OK Tracks...


PR Addict
OK tracks...It's time to come back to Pit Racer

From a riders perspective, I'm tiring of searching Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, your web page or questioning if I'll receive a text or call about your next practice or event.

Understanding why you left, I can't change what's happened. Unfortunately, the Internet
is a tough place, the modern day Wild-Wild West. A place where readers and commentators can hide behind their keyboard/IP address and bash/attack others without regard to your image, efforts or monies invested.

Many tracks and other entities have benefitted from PitRacer. From their infancy to today. It offers tracks and riders a site that is 100% Moto. There is no searching through baby pictures, political comments or birthday wishes to try to find out if your facility is going to be open or if you've delayed/canceled. The information posted about your events in either the Practice or Race forums are easily read by interested parties by simply clicking on the appropriate forum or new posts. If you also want to post multiple social media sites It's my understanding there is a widget that allows you to do so.

I know it's easy to run when things get tough. But as a track owner or operator, you already have thick skin and calluses from your efforts and have put yourself in the public eye. PitRacer does that. So many times it goes unsaid, but riders do appreciate your efforts. Collectively want to see you succeed!

Please take this time to come back and post all your events on PitRacer.

If you are a rider and agree with me, please share your comments

john lilly

PR Addict
OK tracks...It's time to come back to Pit Racer

From a riders perspective, I'm tiring of searching Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, your web page or questioning if I'll receive a text or call about your next practice or event.

Understanding why you left, I can't change what's happened. Unfortunately, the Internet
is a tough place, the modern day Wild-Wild West. A place where readers and commentators can hide behind their keyboard/IP address and bash/attack others without regard to your image, efforts or monies invested.

Many tracks and other entities have benefitted from PitRacer. From their infancy to today. It offers tracks and riders a site that is 100% Moto. There is no searching through baby pictures, political comments or birthday wishes to try to find out if your facility is going to be open or if you've delayed/canceled. The information posted about your events in either the Practice or Race forums are easily read by interested parties by simply clicking on the appropriate forum or new posts. If you also want to post multiple social media sites It's my understanding there is a widget that allows you to do so.

I know it's easy to run when things get tough. But as a track owner or operator, you already have thick skin and calluses from your efforts and have put yourself in the public eye. PitRacer does that. So many times it goes unsaid, but riders do appreciate your efforts. Collectively want to see you succeed!

Please take this time to come back and post all your events on PitRacer.

If you are a rider and agree with me, please share your comments

I couldn't agree more and if they want to lock, everything, that would be understandable. Chuck is there a way that you could block the track owner from seeing post in other threads. Maybe, they would feel more comfortable if they new there would be no temptation to see what is being said about them or their track. This might seem silly but I could understand their curiosity and maybe this would be a way to curb it. But again, I really do wish they would post on here because this is what most people check to see what is going on for the local tracks. We missed out on riding our favorite track last weekend.


PR Elite
Great post Shaf. I think it's important to add that if you post in the race or practice forums you can personally manage the replies as needed or just post your event and lock it down after that.

I , of course, will have a lengthy reply to this sometime but for now Id like to ask Chuck to take a minute to explain the ease of posting here and to give a detailed explanation not only of the workings of the lock down ability above but also the Facebook integration and the calendar of events. It seems to me that those benefits aren't being taken advantage of by most. And unlike some of those here along with Chuck, navigation of computer programs and forum utilities isn't easy for me or many track owners I'm sure. Or maybe they don't even know those options exist.

I disagree Bill, Shaf is asking tracks to return simply because we (I'm assuming here) all miss the ease of checking one place for getting our information that will help relieve our addiction to mx.


PR Addict
I would love it my favorite track could use PR more like a drop box for practice or race announcements and just eliminate the forum drama. I'm an IT guy so I should probably try looking into the integration thingie (can someone throw me a bone on that please?). Next time I can get up to my fav track... bring a fruit tray or random peace offering and try giving a demo but keep my expectations low.


PR Addict
First, the open practice and race update forums are why I started using PitRacer and it is great for one stop searching and not playing around. It also makes you aware of tracks you never even heard of that are actually within a reasonable distance.

Second, I don't feel bad for some of these track owners they shoot off their mouths about everything and other tracks but take their bat and ball and go home when it gets too tough on them. I seen the writing on the wall (well Pit board) years ago and called this.


PR Founding Father
We can entertain making practice and race forums promoter posting areas only. So they don't flame out of control.

Maybe I can make a draft for what exactly needs to be posted so there are no questions.

Answering machines are still a good tool for the promoter to use on top of posting threads.


PR Elite
We can entertain making practice and race forums promoter posting areas only. So they don't flame out of control.

Why??? That's the point of the track owners being able to stop it themselves and the job of moderators......even though I've caught crap for it I have deleted flaming in those 2 areas only. If you lock out postings there how are riders going to ask direct questions of track owners who really don't pay attention to the main board?


PR Addict
I disagree Bill, Shaf is asking tracks to return simply because we (I'm assuming here) all miss the ease of checking one place for getting our information that will help relieve our addiction to mx.

The 'tracks' haven't even left. They still lurk. Check their last visited date.

If they wanted to post, they'd post. They must not be seeing a decline in numbers or don't care even if they are. More so if he believes they left why isn't he asking directly to them via phone/fb/etc vs. posting a thread on a forum they supposedly quit? What good does it do but reinforce the reason (in their minds) why they "left" in the first place.


PR Addict
We can entertain making practice and race forums promoter posting areas only. So they don't flame out of control.

Maybe I can make a draft for what exactly needs to be posted so there are no questions.

Answering machines are still a good tool for the promoter to use on top of posting threads.

I remember scenic had an answering machine. I'd call halfway thru the week and Tim would have it updated already for the weekend. Man I still remember that number by heart I called it so much


PR Founding Father
BC took his ball, went home.

@hershey there's gotta be an informative way to let the tracks post practice/race events without having to worry about Johnny-flamelot.

Promoters are burned out.


PR Founding Father
i still remember pymatuning holeshots phone #, that and my parents home # might be the only 2 i can remember LOL

I've said from day 1 track promotoers should have 2 seperate accounts, one with a screen name NOT associated with the track (even if MOST of us know who they are) and then one for official track business. if they want to argue on the one I think it looks a lot better than someone with a name like "malvern mx" arguing with someone ( just throwing that out there, NOT a reference to anything lol)

I'd rataher see John Doe acting like a dick, even if i know that john works at XYZ mx track, than see XYZ mx traack posting stuff making themselves look bad. plus not everyone that visits here knows who owns what or works where.


PR Member
I've kind of been wondering why it has seemed like no one has been open. I get it. Promoters don't want to hear someone bitch every time they open up. I like the idea of having different accounts not associated with the track. It makes sense to do that. You don't want to affiliate your opinions with your beliefs. Separation of church and state concept. I'm going to go out there and say, this whole pitracer thing has gotten out of hand on both ends several times. We are all in it for one reason, to have fun and ride. Why can't it just be simple? They open, we ride, if you don't like it, don't go back, if you want to voice a complaint, talk to someone like an adult don't bash them on a public forum, if you want something changed, talk to someone. Most of the track owners out there will listen when the riders speak. It's pretty hard when everyone tells them "oh dude, tracks sick, never better" get on bitchracer and say the exact opposite. How are you, as a track owner, supposed to know what to do? It is nice when tracks post on here to let us know they are open. For years I've been getting on here just to see where there was to ride. I don't have facebook, myspace, instagram, AOL Instant messanger, or nothing. My choice but it makes things a lot easier when I can check here and its all in one place. just saying.


PR Elite
It seems to me people are looking at this thread as defending the tracks against bashing for a reason not to post. I think Shaf really wanted to just ask the tracks that have not been posting here to start doing so again. Lets keep this positive, lets not remind them, as Bill said, of the reasons they stopped.

Lets focus on the positive aspects of having as many tracks as possible post on here. Its a win / win situation even with the negativity. Lets talk about it.

Positive for us the riders
- One stop shop for information. Riding or racing, normally almost every option in our area is available here. How much easier to find out where to ride this weekend than that? Like so many have said, its tough looking in so many different places and not missing something.
-It gets us all together to talk about what we love in a more local version than the BIG sites. Ive met many good friends for no other reason than this site. I know that sounds hard to believe but I do have friends.

Positive for Tracks
- Again, one stop shop. You post here and it links to your facebook acct, less work. More and more riders hear about this site and see you. Other social media sites target everyone, this targets your dream referral.
-Marketing feedback. Filter the idiots of course but step back.....far back from being a track owner and look at the research that is already done for you! Move forward using it to better your product.
-Remember, human nature is to complain before compliment. Dont let that get you down. Read these statistics, its an eye opener and very informative to those who want to improve their game. Click HERE.

We (Im assuming here) appreciate your efforts and your track. There is a reason you decided to open a track, put your finances on the line and put your time into it. And more importantly there is a reason none of us have done the same. Let Pitracer help you realize those goals and in turn make it a win/ win and help all of us riders as well.

Lets see what positives people can add to the list for the tracks and us