City ordinance against dirt bikes


PR Elite
The city ofNorth Ridgeville is having a committe meeting to solicit input about some changes in law.
Currently off road vehicles can be ridden in the city limits but with restriction.
There have been a few ( 3 that I am aware of) complaints from homeowners that the city either will not or cannot enforce.
Complaints like dirt being thrown on garages and noisy back and forth riders too close to the property lines.
Current laws :
Decibal restrictions , proximity restrictions and time restrictions.
82 dB at 50’ maximums
200’ to any dwelling (occupied home)
9pm to 7am time limits.
New proposed restrictions are 78db at 50’
250’to any “structure” ( shed , garage, dog house??)
Same time limits

My take; the city has no DB meter to measure sound. This means they can not enforce there own law! The 200’ is plenty in my opinion probably too much for smaller bikes or mini 4 strokes. Obviously you can’t have a 450 racing around in a residential development for hours on your 2 acre lot. However many kids bikes are quiet enough to allow for riders to ride on there 2-3 acre lot without being a bother. 250’ to any structure means if you have kids on Pw 50 bikes and only 2-3 acres they probably can’t ride.
All else seems good to me...

Anyone else have any opinions? What happened to DB meter readings being the end all be all? Too loud is too loud!!!
I can run a chainsaw all day long but not a DRZ 70???


PR Addict
The law should just be written as "No having fun on your own property. Fun can be determined by smiles on faces. If you are smiling, you are having fun, and that is banned within 1000 feet of anything."

Chainsaws, lawnmowers, weed whackers.. no fun. Go nuts.

I take it that guy hasn't given up on the children riding pws next door to him?