Trump daddy

Trump will be wrongfully crucified paying for the mistakes and our elected officials. Sad that there are only so few that will stand up and speak the truth.
I can no longer support any of the popular social media platforms due to their attempt to squash the first amendment when they don’t agree.
We are at War! Civil Uprising and Revolution actions have begun. It's already here.

Upon watching all news last night, reading the news stories and watching the latest news video's online this morning that thought occurred to me.

Americans are in a bit of shock over what transpired on Tuesday at the Capital. This was without a doubt very historically precedent. And even though opinions are all over the place, one fact remains clear: Both sides are dug in! They are dug in deep. It's already here, it's already begun. The "Left" is not going to accept any blame. And the news media is their infantry force weapon of choice.
Fact is, there is blame to be had on both sides. The Republican party has it's own traitors, and the party leaders are not the innocent Angels they try to portray themselves to be. Clearly the parties and their financial backers are in a power and territory war. Donald Trump has only exposed all of this because he truly isn't loyal to either side. He hates them both equally. And the feelings are mutual, they hate him as well.

Trump is separating the sheep from the flocks and the parties are completely alarmed by this. I think what really has set off the Dem's currently, besides the fact that Trump denied Hillary Clinton and her Elite posse of thieves and of her decided-entitled throne, is the fact that Trump is managing to peel off black, minority, and hispanic/latino votes and support from the democratic party. The Democratic party has always preferred keep the people class's as dependents to the state. Trump has helped them rise and stand on their own. Furthermore, Trump was succeeding on many fronts and was easily on his way to re-election and changing America.

Neither side is accepting any blame. And the finger pointing is happening at a fevered pace right now. Hell there was even a nose to nose confrontation between opposing House members at 2:00 am Tuesday night, at which point Pelosi lost control of her own floor. Sergeants at Arms had to step in to break it up.

On one hand this isn't anything new, but there are unmistakable indicators that we're inching closer to the tipping point. Need an example? Personal firearm sales and ammunition shortage. America is arming itself for internal conflicts that lay before us. Unfortunately not of "if", but for "when" it does happen.

Neither side will concede control without a bloody battle at this point, and the Democrats just took the Hill. Literally and figuratively.

Worst of all is that they have separated the American voters into opposing Armies. Hatred and vitriolic speech growing. Peace is lost, and they will not allow it until somebody loses this war entirely.
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You have identified the main problem at this point. The media. They are the propaganda wing of the Democrat party. The brainwashers. If you don't get with their narrative and views, they censor or cancel you, or assassinate your character. Forget the Capitol building, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Facebook, Twitter, Google/YouTube are the places that need to be overrun and burned to the ground. That might actually get the attention of the politicians. Fox News is turning that corner also.

You see how fast these supposed allies of Trump are turning on him. They have been waiting for this. I agree, they want him out just as bad as the Democrats.

Politicians to us: You shut up and keep paying your taxes. Leave the rest to us.
I follow Ted Cruz on fakebook, he always speaks sensibly and rationally in my opinion, yet most of the comments in regard to him there are completely hate filled! It really causes me to loose faith in people, along with all of the other nonsense going on.
I just nuked Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp. I uninstalled Facescum from my phone but I still need it because it seems to provide the most up to date information on local tracks like Apple and Smith. Hoping more people join suit and we can reduce the imprint of these mega tech companies have on our lives.
Retired Lt general Thomas McInerney....... Making the news on this.

Lt. General Thomas McInerney on the Missing Pelosi Laptop
This full interview with Lt. General Thomas McInerney will and give you much understanding of where We The People stand while also revealing to you why Pelosi and many others rushed to impeach President Trump. I hope this paints a clear picture for everyone who loves truth regardless of party affiliation. This full Lt. General Thomas McInerney was posted by Ann Vandersteel:
Seek the Truth Daily and the Truth will find you seeking. I need Subscribers on YouTube please join me:
A Very Scary Bill Only a Tyrannical Government Would Pass:
Find me John Reon on these other Platforms #JohnReon #ProveAllThings #SeekTruthDaily

The news media is playing this off by making the Lt General out to look like a Rube that wandered too far from the nursing home.
(how they are playing it, reminds me of The Major for the sitcom "Soap".)
It's genuinely very sad !!
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This affidavit was referred to in the discussion with the Lt. General Thomas McInerney. (see video above in previous post). He says its is legitimate. Says that the software program used to manipulate the voting machine data (Hammer & Scorecard) was sold to the users by former Director of the FBI, James Comey.

The IT worker that performed the Hammer-Scorecard voter manipulation is actually being prosecuted in Naples Italy for the crime. Now he's a whistleblower.

Arturo D'Elia Admits to stealing America's VOTE *Italy did it*

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This is getting to be some wild S**T!
This all reminds me of the part in the movie Independence Day, where the military chiefs of staff are briefing the President of the arrival of the aliens. Then the president asks, "but that's all just conspiracy theory, nobody believes that". Then they tell him, not just a conspiracy, it's real. hahaha.
So now that we've seen what Trump was capable of (in the good ways), what does the Republican Party look like without Trump?
How do you go forward from here? By saying this I mean Trump set the bar. There isn't another member in party that comes anywhere close in experience, confidence, effectiveness, courage or shrewdness. And they're all politicians, where the Donald was not.

McConnell is throwing a hissy fit over Trump, when he should be kissing his ass! The whole Republican Party should be kissing his ass, because they weren't worth a damn before Trump came into the picture. And they won't be worth a damn after.

God this is ssssooooooooooo F**ked up!
If it weren't for Trump, the weak Republicans would of let Hillary Clinton get elected.
Funny, I don't exactly recall the Democrat leadership, or the media wanting to lynch her when ten were wounded and four Americans lost their lives when the Embassy and CIA Annex were stormed and torched before the 2016 election campaigns began.
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These politician's nirvana involves eliminating opposition and voters.

Today's big tech oligarchs have reach and wield power with the ability threaten civil liberty like our nation has never seen.
Dude why do you think monarchs wouldn’t educate their subjects ? Or teach them to read ?

All you gotta do is shut people the fu ck up And continually tell them the same things over and over and eventually it becomes truth.

people believed god himself chose kings to rule. No the kings just kept people ignorant and controlled the education and all the information.

who controls education ? Colleges. Which way do they lean ? Left.
Who controls the the information ? Media. Which way to they lean? Left.

Democrats are the new f*****g monarchs prey on the poor and destroy anyone who “thinks”
Yes Georgie, mankind has always known tyranny. With our Constitution thwarted and the tyrants at the helm, can we expect a heads-up when you get your orders to roundup for reeducation?
There’s regulation for refusing unlawful orders.

And this below might not mean much to people but it means a lot to me. I get ragged on my buddies a little bit for my politics. But without the constitution and our fundamentals of the country, we are not a country. And we will be no different than the rest of the world.

I ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

(Georgies Good eye tip of the day l)
There’s regulation for refusing unlawful orders.

And this below might not mean much to people but it means a lot to me. I get ragged on my buddies a little bit for my politics. But without the constitution and our fundamentals of the country, we are not a country. And we will be no different than the rest of the world.

I ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

(Georgies Good eye tip of the day l)
Sounds like you might be going to camp too?