Trump daddy

All this political crap has got me wondering if my values are screwed.

Are we stubborn and resisting change like an old man with a 10 year old flip phone? and a VCR. (magnetic tape for the youngsters)
He's not perfect. I am a conservative republican for sure. But I am voting Trump. The Republican party is such a disaster right now in Ohio and Nationally we need a major shake up. Trump will surround himself with smart people, I am not worried about that at all. The RNC needs a serious wake up call! They are so out of touch with a majority of Americans. They have controlled the house and senate, and done absolutely NOTHING since controlling them. They have let Obama go ahead with his spending and everything else.
I agree. The Party has been taking on water for some time. Nationally, and at the state level. There are many county battles happening with the state party. The state seems to be filled with RINOs and are not pleased with the number of Freedom Caucus members becoming involved within the state and county central committees.

Trump is not establishment Republican. He is a big RINO. If you want a Democrat deal making imperial present, then Trump is your man. Will American win with Trump? That depends on how you define winning. Security maybe? Liberty and justice, not so much. Smart people or fellow poser conservatives?

The Republican party nationally has been a mess forever. Reagan had to defeat the establishment to become President and they fought him while in office. Though once a Democrat, over decades he honed his positions and messages on issues through conservatve principles. Portrayed as an affable dunce by opponents and leftist media, he was anything but. Read his writings, listen to or watch his presentations and speeches to realize that he was speaking of timeless concepts that apply today.
The national Republican establishment control has filtered down to the state and local level. Just as federal money and mandates have. You and I probably made many of the same protest votes on our primary ballot. Change must begin at the local and state level. Polititicians must not be allowed campaign one way and legislate another. Primary challenges must await any elected official not properly representing their constituents. The Constitution is still to answer.
All this political crap has got me wondering if my values are screwed.

I have values therefore I am screwed. Right with you on the wondering part!!

Why are folks so sure Trump will pick smart people and convinced he is smart??? I am not sure he even understands the basics.

Donald Trump was asked what the three most important roles of the federal government were. His answer: security, health care and education.

“In your opinion, what are the top three functions of the United States government?” asked Robert Kitelinger, an Army veteran.

“Well, the greatest function of all by far is security for our nation. I would also say health care, I would also say education,” Trump said. “I mean there are many, many things, but I would say the top three are security, security, security. We have to have security for our country so that we can continue to exist as a country.”

Why not learn the first sentence of the constitution and refer to it.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. And it just gets better from there!!

I have read more intelligent discussion points in this thread that I have ever heard come out of Trump.
"Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him"
- Ted Cruz.

Man, who needs comedy central?
I do not like Kasich at all. I would like to see a Trump/Huckabee ticket. But if it took a Trump/Kasich ticket, then get it done so that the RNC will get behind Trump. Because they don't like Cruz either.
It'll be a Cruz trump ticket. Landslide. Hillary stomps and stomps and flys away on her broom.

John250 read some of your posts. They should tell you to vote for Cruz. But that bubba hater inside of you keeps cheering for trump.
If you think I was being at all seriousness then you're having early onset dementia DHDS

This just in. Ted wins Wisconsin. Kasich, GTFO already and let teddy mop the floor with trumps hair.
I have read more intelligent discussion points in this thread that I have ever heard come out of Trump.

He doesn't need discussion points or even substance to achieve his ends. Trump is the consummate sleazy salesman, a master manipulator. He's now selling himself as someone that he is not. By very skillfully playing on emotion he dominants media time and engenders followers. Substance and policy competency aren't essential because the process is based on feelings. As example just look at what happened every time another candidate became a viable obstacle to Trump's effort. Very calculated, emotion evoking wording was used and repeated in actually quite vicious personal attacks. In this thread see the vapid, consistent, negative emotional responses that the Trump supporters have in regard to Ted Cruz. How does that happen? Cruz is a good guy, constitutional conservative. But then Trump is very good at what he does...

Wake up people! Shake off your hynotic stupor! Think!
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He doesn't need discussion points or even substance to achieve his ends. Trump is the consummate sleazy salesman, a master manipulator. He's now selling himself as someone that he is not. By very skillfully playing on emotion he dominants media time and engenders followers. Substance and policy competency aren't essential because the process is based on feelings. As example just look at what happened every time another candidate became a viable obstacle to Trump's effort. Very calculated, emotion evoking wording was used and repeated in actually quite vicious personal attacks. In this thread see the vapid, consistent, negative emotional responses that the Trump supporters have in regard to Ted Cruz. How does that happen? Cruz is a good guy, constitutional conservative. But then Trump is very good at what he does...

Wake up people! Shake off your hynotic stupor! Think!
Uh, yeah. He is playing tbe game exacly the same as the other lying cheating dirtbags. They are all the same.
I dont think trump will be a good president. I think he will be good for the country by destroying congress and the whitehouse. I hope he burns it down and executes every representative, senator, whatever and we elect all new ones. That is my illusion of what needs done. Reset DC.
Trump will sweep the rest of the states

You are high. The guy states he thinks education is a unit of the central government. Yet he writes in his books that he thinks education should be given back to the states. Which is it ? He's starting to sound like a bafoon.
Trump has the most intelligent discussions on fixing our trade/economy issues. He is the only one that understands the real problem on why jobs go to other countries. It is the one and only reason I support him. Other than that he is just another lousy candidate. Cruz is my #2 guy only because Im more worried about the economy and budget than anything else. If the economy was strong he would be my #1 vote.