Malvern Open Practice Schedule

No, to much of a chance of rain. After today we will totally regrade the entire track to drain and hit it with the smooth drum roller to get the top sealed off. With the OMA season opening Super Series race next weekend and our LL QUALIFER two weeks after that we have to be VERY careful. Thanks for coming yesterday, I expect today to be off the hook!!!
Just let the pitracer President(Hershey) and vise president (Georgie) draw you up a lay out and have CBB BRANDON come out and build it for you ...should be easy !

Here's the tentative track map.

I wish someone in Ohio would build a massive step over. In my opinion that's the "safest" big jump you can build. Step up's are relatively safe as well, and the Malvern Step Up is super fun.

I'll be making the drive down from Michigan to support the Vern again, kinda wish I had one last summer in Ohio.

George you clearly ripped that track map off of Carmichael. Lot's of 180 bowl turns that encourage dirty block passing, a joker lane in the middle of two long straights, MOTHER OF GOD, one lined, too fast, slow it down my CC's hurt.
Nice shot let us know when last night and tonight's are uploaded to your site. Thanksss

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Nice pics.

Thanks for opening Malvern. PACKED. I didn't ride a ton but I got in a few sessions and at least circulated the track to get my blood flowing. Now when I go to an Area LLQ in a week I can at least say I rode once first!
Had a great time last night! I cant believe Austin or any of the 10" 50cc machines even navigated the course, the ruts were insane but they got much better after a mid evening prep.

Thanks for opening!!
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