VMD Three Moto Format for Motocross

I will have the race order posted Friday evening after registration. I leave tomorrow to start working on the track with the Log Road MX group. Hope to see everyone out there.

I leave tomorrow to start working on the track with the Log Road MX group. Alex

Speaking of the track......
Anything you can tell us about the track plans since Vintage and Post Vintage are mixed together?
Kind of a tough bill to fill to keep everybody happy going this route.

My prediction....... "MUD"
Nope not going to rain much....just enough to keep the dust down. I am a glass half full guy and to me a 50% chance means little to no rain. Plus it never rains at VMD or wait maybe it did a few times....
Nope not going to rain much....just enough to keep the dust down. I am a glass half full guy and to me a 50% chance means little to no rain. Plus it never rains at VMD or wait maybe it did a few times....

My sentiments exactly.
By this time tomorrow my oldest and I will be there, setting up in the only rain we're going to have all weekend.....
We have been watching the forecast pretty close. Though we could use a few dry-out days, us Hare Scramble Racers will suffer the worst of it on Friday.
Saturday, and Sunday may see pop up showers, but we won't be a wash out or mudfest.

The MX track will be undesirable to those that don't like scraping fender wells or washing their machines and whom prefer dry, and maybe hardpack fast course.

But..... for many of us it will be conditions only dreamed of at Mid-Ohio Vintage Motorcycle Days. No dust, deep dug, moist forgiving soil, berms, deep ruts and lines around every corner. Accelerating and braking bumps deep enough to disrupt the best drives and momentum, and blow every attempt at a clean dive in for the perfect corner railing.

Thus will be the type of track, and racing, that I revere and respect most, because it will attract the best racers, and will favor the hard core. Those tenacious motocrossers that never give up an inch of track position until checkerboard colors whip and wave.
Even then, they may race you back to the pits.
Vintage racing home of the Debbie downers

Don't you mean "Mid Ohio, home of the Debbie Downpours?" haha

I am used to hoping for rain on Saturday for the Vintage crowd to suffer through so the track is nice and tacky on Sunday....but now I have to race on both days!
Talked to Alex he said weather perfect for Friday and Saturday now and chance of late Sunday scattered stuff.

All positive from his end. He did say not many guys are signed up for Friday open practice. Free to anyone that rode vintage tour event and $10 for all others.

Also pre-entries one of highest ever. Normally about a 1/3 to 1/2 of race entries could mean 400+ entries??

Finally weather or no weather all racers need to come out and support the effort AMA is putting on for all.

Specifically Alex and Kip at AMA, the track crew from log road mx and signup/office/scoring team coming from baja mx. And Alex told starting gate provided by Jeremy at briar cliff mx. Many more too out there right now finishing track.

Thanks AMA.
Talked to Alex he said weather perfect for Friday and Saturday now and chance of late Sunday scattered stuff.

All positive from his end. He did say not many guys are signed up for Friday open practice. Free to anyone that rode vintage tour event and $10 for all others.

Also pre-entries one of highest ever. Normally about a 1/3 to 1/2 of race entries could mean 400+ entries??

Finally weather or no weather all racers need to come out and support the effort AMA is putting on for all.

Specifically Alex and Kip at AMA, the track crew from log road mx and signup/office/scoring team coming from baja mx. And Alex told starting gate provided by Jeremy at briar cliff mx. Many more too out there right now finishing track.

Thanks AMA.
How do you sign up for Fridays practice? Did I miss something?
I don't know exact sign up process but Alex at AMA had list of eligible riders that can practice for free based on their riding other 2015 AMA vintage event. All others can sign up on site. Open mx practice is Friday at 4:00pm.

Friday open practice and three moto race format very cool.

Strange things happen when racing 3 motos. I've saw a 1-1-6, 9-1-1 and 2-3-4 win overalls at Loretta Lynn's natl last year.

Gonna be fun!!
For those who care I for one am excited about riding this weekend regardless of the weather or conditions but I am still not thrilled to have to rush through the trials event so I can make my 3rd moto. This all stems around the Vintage Grand National Championship.
I know it's to late to turn back now but how fair is it to someone that is actually going for it? As I said the Trials event will now be a huge rush and its not meant to be ridden that way! What happens if the event runs long and it will because of the conditions in the woods and you miss your third moto? These were my questions in the early stages of this post and were never answered. I never received any answers from the AMA other than they are working on it.

At this point it's a crap shoot on how it will all work but I will still be there supporting the AMA.
Have a great weekend!
Talked to Alex he said weather perfect for Friday and Saturday now and chance of late Sunday scattered stuff.

All positive from his end. He did say not many guys are signed up for Friday open practice. Free to anyone that rode vintage tour event and $10 for all others.

Also pre-entries one of highest ever. Normally about a 1/3 to 1/2 of race entries could mean 400+ entries??

Finally weather or no weather all racers need to come out and support the effort AMA is putting on for all.

Specifically Alex and Kip at AMA, the track crew from log road mx and signup/office/scoring team coming from baja mx. And Alex told starting gate provided by Jeremy at briar cliff mx. Many more too out there right now finishing track.

Thanks AMA.

I don't know exact sign up process but Alex at AMA had list of eligible riders that can practice for free based on their riding other 2015 AMA vintage event. All others can sign up on site. Open mx practice is Friday at 4:00pm.

Friday open practice and three moto race format very cool.

Strange things happen when racing 3 motos. I've saw a 1-1-6, 9-1-1 and 2-3-4 win overalls at Loretta Lynn's natl last year.

Gonna be fun!!

Thanks, I was concerned that I had missed the signup when I read your comment from Alex "He did say not many guys are signed up for Friday open practice."

The sad reality is that it means that not many people have participated in the truncated AMA Vintage (not really a series) series this year.
Just got the news that the starting gate is in but in a completely different location! Its in the far end behind the quanza building... Different staging area as well but will exit the track in the same location as years past! Light rain as I type so the water truck is still parked... for now!