Trump daddy

The only reason unemployment is falling comes from people no longer eligible and a declining labor force not really from job creation. Amazing how left you can be.

Incredible how wrong you can be. Please be more careful.
Last month (March 2016) 213,000 new jobs according to that bastion of left wing craziness the Washington Post

And from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Look closely, net change above 100k positive per month (except for one month it looks like)
since 2011.
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I went and read that. It doesn't support your argument. It supports a different argument you may
have misconstrued - that the labor participation rate is going down and has been for men since
1948 (according to the article) and overall since 2000.

Exactly, so if people arent looking for work and not on unemployment it makes the unemployment rate look better. That is not job creation at all. COme on Sturd, youre smarter than that.
The table you provided is flat over time after a recovery, it proves there is no increase in employed people showing that a declining labor force is the main reason for the lowering unemployment rate not job creation.

See these articles , older but explain what is really going on with unemployment.
This is what I had said in another thread in attempting a simple explanation regarding the unemployment rate.

"Part of the calculation is subject to interpretation by the government. They decide who wants to work and therefore who is counted as unemployed. Large numbers of the unemployed can be made to disappear in this manner. They are simply taken out if the equation. And as a result, what do you know, the unemployment rate remains low."

My good racing and basketball buddy worked with the employment numbers for the state of Ohio. He couldn't talk about his day job until one day when I brought up this subject. He still really didn't say or add anything, he just agreed with everything that I had said and therefore confirmed the practice of selectively shrinking the labor pool to keep the unemployment percentage down.
Oh oh this one I know! It is based on samples of house holds.

I have been obsessed with all this economy and politics. Every day much reading watching shows.
It is incredibly complicated and I now know, I know nothing. Not a clue what is good or would fix it.

But I did find that unemployment rate is basiclly a guess . I found it on a dot gov page google it, or look back in this post for the first time we fought about it.

Friggin snow, we should be riding, not politicking .
The other number people do not look at. The under employed or the ones that are now working 2 or 3 jobs to replace he one that they used to have.
Exactly, so if people arent looking for work and not on unemployment it makes the unemployment rate look better. That is not job creation at all. COme on Sturd, youre smarter than that.
It's a different issue. Job creation was 219,000 in Feb 2016, last number I can find. That is
not bad. And it's been net positive since 2010 after taking a huge dump at the end of
Bush's term and the first year of BHO's.

The unemployment number, as the articles you point to say, is affected by job numbers
and employment participation. Employment participation has all kinds of things going on that have nothing
to do with the economy exactly as us baby boomers retire and no longer look for work. As those articles

And yep, wages have not gone up so people look for 2nd jobs.

But the truth still is that job creation has been strong, the unemployment
rate is low, and employment participation is low.
Aint nobody ever give me nuffin! Anyone without a disability or major felony on their record saying they can't get a job is a liar.....period. I am in the trucking industry and we will teach you how to drive, get you a CDL, and give you a job for free and we can't get enough people in the door. I was at a Wal-Mart on a Tuesday mid day once and the lines were crazy long and I said out loud "what is the deal today" and the lady with 2 teeth in front of me says "It's the first of the month" Great all of those people can sit on their a#s and spend our money. The 5% will always be there because they are lazy, bitter, useless people raised by parents with the same ethics. They want higher wages they gotta start somewhere........
Aint nobody ever give me nuffin! Anyone without a disability or major felony on their record saying they can't get a job is a liar.....period. I am in the trucking industry and we will teach you how to drive, get you a CDL, and give you a job for free and we can't get enough people in the door. I was at a Wal-Mart on a Tuesday mid day once and the lines were crazy long and I said out loud "what is the deal today" and the lady with 2 teeth in front of me says "It's the first of the month" Great all of those people can sit on their a#s and spend our money. The 5% will always be there because they are lazy, bitter, useless people raised by parents with the same ethics. They want higher wages they gotta start somewhere........
That the job I was talking about. Do I have to pull out most of my teeth to get it though. Or do I just apply on line.
Alot of good points last day....

@Ahrma: And vitalmx put me on a time out. locked the account. Theyre so left hippy over there it's nauseating. They've got trolls on vitalmx that make Sturd look conservative. There's no arguing with them either, your posts will just get deleted. But you say anything logical and the trolls can come out and rage for 10 pages. I'm not gonna send a message to guyB and ask him to unlock my account. Who cares, if I was a troll I could just make another account like many do.

vital pisses me off for two reasons: They delete responses in threads. They pick and choose which to delete, which to leave. So they'll delete some to make you look like a total asshat. And they'll let their libtard buddies keep their posts to make you look like an even more of an asshat. I can't wait until the government is able to censor media like that.
vital pisses me off for two reasons: They delete responses in threads. They pick and choose which to delete, which to leave. So they'll delete some to make you look like a total asshat. And they'll let their libtard buddies keep their posts to make you look like an even more of an asshat. I can't wait until the government is able to censor media like that.

Where have you been living? They already do.
Vital must be Bubba fans. I make a couple Bubba post on their thread, and get my account locked!