Trump daddy

Back to Drumpf. Looking like he could have enough to win on first ballot. Maybe. If.
I'm getting giddy.
KO's correct on this. Trump will "USE" the existing establishment system to the fullest extent, and will likely alter little in the structure during his tenure, and this is simply because they aren't going to let him dismantle it. But he will work with it and get things done that otherwise you may never see get done.

I'll take it a step further that it's time for Trump to drop the backbiting, amateur, unprofessional behaviors and return to the message of what he can do for the country. It's time, and he's wasting his opportunity while he has our attention.
If he doesn't, the Clinton/Democrat Media Machine will erode away his image methodically one snippit at a time and the country will be stuck with her.

Sadly, I'm still not a fan of any of the candidates, except maybe Ben Carson, but again we don't need another Nice Guy.
Witnessing this democratic disaster in South Carolina, both reminds me of why the electoral college system exist, and importance of it, while causing me night sweats as to how damaging it will be if we end up with the other Clinton in the highest office in our land.

I openly admit to all of you... I am losing faith in our country to govern itself. Our system is broken, and is in desperate need of an overhaul fast!

And where the country be when the wizard Trump is finished working the system? Who is the next wizard in succession? Where will they take us? Sure would be nice to wake from this nightmare.

Has the anti Cruz propaganda worked on you?
Constitutionalism is the answer
Obamacare was never intended to make insurance company's money. Obamacare works for exactly what it managed to be passed for - insuring more people against catastrophe. Barely that.

But the fact that an insurance company can't make money in a market where the customers are subsidized says way
more about the insurance company than Obamacare. If one of my employees set a price to a customer that
didn't make us money, they'd be written up to make sure it only happened one more time and then never again. While actuarial estimates for a marketplace that had hundreds of pages of bloat involved would be even harder than
what we do (what we do can be really hard), fixing it doesn't mean Obamacare is a failure. It means you
screwed the pooch.

There are other reasons Obamacare is a failure.

Oh, if all the failed and failing federal social programs had just been properly done, what a wonderful place our country would be. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Obamacare is about power and dependency. Control by the central government.
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Well, It wont be too long before we are all working for German, Chinese, Taiwanese, Korea,Japan.... Most of us are already now. We won the wars, but lost everything else.
Just too proud to admit it. Shea-Shea, thank you in Mandaring Chinese. USA Boo How look it up.
Well, It wont be too long before we are all working for German, Chinese, Taiwanese, Korea,Japan.... Most of us are already now. We won the wars, but lost everything else.
Just too proud to admit it. Shea-Shea, thank you in Mandaring Chinese. USA Boo How look it up.

Isn't it interesting that as our federal government gets larger and takes on more power, more citizens are now beholding to foreign employers. Mere coincidence?
And how about US companies letting American workers go to hire foreigners?
It is also interesting the amount of land and factories and companies are now owned by companies outside our country. There are very few machinery builders left in the USA . If we get cut off in a world war we will not be able to produce planes, tanks and whatever like in WW2.

If we just gave everyone a job, there wouldn't be a healthcare problem or tons of crime. People need purpose.
There is no rule in Obamacare setting prices on the marketplace. Go look it up.

This is why you aren't understanding the argument.
But there is a rule to where they will be bailed out by the government if they don't make any money.
Except the government has succeeded in making people NOT WANT TO WORK. There purpose is to wait for the direction card to fill. Then spend it in a day. Then continue to Lie, cheat, gamble, steal, make babies. Murder.
But there is a rule to where they will be bailed out by the government if they don't make any money.

The administration can't abide by it's own law. Reinsurance undisturbed funds according to the ACA are to be returned to the treasury. But that tax payer money went directly to insurers. Cronyism, lawlessness, it never ends.
It is also interesting the amount of land and factories and companies are now owned by companies outside our country. There are very few machinery builders left in the USA . If we get cut off in a world war we will not be able to produce planes, tanks and whatever like in WW2.
With Trump bringing us a new Nationalism, could he just nationalize those foreign assets? Why not? Seems anything goes...
The administration can't abide by it's own law. Reinsurance undisturbed funds according to the ACA are to be returned to the treasury. But that tax payer money went directly to insurers. Cronyism, lawlessness, it never ends.

I saw that too, yet another thing the Obama administration does illegally and yet no one does anything about it. The corruption is out of hand, the government operates the way they do because they essentially have become above the law. You cant expect an entity to be self policing and remain law abiding.
Does that go for private enterprise? Sounds like you're advocating more regulations.
Seriously ? Exactly the opposite. The government should be transparent and they are subject to the law. However even thought we elected out the Democrats , in response to disgust with them, and have a Republican house and Senate nothing has changed. The republidicks layed down and didn't fight Obama like people wanted. The government is completely corrupt and won't prosecute any one on either side of the isle. A government by the people for the people is long gone.
Seriously ? Exactly the opposite. The government should be transparent and they are subject to the law. However even thought we elected out the Democrats , in response to disgust with them, and have a Republican house and Senate nothing has changed. The republidicks layed down and didn't fight Obama like people wanted. The government is completely corrupt and won't prosecute any one on either side of the isle. A government by the people for the people is long gone.
No, it's only almost completely corrupt.
The concent of the governed, without a return to Constitutional principles, will be a thing of the past.
Voted yesterday. Trump and the most wackdoodle "liberty" committeemen and women I could find.

Fly it into the ground.
Watched all the Sunday morning programs today to get my weekly fix.
A couple of things on my mind here:

First, earlier this week there was this whole deal with the KKK leader endorsing Trump. Trump tried to play it down and blow it off. But every body else, (opponents to Trump), jumped right on it criticizing Trump for not denouncing the KKK endorsement.
It has become clear to me, that those in life that make the biggest deal out of racism, or racial prejudice are usually doing it to somehow help themselves for their own gain, somehow. This practice of playing the racial card for public attention is often a disguised form of racism in itself. Hillary is without a doubt, one of the best at it.

Second, Fox News-Chis Wallace was peppering Mitt Romney with questions this morning, about his coming out against Trump in the news media. They are basically probing to see if the Repub Party leaders have a last chance, "Romney Panic Strategy" for the RNC convention in Cleveland. Basically so that when Trump, Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich destroy each other during the convention, when the smoke clears, they have a candidate nomination "Plan B". In typical fashion, Romney wouldn't answer the question directly. Interesting ???

Third, One of my wife's elderly clients, a retired school teacher, that snowbirds in Florida called today. She, a longstanding Democrat, stated that her and all of her Florida friends are voting Trump... all the way!
I heard a discussion on PBS earlier this week that in addition to all of these people that are coming to the Republican party's rescue, folks who gave up on voting long ago, or who are brand new to voting, are also being joined by party crossover voters in significant numbers. Democrats jumping the fence!

I myself feel that Trump has already blown it. He has wasted too much time and opportunity with his childish and foolish antics. The Republican party is screwed! (Don't laugh Democrat's, you're party is just as screwed with the Clinton/Reid/Pelosi & Schumer gang).
Lots of trump yard signs down here in Florida. Lots. And the median value of homes is 50,000 In the neighborhood I saw TONS. Couple on Inlet of million dollar water front homes too. Never seen any other sign.

And the republidicks didn't lay down Hershey. They're RINOs that don't give a s**t about the constitution. That change vote numbers so they can vote and do it in private and lie to their constituents saying they didn't support the bill when they secretly voted on it. That s**t should be criminal.
I am losing steam for trump as well. He is annoying, I like kasich but he is a long shot at best
Voted yesterday. Trump and the most wackdoodle "liberty" committeemen and women I could find.

Fly it into the ground.

Votes from a frustrated, Chamber of Commerce, GOP establishment, big government Republican?
Bringing down the party, the whole country or both?