Trump daddy

"the economy is in a shambles"
"our borders are not secure"
"crime is rampant"
"we are seen as weak"
"I am the only person that can fix that"

Said every strongman dictator ever.
Which one of those statements are incorrect?

Maybe we need a dictator. I would like to see the Mafia put in charge. Don Corlione for president! I guess Billary is getting elected the same way the Mafia would do it. RIG IT!

I would like to see Hillary be strung up in front of thousands and stoned to death for her crimes.
Then lets see how the rest of the criminals react.
Maybe then this PC crap will stop.

When Saddam ruled over Iraq he kept them in line. Now look.
I could not hardly watch that bitch last night. And wow, after having no flags on night one, they got ate up on social media. So last night they handed out thousands of American white and blue, we are for you.....BS. They are for you staying in line, staying under their thumb. Hillary said last night that she did not want to take your guns....BS. She is on tape saying she did not think the supreme court is correct on the 2nd amendment.

I think it will come down to the debates. Trump needs to win those. swing those 300,000 swing votes.

Hillary has not given a press conference in 236 days. time for her to let the press ask her questions. unscripted questions. She is going to be on Fox News Sunday morning show with Chris Wallace. I hope he hammers her with tough questions and tough follow up questions.

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She needs to be interviewed and asked if she heard the "rhythmic slap slap slapping" in the 90s coming from the oval oriface. I mean office.
Blame bush in 3....2....1....

But Bush made blaming Bush too easy. His spending though now dwarfed by Obama's gave rise to the Tea Party and laid a foundation for the Obama administration.

Bush had tremendous respect for his office and never publicly defended his establishment Republican policies. He wanted to be judged by history but that let his opponents set the narrative and today easily revise history.

At least Trump won't be silent and give his adversaries that advantage. But the establishment GOP's attempts to purge the party of Republican constitutionalists continue and Trump remains silent if not complicit (Cruz retribution). Again, anything is possible with an all powerful central government and executive branch. Our republic's built in safeties are being removed by both parties. This will not end well...
I could not hardly watch that bitch last night. And wow, after having no flags on night one, they got ate up on social media. So last night they handed out thousands of American white and blue, we are for you.....BS. They are for you staying in line, staying under their thumb. Hillary said last night that she did not want to take your guns....BS. She is on tape saying she did not think the supreme court is correct on the 2nd amendment.

I think it will come down to the debates. Trump needs to win those. swing those 300,000 swing votes.

Hillary has not given a press conference in 236 days. time for her to let the press ask her questions. unscripted questions. She is going to be on Fox News Sunday morning show with Chris Wallace. I hope he hammers her with tough questions and tough follow up questions.

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But the Democrats seemed to be ok with communist flags.

We don't know how Trump will perform in a one on one debate format. He ran from that opportunity with Cruz in the primaries. He basically just postured and dished barbs while grandstanding his way throught that ridiculous, group Republican debate format.
Who thinks, your vote matters? After seeing how it is done anyway. Biliary stealing the nomination.

What trump is doing for us is exposing our government. But he will.never be president. Even if he gets 100 percent of the votes. It is rigged as trump would say.

I hope I am as wrong as I usually am, but I have lost hope and scared for my kids. I will be fine. But what about my kids and grand kids........
Who thinks, your vote matters? After seeing how it is done anyway. Biliary stealing the nomination.

What trump is doing for us is exposing our government. But he will.never be president. Even if he gets 100 percent of the votes. It is rigged as trump would say.

I hope I am as wrong as I usually am, but I have lost hope and scared for my kids. I will be fine. But what about my kids and grand kids........
Who thinks, your vote matters? After seeing how it is done anyway. Biliary stealing the nomination.

What trump is doing for us is exposing our government. But he will.never be president. Even if he gets 100 percent of the votes. It is rigged as trump would say.

I hope I am as wrong as I usually am, but I have lost hope and scared for my kids. I will be fine. But what about my kids and grand kids........

He of the trade policies like Trump's, the old commie Bernie's run exposed the dirty fix. Trump benefited from the primary system the RNC set up to get their establishment candidate in. Priebus and company are so far removed from reality that they thought their cronies could out spend the field to give their candidate a big early advantage. How did they so misread the voters? They didn't count on Trump and he took their early lead but if he wasn't involved a conservative would have taken it. Conservatism, the antithesis of the crony capitalist RNC. Trump seems to be making deals with the RNC because that's what he does...
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Total federal spending (in millions) since 1990. Note since 2009, first time BHO had anything
to do with the budget, it's been relatively flat.


  • Federal expenditures.pdf
    26.2 KB · Views: 106
And Mr Kahan has ties to the Clinton foundation. Imagine that! He is involved with selling of citizenship to Muslims to the United states.

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And Mr Kahan has ties to the Clinton foundation. Imagine that! He is involved with selling of citizenship to Muslims to the United states.

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Just another Saudi agent promoting Sharia, you know like Huma's dad, you know Huma, Hillary's confidant and top aid? Connections?
To anybody that's really paying attention, that whole deal of having Khan and his wife speak at the convention simply exposes and confirms just how low and sick our political system has gotten. To puppet them in front of the whole world, (and make the case in such a way for the Muslim faith), for the sole purpose of getting and securing votes and delegates for Hillary.

And Trump was baited and called out by that stage act, fell for it, and responded in characteristic Trump fashion, which is a YUGE mistake. The Dems played the sympathy card and Trump is now in major damage control. And not doing well at it.

I cringe to say this, but Trump is going to lose this election.
Hillary, and the Dem committee have, and are, outsmarting the Republican party and Trump. Yes it's a rigged system, and they are working very hard every minute of every day to improve the rigging. THEY MUST HAVE THIS PRESIDENCY AND WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO GET IT! (and they have promised big donor's that they would keep the game going as well).

And probably just as well that he does lose it. If Trump were to win, the Democratic establishment, and the media (one in the same), will mount a monumental attack to discredit him as a president, and will not stop until he self destructs in front of the whole wide world. Followed by: WE TOLD YOU SO!

Four more years of Obama/Clinton and the Democrat establishments practices and policies should be just about enough to cause the whole system to go down in flames for good. And then, maybe then, we will see some real and lasting changes.
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I don't see how this TPP is going to benefit the USA. OBAMA is pressing this hard. And wanting to double down in the global economy.