2015--2016 deer pictures


PR Elite
This was hit by a car this morning in Galion ohio , they posted it as 24 pts , they are out there !!!!
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PR Founding Father
Holy crap.

That has to make a hunter sick.
Or if the driver was a hunter I'm sure he didn't care about smashing up the vehicle!


PR Elite
Yes , I threw up in my throat a little when I saw that ! Been running trailcams on my little hunting area and nothing too impressive has shown up yet . The best ones have come through between 11PM and 1AM . Big boys haven't been moving much in daylight . With another warm week predicted I look for daytime activity to be a bit slow but the rut is almost here so anything can happen . Time to start logging more time in the stands .


PR Elite
Good luck , Meister , hope you find it ! Still pretty cool today so you have some time . They were talking rain this afternoon but changed that to 11 or 12 tonight . Forecast shows some temps in the 70's next week . Gotta find em pretty quick when it is that warm .


PR Founding Father
Been a long day so far.. Great blood for 100 yards or so.. He left puddles. Like, dead deer blood.. Then it completely stopped. It's new woods for me but my neighbor has hunted it for 30 years is coming in a bit to help. And if they doesn't work, a buddy has a few blood dogs and gets off work at 4.


PR Founding Father
Ughh I hate deer.. There's nothing more that I hate than losing a deer (although I'm not done searching).. Buddy had to work late so we might try his dogs tomorrow.. There's one 4-5 acre patch I have yet to step foot in. Unlikely, but my last ditch option.. Makes me absolutely sick.


PR Elite
Been there , it's rough but it happens to all of us . Keep trying . Is there any water source in the area ? Deer that my group have lost and found later were often in or near water . Some have doubled back and were on a parallel trail to their first line of travel . Good luck .


PR Founding Father
There is a small creek on the property and I've been up and down it. I've got alot of time looking today and yesterday with not a sign past the last blood spot.. Im almost convinced he's alive.. Makes me freakin sick.


PR Elite

Deer & Deer Hunting
October 29 at 6:27am · Edited ·

Another look at the free-range (wild) Ohio giant. Taken this week by bowhunter Dan Coffman (not pictured; that's one of his buddies posing here in the photo). We talked with Dan last night and he indicates the buck might gross over 300 inches. More details to come on this incredible deer!


PR Elite
Wow! Nice buck.... In the stand a bunch right now. Seems few and has one heartbreaker get away from me. I think the neighbor got him .
Seems like they are moving now up here in the Norrh. I've got buck fever


PR Elite
No pictures that I can see. My brother son got a monster this morning I will post pictures when I get them