PR Addict
Yeah but RC charges $500 each for his campsRC does it at Red Bud and has 5 different stations you stop at through the day.
Yeah but RC charges $500 each for his campsRC does it at Red Bud and has 5 different stations you stop at through the day.
Jo tried to enforce the pit riding even gave me permission throw the kids out all I did was chase kids all day off the hill from the start. It got to the point they would run through the woods and down the driveway. Till the parents put down there beers and become a real parent and help enforce the rules if your kid is not 16 dont let them ride pitbikes it hard for a track owner to prep the track and do everything else to make track as best as possible let alone babysit your kids. Jo ill gladly throw the kids and the parents out anytime Nate showed me how to be a track dick almost every weekGotta agree with that or if not don't act like its a rule and just drop the subject.
I agree with the part that the parents need to parent but if its aloud with out any repercussions from the track owner these parents and kids know that, and are gonna do exactly what you saw at BC. Chillitown and Malvern both did a great job with policing pit riding, BC didn't. They pulled it off so, what was the difference, I think it was the effort those two put forth but maybe I'm wrong. Now as far as the beer drinking, I drink and my son and I were in bed at 11:00 Friday night and 12:00 on Saturday and I was still able to parent. O, and don't forget the pot smokers and thats not even legal, yet. Anyway, I don't think its beer that makes a bad parent, its parents and their lack of consciousness and involvement with their kids that make bad parents. I honestly could give two sh its about pit riding but make up your mind if your going to allow it or not, make a decision and stick to it....come on people is this really so hard???Jo tried to enforce the pit riding even gave me permission throw the kids out all I did was chase kids all day off the hill from the start. It got to the point they would run through the woods and down the driveway. Till the parents put down there beers and become a real parent and help enforce the rules if your kid is not 16 dont let them ride pitbikes it hard for a track owner to prep the track and do everything else to make track as best as possible let alone babysit your kids. Jo ill gladly throw the kids and the parents out anytime Nate showed me how to be a track dick almost every week
Get rc and his mom, emig ... I will pay it. I was thinking less expensive instructors.Yeah but RC charges $500 each for his camps
He's not always a dick. Just when he needs to be.
I wish kids would just ride bicycles. Or ride the pitbikes in 1st gear. Yea right. I was a kid not too long ago. They're good by their pit but once away and with a bunch of others the horsing around gets away from them. Obviously no harm meant but they can't see the danger they're putting themselves in.
Get rc and his mom, emig ... I will pay it. I was thinking less expensive instructors.
The GOAT may be aiming a little high for an experiment. I used his format as an example.
It's my understanding that Chris Whitcraft, Jeff Gibson and Levi Kilbarger would like to do a program like that at BC.
Both Chris and Levi worked with riders that made it to Loretta's this year.
It's my understanding that Chris Whitcraft, Jeff Gibson and Levi Kilbarger would like to do a program like that at BC.
Both Chris and Levi worked with riders that made it to Loretta's this year.
I'm sure everyone is dying to hear the photographers point of viewIt's always easy to spend another persons money, but at the end of the day this is a business for the track owners. Yes, they are passionate about the sport, but the bottom line is the bottom line... Having said that, it would be nice to see additional rounds added, maybe 5 rounds total?? Spread out too, rounds 2 and 3 were only 2 weeks apart. I'm curious... factoring everything in, how much does a weekend like this cost the average racer/family? Having races that close together might be a costly month for some.