Bike Classes
1 50cc Oil Injected Shaft drive 4-8 (0-52cc) ***PW50 Only Class***
2 50cc Jr 4-6 (0-52cc) Single Speed Automatic
3 50cc Sr 7-8 (0-52cc) Single Speed Automatic
4 50cc Open 4-8 (0-52cc) Open to all 50cc machines
5 65cc Jr 7-9 (59-65cc)
6 65cc Sr 10-11 (59-65cc)
7 65cc open 7-11 (59-65cc) Open to all 65cc machines
8 Girls 9-12 (65cc-85cc)
9 Women 13+ (99-250cc)
10 Jr. Trail (11 and under, 12″ rear wheel max.)(air cooled engines)
11 Sr. Trail (12-16 years, 14″ rear wheel min.)(air cooled engines)
12 85cc Jr 9-11 (79-85cc 2 stroke/75-150cc 4 stroke) Small wheels only
13 85cc Sr 12-15 (79-85cc 2 stroke/75-150cc 4 stroke) Small wheels only
14 Super Mini 10-16 (79-112cc 2 stroke/75-150cc 4 stroke)
15 125cc (79-125cc, No A class, money class or Pro class racers allowed)
16 Schoolboy 12-16 yrs (122-250cc No 250 2-stroke, No A class, money class or Pro class racers allowed)
17 2 Stroke (122-250cc) **Must be 14 to ride 250 2-stroke**
18 Collegeboy 16-24 yrs (122-Open cc)
19 Open A (Pro Bike)(122-Open cc) Money Class 200%
20 Open B (122-Open cc)
21 Open C (122-Open cc)
22 250 A (122-250cc) Money Class 200%
23 250 B (122-250cc)
24 250 C (122-250cc)
25 Plus 25 (25+ 122cc-open)
26 Vet Plus 30 (30+ 122cc-open)
27 Vet Plus 30C (30+, CANNOT run Plus 25 or Vet Plus 30)
28 Senior Plus 40 (40+ 122cc-open)
29 Senior Plus 50 (122cc-Open)
30 Vintage Bike **1984 and older**
31 Pit Bike 12+
Quad Classes
32 ATV 50 (Production Class 0-50cc, CVT Drive) Ages 8 and under
33 ATV 70 (Production Class 51-70cc, CVT Drive) Ages 11 and under
34 ATV 90 (Production Class 90-150cc, CVT Drive) Ages 14 and under
35 ATV Schoolboy 1 (70/90 Shifter Mods, No Auto or CVT ATVs) Ages 8-15
36 ATV Schoolboy 2 (200-350cc, 0-200cc 2 stroke, 0-350cc 4 stroke)(Yam Blaster 200, Warrior 350, Raptor 250/350, Honda 250/300ex, No Auto or CVT ATVs) Ages 12-16
37 ATV A (250cc-Open) Ages 16+ *No year end points*
38 ATV B (250cc-Open) Ages 16+
39 ATV C (250cc-Open) Ages 16+
40 ATV Open (250cc-Open) Ages 16+
41 ATV Vet (250cc-Open) Ages 30+
We will also have a Strider bike race during intermission on the stage in front of the grandstands for ages 4 and under so bring the little ones!
Wish it wasn't 4 hours away. What a fantastic way of reviving Faircross and promoting the sport!
Guys thanks for having a vintage class!!! Even though a couple of jumps a little bigger than I want to jump at 52 on a 34 yr old bike it was a blast!