Trump daddy

Good post. There's a lot there to study over.
I question that since it's so one sided, that there might be disputing counter-facts left out, not included. Would take some work to confirm or challenge the info.
How could ya fact check everything?
All the news media and social media is completely biased.
It’s easily proven too.
today congress voted to remove Majorie Greene from any and all committees she was on.
she has to be cancelled because she fought back against the bias.

Now for the proof.
remember back in 2017 when the Russia collusion started.
And we had to hear it for three years in an investigation that turned up no proof.
now imagine if a Trump would have started cancelling anyone who said he colluded with Russia. Imagine business’s were being cancelled for even taking sides on the possibility of collusion.
if that happened. Democrats would have lost their minds.
and I, a Trump supporter would have bailed on my support. Because taking away free speech to win an argument is 100% proof of the crime.
I would love to see a real cost analysis of what the democrats have spent with the collusion and fake first impeachment. And I mean every minute of pay for those who have focused on this and done nothing.
Put numbers to the mismanagement.
Maybe that will wake people up.
Democrats and the media have worked the people.
By yelling Trump colluded. That redirects attention away from the people who were really making money in Ukraine and China.
Even with a Hunter Biden’s own laptop proving the Biden family corruption.
You just can’t accuse the guy accusing you of the same thing.
normally the guy pointing the finger is the guilty party.
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Good post. There's a lot there to study over.
I question that since it's so one sided, that there might be disputing counter-facts left out, not included. Would take some work to confirm or challenge the info.

Totally agree. All we ever see wherever we look is one sided, biased comments. I want to know both sides so that I can make judgments in the best interest of myself and family.
Stepping back from everything that is going on currently, and all that we've been through, I'm growing a bit concerned of what I think I see is happening.

Seems the belief is that Trump supporters are just wacked out republicans, mesmerized by a bad mannered, egotistical/narcissistic lying bozo, and that most are uneducated rubes, hilljacks and white supremacist's. And admit it or not, the media, big tech, and college institutions are driving this message daily. And because of Trumps lack of "class", education, refinement, etiquette etc. that he has managed to reach relatability with those at the bottom of our society. Those perceived as 2nd, 3rd or 4th class citizens. The deplorable's as Hillary put it.

There may be some truth to this, what I believe is grossly overlooked is it does not apply to all that supported the guy. As I have stated before, the reason that Trump gained popularity and support was his anti-political position on everything. Allowing Hillary Clinton to rise as the most powerful female in America was extremely alarming to enough voters that it cost the democrats the 2016 election. Lost to an otherwise highly unlikely candidate lacking by usual standards and norms. Serious consideration is needed that within Trump's voter base, a large segment of educated, wealthy and hard working middle class Americans do exist. The dems are in denial about this, and disrespectfully trashing on Trump supporters.

What's not being discussed or understood in my view, is that it's not who Trump is that people rallied behind, it's more WHAT HE STOOD FOR, and almost more importantly, WHAT HE WOULDN'T STAND FOR. Donald Trump spoke the words that a substantial number of Americans tend to think and believe. His policy proposals and campaign offerings and the MAGA message makes Americans feel empowered and patriotic. It's very motivating to the mass's.
When you look at 8 years of republican weakness from the Bush presidency, followed by 8 years of the shortcomings, liberalism, double talk, and scandals of the Obama presidency, people were simply fed up and disappointed with the direction that the two corrupt lying parties was taking our country. Hillary Clinton would of been disastrous.

Trump voters and supporters approved of the direction and policies he was fighting to deliver. They liked seeing a strong president that wouldn't take s**t off of anybody. Especially foreign governments.
So we lived through four years of Trump getting bashed and undermined by the media and democrats, every single day. We've now seen the extreme measures that the Democrat liberal left would go to throw an election and now we have Trump angrily removed from office and replaced by a wealthy, corrupt white politician that's been in congress his whole adult life. And now the Democratic party's entire priority is to destroy everything that Trump changed, and with the utmost extreme urgency, get us back to all of the ways of washington and the Obama/Biden era "2.0".

75 million voters and their families, are once again, being told to "go f**k yourself". And the liberal left policies and mandates being forced upon them against their will again. All the while, they will re-write the history to portray Trump as a complete miserable failure as a president, carpet bombing this message repeatedly.

The FBI reported that 4.3 million background checks were ran, and 22 million firearms were sold in January 2021. Last month. To me and my hayseed brain, this spells trouble. Biden and his cronies are gleefully puking out their censored propaganda on what seems to becoming "state run media" every hour of every day.

Biden and the Democrat liberal left will never gain back the disenfranchised defected voters of yesteryear. And even the Republican party hasn't fully admitted that without Trump, they are losing Trumps many, many registered voters, because they hate and distrust the Repubs as bad as they hate the Dems. You've alienated these voters to becoming "independents".

America looks different to me today. Unrecognizable.
In 2016, half the country voted for "real change". Changes did take place, And now there is a fight to change it back, or erase it.

Where do we go from here ?
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is that a sentence?
Yep, missing it but time. Well, what do you know, it did it again. Type big in that sentence and it turns to but. New Moto phone...
Yep, missing it BIG time. That's better.
Need to proof read everything on this phone.
today congress voted to remove Majorie Greene from any and all committees she was on.
she has to be cancelled because she fought back against the bias.

If that's your understanding of Marjorie Greene then the rest of your post can just be skipped over

Spreading conspiracy theories ≠ fighting back against the bias

Yep, missing it but time. Well, what do you know, it did it again. Type big in that sentence and it turns to but. New Moto phone...
Yep, missing it BIG time. That's better.
Need to proof read everything on this phone.

Claiming the two sides available are socialist and patriot, american and not, etc is alarming at the least.. and you guys agree with it. Were you at the Capitol as well?
Claiming the two sides available are socialist and patriot, american and not, etc is alarming at the least.. and you guys agree with it. Were you at the Capitol as well?
What side do you claim? Last time I was inside the Capitol building was in the 1960's when my family met Congressman Chalmers P. Wylie and we took the tour. I've been following politics pretty much ever since. I attended Buckeye Boys State as a teenager, was totally unprepared but that was an eye opening political experience. Were you at the Capitol too?
Without the US cancer metastizes in the world.

4 years from now the asshats in the Middle East will be alive and well funding their bullshit on foreign oil. They’ll start spreading like cancer and more boys will get sent to those s**t holes because of weak ass foreign policy and destroying our domestic policy on fossil fuels.
If that's your understanding of Marjorie Greene then the rest of your post can just be skipped over

Spreading conspiracy theories ≠ fighting back against the bias

Claiming the two sides available are socialist and patriot, american and not, etc is alarming at the least.. and you guys agree with it. Were you at the Capitol as well?
Care to expand on why it can be skipped over? Or are the orange man voters too dumb to understand to the brevity and reality of the truths that you apparently know and they all do not ?


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How about those eyes. Also where was Maxwell found? Colors of the old hags head cover matches the temple. Go back to sleep nothing to see here.


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