

PR Addict
I'm sure it's just me since I've been out of the jump scene for a while but that front steep double seems do or die... It looks rather lofty but I'm not ready to hit it and it's rather steep face for rolling... How about filling in and make a table top or something BJ?


PR Addict
That jump is perfect. Please don't touch it. It's totally safe. Nice flat top if you're a bit short or a bit long. The front double is mint.

But if I'm wishing for things... I would like to see the pipe jump the way it used to be. I think this is from 2002...


PR Addict
Just look how much flat top you have to land on with this front double. Just match someone's speed and follow them off. It's butter.


PR Addict
Open during the week for only ten bucks? Awesome. I'm calling in sick for a week... cough cough...


PR Addict
Just look how much flat top you have to land on with this front double. Just match someone's speed and follow them off. It's butter.
Was this recent? I don't know I guess the landing didn't seem as long as in this pic. But yeah I was the only one there so I really didn't get chance to watch anybody or follow someone lol


PR Founding Father
Lone Ranger I like ya but I ain't filling that in. First were will get the dirt and I would need a lot of it. To build a skinny table top. A second I havnt seen anyone crash or get hurt on it. three it's not a do or die jump I know what them are built plenty before. You been here one time in a long while and your asking to change my track.maybe after your third time here you will be telling to make it bigger. It's a single table top not a death jump


PR Addict
Lone Ranger I like ya but I ain't filling that in. First were will get the dirt and I would need a lot of it. To build a skinny table top. A second I havnt seen anyone crash or get hurt on it. three it's not a do or die jump I know what them are built plenty before. You been here one time in a long while and your asking to change my track.maybe after your third time here you will be telling to make it bigger. It's a single table top not a death jump
B4 this gets misunderstood I guess the jump just seemed do or die to me cuz nobody was there for me to gauge it. I didn't expect U to change it just me making general comment. I've been there only a couple times in last three years due to lack of a bike but I've been coming there since 1998 and have talked up ur track to many people. Sorry for u thinking I didn't like the track that's never been the case BJ


PR Member
FMFPaul, it's the real parma dave #737.. We will be at Beans riding Wednesday- you should come down and kick it with us! It would be good to see you. Is Cody riding? Hit me up 216-937-9844.


PR Founding Father
BJ, your the s**t for offering free practice! Thanks for keeping it real all the time and helping out the privateers!
No problem hope people take advantage of the free weds and threw the week riding.
Lone Ranger I know you like the track. Just don't like the do or die stuff cuz that's what scares riders away from here. It's been years since I've seen a ambulance here.


PR Addict
That jump is perfect. Please don't touch it. It's totally safe. Nice flat top if you're a bit short or a bit long. The front double is mint.

But if I'm wishing for things... I would like to see the pipe jump the way it used to be. I think this is from 2002...

Its definitely not a 3rd gear roll on on my 450 anymore.. I landed right before the turn last time I hit it wooops


PR Addict
These are some of the safest smoothest jumps around
Just wish i had the nerve to try the
Uphill double on the top stretch
Looks awesome when someone does it
The front jumps take a little less to do than you think
I was hitting them too hard at first
Beans is a sweet track
Time to work till 10 some morn and go riding
Weekends for me are always so busy it seemes
Thanks BJ


PR Addict
That jump is perfect. Please don't touch it. It's totally safe. Nice flat top if you're a bit short or a bit long. The front double is mint.

But if I'm wishing for things... I would like to see the pipe jump the way it used to be. I think this is from 2002...
This looks amazing.....I would kill for this in my backyard.


PR Founding Father
Everything on the track right now is very forgiving / easy.. except the very last triple in the front section.. I dont see many people doing it im pretty sure its faster to double it than to triple it anyways..

no matter how i land it its never smooth.. wish it wasnt so far to come down during the week. definitely going to have to cut out early one of these days to come down!!


PR Addict
I'm going off the grid and living in the weeds at Beans so I can ride it everyday forever. Well, I guess the wife & kids might not agree with that so I'll just have to do the responsible thing and just call off work to come ride it. ;)


PR Founding Father
Paul if you guys ever want to camp out friends and family you can stay in concession stand . It's got running water ,ac and a tv dvd. All you need is air mattress and planky. More than welcome to use it any time.