Apparently I'm the luckiest old guy in the whole wide room


PR Addict
Flat track last Saturday. Lightweight vintage and +50 (pimped Falasco
and Forbush by not running +60)

Trials Inc Sunday. First time in 10 years, got better every loop. But first
loop kept me off the podium.

On a big aluminum bird Friday to get PAID to race NMDRC desert race
in Las Cruces NM.

Yes, I'm braggin. And yes, I'll have a woodie from now until first
sand wash Sunday.
Trials Inc event in southington Ohio was unbelievable last weekend!!! Two days of trials riding great camping and great event promoters!!!! Going to have a national there next year!!! Can't wait!!!
Flat track last Saturday. Lightweight vintage and +50 (pimped Falasco
and Forbush by not running +60)

Trials Inc Sunday. First time in 10 years, got better every loop. But first
loop kept me off the podium.

On a big aluminum bird Friday to get PAID to race NMDRC desert race
in Las Cruces NM.

Yes, I'm braggin. And yes, I'll have a woodie from now until first
sand wash Sunday.

Good luck out West.
Doing a WORCS race too? I know the old Ohio racer leading the 60+ class in that series.
Trials Inc event in southington Ohio was unbelievable last weekend!!! Two days of trials riding great camping and great event promoters!!!! Going to have a national there next year!!! Can't wait!!!
It was pretty awesome. TI did a great job.

I'd been to the facility for an AHRMA cross country a few years ago, helped make the trail for that and some of the loop was still the AHRMA CC trail. They've made more improvements since then but they need more than a one-seater restroom if they're gonna have a national.
2nd in +60. My buddy hit a cow and knocked it out. I had little drama beyond getting used to a cr500 again. Twenty five mile loop, half sand, half rocks, half whoops (not sure if that adds up).

Off to install telescope enclosures......
Since this is my own personal braggadocio central...

The boy came home for the weekend and cleared/moved big rocks/made trials sections.
Last few days after work have been excruciating figuring out how bad I really am at
this. We may need another bike so we can follow each other instead of watching each
I've had a trials itch for some time now that hasn't gotten scratched. They used to run down at my dads place outside of Sugar Grove.
Aaaaand.... Today it snowed. So I worked on the BSA that sucked dirt last race and
the boy, with no suggestion/intervention by me, figured out that there was a brand
new rear for the trials bike on the vintage trials bike and put it on the Gas-gas.
This is a very cool new phase of our relationship. He does the work, I do the riding.

Got a trials itch, come on out and we'll let you bop around the Ranch. Or, there's
plenty of trials bikes out there. Spend $2500 on a 10 year old bike, they don't get
much wear so there shouldn't be anything wrong with it that a tire and
fresh gas can't fix.
Steve is still doing it huh? I rode one of his many moons ago at my pops house. I've re-torn my ACL somehow, so it may be a while. Surgery not scheduled yet, but thank you for the invite!
Luckiest thing hereby cancelled. My buddy Roger got loose, hit the wall right in front of the stands,
bounced in front of me and sent me to the moon. Bruised and battered and maybe broken bone
in my hand that isn't displaced. As Bob the V reminded me, " if you can't crash your buddy, who can you
crash?", a Will Stoner quote.

Riding the ex-Singler BSA.

Gonna be a couple weeks before I ride again, or use my left hand to twist a beer cap off.