AHRMA Regional 2016 Schedule

I'm trying to put together a district 11 reuion/legends race in conjunction with the April 24 th Dirt Country PV race. Hoping it might also help get more people involved in the vintage scene. I'm guessing this years race would be on modern bikes but maybe next we could do more of a vintage theme ? Go to my southern Ohio district 11 1980-99) Facebook page.
I hope everyone is ready for the weekend, we are lucky that AHRMA has created this regional series, essentially for all of us. Dirt Country looks like a really goo venue, the weather look good.

Who's going?
I renewed my AHRMA membership but don't have my bikes ready yet. MX250 cylinder is at PowerSeal getting a bore-and-hone, and I haven't had a chance to touch my PV bikes yet.
I am helping coach grandsons baseball tournaments on Saturday as well.

I'm trying, just spread a little thin as usual.
Saturday only for me. I play guitar all day Sunday!!

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I will be there by 8:00am Saturday, Dave asked for some help so I volunteered to assist with tech/scoring or what ever else he needs for his maiden race. I don't have a vintage bike so I am only racing Sunday.
Plan is to spectate Saturday and race Sunday for me.....

Just renewed my AHRMA membership haven't been a member since 2011, the good news is # 241 was available ! I'm bust'n out an old bike in the modern support class on Saturday. I need seat time, bringing my 86 RM125, I think it has a few of Pit's RM ebay'd parts on it . . . .
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I'd like to do some of these when they don't conflict with other events. The last one I attended was at Western Reserve. They ran two days with both Vintage and Post Vintage classes Saturday and Sunday. I really believe with the possible turnout, one day of racing should be sufficient. More modern support classes would be nice.