Did ANYONE see an AMA offical?

A race is a race. I don't see how the prices go up whether it's an area or not that makes no sense. I don't care what improvements you do to the place that's your choice. That doesn't mean I am going to pay more to come there because you put stones on the driveway.

Your not paying for more stones, your paying for a bigger event, and better competition. Your paying for an opportunity that only arises 1-2 times per year. A race is not a race. Red Buds Pro National is not the same as the Briarcliff Spring Series. Not even close. Try again Ryno......
Because thats what we charged last year at the Area Q, and its the going rate at all Area Qualifiers. I charged more, because thats the fair market cost, and we arent going to build this facility on nickels and dimes. No, thats not the norm now, the Battle will be priced exactly like Malvern and Chilli Town.

Now with that said, we invested over 35k in a well system with enough capacity to eventually expand that all over the place, and we spent nearly that same amount on driveway improvements. Im not done with that, we probably have about another 10-15k left to get the smaller stuff on all of it. I suppose that should come from my day job paycheck, right? You should ride the Cliff more, take pictures, the place changes month to month.

We have only been to the Cliff once several years ago, but I am glad to see any local track reinvesting to upgrade the facilities, grounds, equipment, etc to provide a better experience for the customers and have a strong case for bringing qualifiers and regionals into our back yards year after year. Better local tracks and less travel expense to hit big "events". I have seen this at Malvern and CTMX and it seems to be working.

Now with that said, cancel the YFZR and 6/5 mods and buy more gravel! :D
I am not as concerned with what the AMA does or does not do for MX but I do like that they have attempted to keep vintage alive and tried new things for me. However in reading through this thread besides what Georgie said above lets think about what you do get for your $49.

Roadside assistance - the starter on my wifes car went out while I was out of town in our driveway. They had a tow there in less than 1/2 hour to pull it a mile to the shop. My 16 year old daughter got a flat at the mall, again I was out of town, they had someone there within 1/2 hour and switched it out. Sure is nice to know I have this.

Fighting for us - ethanol, insurance companies dropping motorcyclists, land use issues, closure for sound, safety laws, and just overall representing our rights and us getting walked on by everyone that thinks motorcycles are no good. What would any of you do if your insurance sent you a letter saying they would not cover your family for motorcycle related injuries? What other organizations in the US defend motorcyclists in DC? I feel these issues are hugely important.

Discounts - I stayed Choice Hotels for years and saved 15%, Eagle Rider 10% to get to rent some cool bikes, Sams Club free $10. Many others depending on what you like.

Me I am good with spending what I spend to go BW-3 with my family of 4 to have this for a year.

You can also get a 20% discount on mylaps if you chose to purchase a transponder subscription. Which doesnt seem valuable now, but in the near future that may be kind of nice to have.
Your not paying for more stones, your paying for a bigger event, and better competition. Your paying for an opportunity that only arises 1-2 times per year. A race is not a race. Red Buds Pro National is not the same as the Briarcliff Spring Series. Not even close. Try again Ryno......

Your right red bud and briar cliff aren't nearly the same. But a race at briarcliff is a race at briarcliff... In fact you are going to get a bigger better turnout at an area most times so you are making more money as it is. Why the need to raise prices from one race to another.
We have only been to the Cliff once several years ago, but I am glad to see any local track reinvesting to upgrade the facilities, grounds, equipment, etc to provide a better experience for the customers and have a strong case for bringing qualifiers and regionals into our back yards year after year. Better local tracks and less travel expense to hit big "events". I have seen this at Malvern and CTMX and it seems to be working.

Now with that said, cancel the YFZR and 6/5 mods and buy more gravel! :D

YFZR funded by ADR (day job), it would be nice though to make it a BC track vehicle!

I want to say I appreciate what the AMA has done for my track and the Ohio scene in the last two years, its been a very rewarding last couple of years in terms of the recognition we have recieved because of the AMA events at BC, it makes me feel like this wasnt just some dumb hobby that I went overboard on. I think everyone here is blowing this out of proportion, it sounds like they did a phenominal job at Mid-Ohio, heck it made me feel like i would like to go check it out someday now. Focus on the good, repel the negative.
Your right red bud and briar cliff aren't nearly the same. But a race at briarcliff is a race at briarcliff... In fact you are going to get a bigger better turnout at an area most times so you are making more money as it is. Why the need to raise prices from one race to another.

Bigger events cost more money, there's just more of everything: people, number of days, toilets, fuel, equipment, supplies, etc. Its not like we make 3 times as much by charging 3 times the normal fee. Plus, i would be a fool to charge the same rate when tracks all over the country are charging more. This is a growing business, not a nonprofit charity. Thats the reason, if you think Im wrong then I say we agree to disagree and move on.

To be quite honest, i think thats the fee structure that normal races should have. If you stand back and look at the risk we are taking on many levels, it doesnt make sense for us to do this. Most outsiders think we are crazy, and would bet against us any day of the week, but we dont see it that way. Maybe we are crazy.
I can guarantee you one thing. I don't have an issue with the AMA, they support all forms of motorcycling. That said, they should have a rep at large pro am events, just my opinion.

The one that is grabbing all the money for qualifiers and regionals is MX Sports not the AMA. The coombs family is the ones grabbing all the cash and running to the bank on the backs of hard working track operators.

After last year, if the AMA sends guys like Kim to be referee who thinks he knows more than anyone at the track as a rep for the AMA, then don't send anyone. But I do not have any problem supporting the AMA because of what they do for motorcycling in Washington DC alone.
I picked Kim Adams last year to be the ref at my Qualifier and Battle, the AMA did not send or appoint him to represent them or anybody. That was a private decision by me.
The Washington DC stuff is great and much appreciated. This has nothing to do with that. Our membership fees are used for that. VMD funds are used for the HoF. I am assuming it works like all large corporations and those are very different budgets. John I think was the one that posted its taxation without representation. A "Pro-Am" event sanction fee is $500. A promoters charter is $250 and insurance for the event with in mandatory to purchase through the AMA and not on the open market is $1936 for a two day event. That is over $2500 and no one can show up even for a few hours?
EVERY promoter knows they can purchase insurance cheaper on the open market even shopping alone.. The idea that all the required insurance money is funneled through one "company" Jones Birdsong and has been for a long time if I am not correct, and it costs more then you can buy alone just DOES NOT MAKE SINCE. When you buy in bulk the price goes down...right?
Because you are a member of an organization does not mean you must agree with everything the leadership says. We are all tax payers to the government, do you agree with everything Obama says?
The AMA offices run one event a year... the AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days.
I'm not really sure of the difference between AMA and AMA Sports but they also run the amateur national dirt track races. They were last week. There were a bunch of AMA guys there.
Membership dues, by law, cannot be used for lobbying in Washington. If you want your money to be used for lobbying, you need to donate to that specific arm of the AMA. Your AMA membership only puts you on the mailing list.
If people do it for free why bother to d
The Washington DC stuff is great and much appreciated. This has nothing to do with that. Our membership fees are used for that. VMD funds are used for the HoF. I am assuming it works like all large corporations and those are very different budgets. John I think was the one that posted its taxation without representation. A "Pro-Am" event sanction fee is $500. A promoters charter is $250 and insurance for the event with in mandatory to purchase through the AMA and not on the open market is $1936 for a two day event. That is over $2500 and no one can show up even for a few hours?
EVERY promoter knows they can purchase insurance cheaper on the open market even shopping alone.. The idea that all the required insurance money is funneled through one "company" Jones Birdsong and has been for a long time if I am not correct, and it costs more then you can buy alone just DOES NOT MAKE SINCE. When you buy in bulk the price goes down...right?
Because you are a member of an organization does not mean you must agree with everything the leadership says. We are all tax payers to the government, do you agree with everything Obama says?

Knox is going to end up being assassinated by the AMA. "Shut that guy up", they said...
Membership dues, by law, cannot be used for lobbying in Washington. If you want your money to be used for lobbying, you need to donate to that specific arm of the AMA. Your AMA membership only puts you on the mailing list.

So only a mailing list and it does nothing else? Would that arm be there without members? Would anything else? Believe what you want and I will keep my membership current and be thankful they are there. Do you folks really think $49 isn't worth supporting what they do? If so - sorry but you are absolutely nuts.
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To me the AMA is just an organization that I have to join in order to race certain races. Just like CRA, OMA and whatever district. I've never really given thought to what these organizations will do for me. I just wanted to race and do what I love to do. I totally understand what Knox concern is. The debocal at the gate in Open An could've used an AMA ref and I'm sure if you're trying to make a living riding a motorcycle you expect the AMA to have your back. Im just a local has been who never was and I'm thankful these organizations exist and put on these incredible events. Thank you to all track owners too! I cant imagine the hard work, time and money you all invest to give us great places to ride! Big thanks to CTMX. You guys run an amazing show!
So membership money is not used in Washington? Its not used for the HoF? So where does the money go? Pretty sure an organization structured like the AMA must open their books... Anyone know where I can get a peak at them?