Yea, I got 3 acoustic guitars, (2- 6's and a 12). I've had my Yamaha guitar since I was 25. My discipline and playing commitment has always been hit and miss with a lot af inactive breaks aways over the years. It's tough to fit it in with any regularity when you have a busy life and other obsessions. Usually try to hit it hard in the winter. And even then it's a tough balance of splitting time between practicing method, old and new, and practice/playing songs you already know when you can only hit it for 30 minutes to an hour a day. I'm no guitarist, but I can fingerpick a couple tunes, strum a few others, and am always trying to learn blues. I once spent two years drilling hard learning to fingerpick a single song, but it was worth it.
A whole bunch of years ago I built two basement bedrooms for our boys, and when they moved out, one became the music room and my office. You really need a quiet out of the way room to practice so you don't drive everybody else in the house nuts practicing a riff or rhythm line a thousand times until you brain burn it.
And with the grandkids now, which as everybody knows "kids love music", we have a bunch of other small instruments and harmonicas and we all howl at the moon together when they are at the house. My oldest son played drums in high school band, and I kept his original snare drum, and the kids love pounding on that thing as well.
Having a small home studio with recording and video equipment for jam sessions is on my long term list. And mixing my own music with Moto video is what I really want to be able to do.
I want the music studio right next to my bike workshop.