki even knew about the TUE form. He files the TUE directly after failing the "medical" requirements. James has had to keep his mouth shut until this was over with...he has stated he is gonna tell his story to the public now.

I could presume with reasonable cause that they didn't know the form was required...can you just imagine all the legal smegal with all those affiliates cited in the AMA response...that is a lot of mumbo jumbo to know.

Also the FACT that Suzuki is 100% behind him gives James credibility. I am sure they had immediate serious conversation directly after they found out he failed the drug test. Maybe something like...James you come clean to us (Suzuki) now or lose your ride.

Malcolm Stewart
50 mins ·
Repost James Stewart :
The last 8 months have been very tough & honestly devastating to a degree. The Love & support Ive received from the industry & my sponsors has been truly amazing. They're has been a lot of athletes very vocal over this decision & I truly appreciate it tremendously. I'm extremely sorry that it's come down to this but it has shown me just how much this industry stands up for each other through tough situations. To my fans... I'm not gonna lie after receiv...ing this devastating news last Friday, I was honestly contemplating retiring, I felt like I couldn't fight anymore. This situation has taken a toll on me. But The support from you the fans this last 24hrs has had me nearly in tears. Reading the comments & seeing all the overwhelming letters, signs, shirts, etc has made me ready to fight & show you the fans & my sponsors what you deserve. Thanks to all of you Im gonna be around for a long time to come. Your support showed me how much you guys appreciate me so with that being said, it's gonna take a lot more then this to run me off. Thank you for literally keeping me on my bike for years to come. The louder you guys are, the more it makes me ready to be back for you. I hear you loud & clear so no matter what you will see me behind the gate doing what I love hopefully sooner than later

Copy from Facebook
The punishment is way too severe and it was solely for paperwork. He wasnt taking this for enhancement and the AMA, FIM, WADA all agree with that, otherwise he wouldnt have been granted the TUE after failing a test. SO 16 months suspension for missing paper work. Bullshit. Anyone who thinks this is even remotely close to being a proper punishment is a damn dictator. I feel sorry for your children!

From the tone of the AMA letter I too believe if this isnt addressed there will be a big shake down soon.
At the end of the day, people are idiots. They are looking to blame everyone for this situation. Bubba is a grown man, and has many handlers, trainers, coaches, team managers, etc. NO ONE filed the paperwork that should have been filed. Drug testing is part of EVERY major sport in the world these days. He knew the rules. They did not follow them. They did not follow them in Millville either having a nurse show up to give him IV's, and he got caught.

So if Peyton Manning breaks the drug policy in the NFL, we let him play sunday because he has a big fan base?

At the end of the day, the penalty seems a bit harsh...BUT, he knew the rules and did not follow procedure. How about his fan base be pissed as hell at him, and call him out for being an idiot for not filing paperwork. There is way more to it than what we read probably. Just my guess.

But at the end of the day, no ones fault but Bubbas. Period.

All they need is a riders union. They'll be able to get real crappy convictions cleaned up the stuff a riders union could do for the riders would make this tue and addeall look like child's play on tricycles.
Get on the AMA site and encourage them to dump the FIM and let Stewart ride. I already did.

Free Bubba!
He would probably just crash and pull off the first race at A1 anyway.
So what, what if it happened to your favorite rider. Rv2 gets booted.or whoever.

Let's see how it plays out.

Does the fim test for Miller Light? If so I may not race A1.