Trump daddy

If there's 15/hr min wage I'm quitting my job. And will go work at McDonald's. They'll have to hire me. I have decent work experience with people. Aha. I just took a job away from a person with no skills.

That dude reminded me of the horse s**t they purged into our minds in every social science college course I took. (9 required credit hours mind you. That's three 16 week classes that meet for 2 hours twice a week...chock full of that s**t. At the end was a vote early for Obama ticket. How do you think I voted at the pitiful and easily molded age of 19? Yep. Obama. I got duped. Just like the rest of the millennials. Except now we are 30 and my peers STILL haven't woke up. They believe this s**t.

Hence why I beleive my generation will destroy the USA. Thanks college.
It means GDP in the USA, per person, is growing and has been.

Again, you are correct.
We are all individually working harder and producing more than we ever have before. We are just making less progress than ever before.
Easy to say without data. Prove it.

Interesting... must have struck a chord with that last post.

What? Can't find the data?

Want to be comforted with another little video from short Robert B. Reich?

These things are chock-full of glossed over "data". He speaks in an authoritative manner and he does very well for himself by spouting nonsense. Ever wonder who funds him and why when those he supports are in power, nothing improves for his vaunted, Marxist middle class?

Enough voters know that something is wrong but they haven't necessarily come to the correct solution. That's why commie Bernie gave propped up (turns out figuratively and literally) old Hillary fits. And of course on the other side, we now have candidate Donald Trump.
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If there's 15/hr min wage I'm quitting my job. And will go work at McDonald's

I saw your post on the other thread. Looks like you'll know right where to go for the job!

In other news. A patient thays an inmate today...he's got two armed corrections officers at the bed side 24 hours. That type of stuff only happens with royal family up here. This criminal lifestyle is rather appealing.
Judges nixed DHS bids to deport illegal immigrants 100,000 times: report
By Malia Zimmerman

Published August 19, 2016

Immigration judges around the country are denying the Department of Homeland Security’s attempts to deport illegal immigrants in record numbers, according to a new report.

Over the last 10 months, immigration judges opted against the department’s efforts to remove some 96,223 illegal immigrants, including criminals, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, a Syracuse University-based nonprofit.

At this rate, TRAC estimates the number of illegal immigrants allowed to remain in the U.S. despite DHS attempts to remove them will surpass last year’s breaking number of 106,676. With the court’s protection, subjects can often remain indefinitely.

“It’s concerning to me that the immigration courts are becoming such a frequently used back-door route to green cards,” said Jessica Vaughan, director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington, DC-based research institute, noting these cases will be nearly 10 percent of the green cards approved in 2016.

“Many of them arrived illegally, and are being awarded legal status simply because they managed to stay a long time and have acquired family members here.”

One in four of the illegal immigrants allowed to stay in the country despite DHS efforts to remove them this year is from Mexico, TRAC reported.

Another 44 percent were from the three Central American countries — El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras — where vast numbers of unaccompanied minors and women with children have crossed the border to seek asylum.

There are a number of reasons why an individual may be allowed to remain in the country, according to TRAC.

“… the judge can find that the government did not meet its burden to show the individual was deportable,” the report stated. “Or, the judge may have found that the individual was entitled to asylum in this country, or may grant relief from removal under other provisions of the law.

“A person also may be allowed to remain because the government requests that the case be administratively closed through the exercise of ICE's prosecutorial discretion, or for some other reason,” the report also stated.

The Phoenix federal Immigration Court had the highest percentage of non-citizens allowed to stay in the country over the objections of DHS officials.

“In more than four out of every five, or 82.2 percent of its 3,554 cases closed so far in 2016, the individuals were successful in their quest to remain in the U.S,” TRAC reported.

The New York Immigration Court was not far behind at 81.5 percent of the 16,152 non-citizen cases closed to date, followed by the Denver Immigration Court at 78.0 percent of its 831 cases.

Nationwide, there is a backlog of around 500,000 cases pending in the immigration courts, and as it grows, judges become more lenient, said Ira Mehlman, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

“This is by design,” Mehlman said. “The longer the attorneys draw out the cases, the better it is for their clients because the likelihood that they will get to stay in the country increases. It is also better for the immigration attorneys because they can charge more fees.

“From the judge’s perspective, because the courts are so backlogged, it is easier to let people stay in the country than actually try to remove them,” he said. “There are endless layers of appeal and no finality in it.”

On the opposite end of the scale, Oakdale, La., Lumpkin, Ga. and Napanoch, N.Y., Immigration Courts only allowed between 11.3 percent and 17.5 percent of the non-citizens slated for removal to remain in the U.S., TRAC reported.

There is a great deal of money spent, and government resources dedicated, to prosecute a removal case for detention, to monitor those who are released, for attorneys to prosecute removal cases and for the court personnel to conduct hearings, said Claude Arnold, a retired U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations.

Arnold believes the Obama administration has sent the message to immigration judges to push back when DHS attempts to enforce its rules regarding illegal immigrants. By law, they are subject to deportation when local, state or federal authorities cross paths with them, but several local governments refuse to cooperate in the removal process.

The administration of the immigration courts does not comment on third-party analysis of data, said Kathryn Mattingly, spokesperson for the Department of Justice’s Executive Office for Immigration Review. However, she said the year prior to the TRAC report, in Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, immigration judges granted 48 percent of asylum applications, marking the third year in a row that percentage has decreased, falling from 56 percent in 2012.
Our government officials working hard to increase their voter base?

What do you suppose your neighbors, relatives, and coworkers opinions are on this matter?

Will they voice their opinions at the Ballot Box?
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Our government officials working hard to increase their voter base?

What do you suppose your neighbors, relatives, and coworkers opinions are on this matter?

Will they voice their opinions at the Ballot Box?
No, all they see are the commercials showing Trump running his mouth too much. Seriously, my in-laws told me that they never vote, and this year they are because Trump is an idiot....I just shake my head and tell them how I disagree with most of the reasoning that they give me.
What's funny is if you watch Trump in any venue live or on YouTube where the media filter is removed, you see he is actually very intelligent and straight to the point. As of late his speeches have been very good and IMO shows how much he cares about fixing America. At least much more so than Hillary.
Media making a stink about firing his campaign manager.

I like it. Shows he fires people he doesn't think are helping the cause. You're fired!
Our government officials working hard to increase their voter base?

What do you suppose your neighbors, relatives, and coworkers opinions are on this matter?

Will they voice their opinions at the Ballot Box?

Those neighbors, relatives and coworkers are paying for it. As are their offspring and at this point generations unborn. Should they care?
Our government officials working hard to increase their voter base?

Read that again. Elected officials - BHO and his appointees and members of the administration - are trying to throw the
illegal immigrants out. It's unelected, appointed, judges that are rejecting that. Sounds like largely for asylum reasons but not obvious.

One guy that used to work for them ( a retired Immigration and Customs agent according to the poist) saying that the administration is pushing for this makes absolutely no sense since that is who is bringing the immigrants up on deportation charges to begin with. If they didn't want to deport them, they would not bring charges.
And who controls the immigration courts? And who controls those who control the immigration courts? Doesn't it all go right back to the Obama administration?

Ok, last time I do this will watching the 1:30 GP class. Lol!
The Clinton email, State Department affairs and foundation mess are really piling up on her in the news from many directions.

I know there are a lot of American's (I say that loosely), that really like Hillary and believe that she will do a good job for the country, but if I were one of them, I would find myself growing discouraged at this point. What a mess she's got on her hands. This is no way to begin a 4 year term as the President and Commander-in-Chief.

Who in the hell could ever survive this much scandal press coverage during a presidential run ? ? And what's it going to be like when she get's in there?
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After 40 pages, I'll chime in briefly. I read a lot of this stuff. I read a lot of articles from many outlets. Conservative, liberal, neither, etc.

Bottom line, a lot of the things discussed in this thread are 100% true. But man, there's a lot of it that is just unfounded BS stemmed from tunnel vision. Open your eyes up to some unbiased research. Cut through all of the crap. It's embarrassing. Some of the things you hear on TV are just ridiculous. And almost anything that comes out of one of these candidates' mouths is so far over the top that it makes me laugh.

I really wish people would quit with this two party system. It's dividing people. Friends, family, co-workers. I know it's kind of meant to do that, but it shouldn't be to the extent it is today. Now days, if you are a democrat and try to talk current issues with a republican, you're the dumbest person in the world for your views. Same goes for the other way around. Unfortunately, it leads to a lot of the things out there in the media that are good click bait, but are really irrelevant. Seems like people are focusing on things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Just my opinion. Carry on.