Did ANYONE see an AMA offical?


PR Addict
One of the largest amateur motocross events happened less the 50 miles away for the headquarters of the AMA and they could not find ONE official, representative, secretary, mail boy or bathroom attendant to make the trip? The new AMA, The new AMA.... bull crap... its the same old shitty AMA that only care about ONE thing... MONEY
Vintage days is going on so its all hands on deck to collect the cash at Mid Ohio.

Amateur motocross has always been ignored by the AMA and it still is. They already got our money from the cards so they don't care.
Sure, it is possible that I just missed seeing the AMA rep. Sure, I walked and rode a bicycle around from Saturday morning at 7 am until 7 pm Sunday and never once seen ANYONE with an AMA shirt on. I seen the same HOT mom with yoga pants on 50 times and never seen an official. (Yes, I was trying to see yoga pants and not an AMA shirt but that does not matter)
Alex, you get on here and tried to convince everyone that the NEW AMA cares, but when it come right down to what matters. We see the MONEY wins every time.

If ANYONE from the AMA would like to talk to me about this. (Like they will even read this..) I will be the chubby 50 dad in the NMA shirt at Briarcliff.
Georgie, you know better. They don't care. They already got a couple of OMA guys to believe that they NEED the AMA.
Jeremy, Jason, Jeremy... you don't need them. Your "organization" is what we the motocross racers (and parents) need. Someone who cares.
Kick them out and I bet they show up at the next event.
Congratulations to the bike racers who are now being treated like quad racers have been for years. Look at the tracks who dropped AMA from what was once the ATVA Extreme Dirt Track Nationals series. Apparently they don't rape dirt bike MX promoters as badly as they did quad TT racing.

That's okay. New East EDT has picked up the slack, and promoters are looking at running in the black this year, even if turnout is reduced. That's what ahppens when 1/3 of your turnout is unsanctioned exhibition classes, and you treat them like crap.
I would have loved to been there and rode like I have in past years (if you look at the results, I have a 25+ title to defend).

The AMA offices run one event a year... the AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days. A huge fundraiser event for our AMA Hall of Fame, its also the AMA Vintage National Championships. We had around 25,000 people attend this years VMD, we had 400 Vintage Motocross entries, 250 Vintage Hare Scramble entries, 100 Vintage Trails entries, 200 Dirt Track entries, and about 500 Vintage Road race entries all over three days. So it's a all hands-on-deck event for the employees here at the AMA.

Hey Knox, did you race?
Did the last day of vintage days get washed out? I drove through HELL on the way home. It's too bad those events were the same weekend, or I would of been to both. Got my 95 cr250 dialed in.
Nope but my son did. Well he participated in a "race"
Yes, I think we all know that VMD is a big event, but not having a single person from the AMA at an event that represents the current status and the FUTURE of the sport is FAR more important then its past.
I know YOU are a racer and had it not been for VMD you would have been there but NO ONE was available? Heck you could have paid your neighbor to drive to Chillicothe and wear an AMA shirt. Anyone would have been something.

And don't forget, this was part of the "Pro-Am" series the AMA touts as a way to PRO status. Well there was an issue at the starting gate for said "Pro-Am" event that needed an AMA official to fix. Since no one was available, the fans that wanted to see the future starts of AMA motocross was short changed by having some of the top guys withdraw. But clearly colleting cash and handing out plastic #1 plates to old guys that go to one event per year is more important.

Priorities. The AMA has only ONE. Its your job to fix that. No excuses.
That was why they were sitting on the gate for a while, and why the big grenade rig left early? Maybe I should of been paying attention. Why did they withdraw? That's terrible, considering it was the only pro am AMA event in Ohio this year......
I only heard second hand what happened so I will let someone who knows fill in the details. All I can say is that a familiar name was at the root of the issue. Some guy that ran outside the top 10 by the way.
I don't know what the heck Knox was doing, but I saw dozens and dozens of AMA officials all weekend. Even had some great discussions with them, Kip Bigelow shook my hand and handed me my award, I said "hello" and "thank you" to Rob Dingman, I bought an AMA shirt, got a bunch of FREE AMA swag, and pretty much couldn't go anywhere without seeing something regarding the AMA.
Hey I don't know him but I did think it was cool that he was at the gate for some of the little guy classes giving them last minuet pointers.
Cant say the same for the guys that withdrew.
Knox.. this whole back and forth was funny until this sentence...

"But clearly colleting cash and handing out plastic #1 plates to old guys that go to one event per year is more important."

To answer your question, handing Vintage National Championship #1 plates to our members is important. Old guys/vintage racers are members too and we care and take it seriously. Just like the fact, we attend at least one ATV National event a year and the ATV National Championship banquet to hand out #1 plates to members that earned them. But I guess that's not a priority either, right?
I had AMA officials at the majority of my events last year, even had them there selling memberships under an AMA tent. You are jumping the gun knox. Attending two Chilli Town events doesnt make you the master critic. Hang on, yes a scheduling conflict kept the AMA at mid-ohio, but that isnt a bad thing. It just means that mid-ohio needed more help than Chilli Town did.
I did not intend for this to be "funny" (OK the map is)
Yes old guys and vintage guys are members. And I really enjoy VMD also but all I am saying is ONE person was not available?
I never brought up ATV's but if you have the largest amateur event for them, someone from the AMA better be there.
Oh, and your statement of it supports the Hall of fame? 25,000 entries = $1,125,000, 750 moto/trials entries = $34,000, 500 road racers = $40,000, 200 dirt trackers = $5,000...... Is floor of the hall of fame made of gold?
No matter what excuses you or ANYONE at the AMA can try to use to not support an event of this magnitude, I can show you 722 entries (all with AMA cards) that trumps that crap.

How about the illegal Mexican that cuts Kip's grass? Could not give him a shirt and pay him to go to Chillicothe? Now that is funny.
Levi Kilbarger approached me after the incident introduced himself and stated he wanted the OMA to hear his side of the situation.