High Point. Regional #1.

Have a great weekend. I bet it turns out perfection with a Monday to rest!!!!

Pit posse unit!!!! Braaap
Congrats to Delbalso, just to give you a glimpse of what is ahead (which I am sure you realize). Taylor Painter (defending runner up, class champ 2017) could only manage a third place finish (moved to 2nd after winner was dq'ed) at his regional this weekend. That class (30 plus) gets better and more exciting and competitive each year. (well, at least if you are watching it). It gets more difficult if you are racing it. Again, congrats and good luck at the ranch.
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Thank you guys. Definitely a tough weekend loaded with serious competition being the first regional. This was an earlier regional than I’m used to so my preparation wasn’t where I’d like, but I was able to plug away and run a little better than expected on a track that isn’t exactly my style.

I ran 30+ and Open Pro, but took a pretty serious fall in my 1st moto of Pro and opted out of the remaining motos in that class. Serious injuries were happening left and right this weekend between rider collisions and the track itself, so I wanted to focus on the task at hand and just run 30+ after no longer being in the realm of contention in Pro. Call it safety awareness, but the mental struggle was real after seeing some big injuries unfold.

For 30+, I had a little luck on my side with 5-5-9 moto scores, after just about throwing it away in the last moto after sliding out on the uphill triple and bending my bars in the first lap. So that made an already difficult track even more challenging. It’s never over until it’s over at these regionals though so I’m happy I could put my head down and salvage that one.

Weather was great just about all weekend. I was prepared for a monsoon, but the only umbrella I really needed was for the sun. Only time I washed my bike was after all the racing was done, and that was pretty much just to get rid of all the water we had.

I’m looking forward to heading to the Baja regional next month to try and grab another class running Open Pro and 25+. For now the plan is to stay in the sand as much as possible until then and get my physical training where I’d expect it to be.

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Great job Delbaso and all those that qualified! Good to see Baker Bros. and to meet Mr. Shaffernocker.

It was certainly an interesting Regional. Overall they did a great job with the track but there are just a few sketchy sections that were causing problems. The one step up that caused a lot of issues, they finally dozed it out after second motos. There were at least 2 helicopter rides, maybe 3? One was from an ugly downhill crash.

For me in +40 it was just good to get out an race again. I feel like it's been so long. Of course my first moto we were sitting on the gate and the thunder and lightening came, causing a long weather delay while it poured rain on the track, so then we lined back up an hour later for a mud moto. That sucked but I survived, got lapped by Mike Brown.

Looking forward to getting back to some more races this year! Gotta get myself ready for +50 next year!

Sharp looking bike, but I have to inquire about the "sponsors". I know my friend Blake (you'll line up with him at LL's) runs his program like he has the past 15+ years. ie if there is a sticker on the bike he is receiving cash or product (or both). Please tell me you have a similar program...free wings and spiced rum!!!!
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Nothing goes on my bikes anymore unless there's some sort of help.

Mad props Delbalso. I'm glad you'll be lining up in a different class than I at Baja. Lol. 3 solid motos isn't easy so at least your hiccup in +30 was clearly salvageable. Ive got a lot of work to do in a month to even think I have a chance. Regardless, I'll be a gate filler if they'll allow it.

I was watching results from farm14 too. I'm guessing Painter had issues of his own as well. You familiar with the guys who beat him Bruce? After his first Moto win I figured 1-1-1 and was surprised to see to see the overall results.
Sharp looking bike, but I have to inquire about the "sponsors". I know my friend Blake (you'll line up with him at LL's) runs his program like he has the past 15+ years. ie if there is a sticker on the bike he is receiving cash or product (or both). Please tell me you have a similar program...free wings and spiced rum!!!!
I believe I get half price apps on Tuesdays along with $2 drafts.

I’m just here to have fun like I always have. The companies that support me are represented well and appreciated, along with some fun stuff to keep things not so serious. 99% of my program is run out of pocket, with no real expectations from anyone aside from the ones I put on myself.
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Crazy weekend. Was sitting in 6th going into 3rd moto. Got mid pack start. About 15/16. Passed up to 11th in first lap. Moved up to 10. And just couldn’t get the two in front of him. But held off a hard charger behind him. Little bro went 6-8-10. 9th overall. 7-8-9 all had 24 point tallies He was frustrated. But I settled him back down. Top 10 at a regional on a fierce track is nothing to be frustrated about. And he was laying in a hospital bed a year ago at this time. He’s also working part time at UPS. Never been more proud of this kid. He’s really putting his heart into it.

Gatorback this weekend to try and punch it.
We had a blast as well!!! Only our 2nd regional ever so I'm still learning the ropes of the national scene (20 years to late :p). This weekends weather was perfect, the track was really hard packed, and as others said alot of injuries. The caliber of these riders is just incredible. It's great to be around, the atmosphere is buzzing with drive to be the best you can.
We had a blast as well!!! Only our 2nd regional ever so I'm still learning the ropes of the national scene (20 years to late :p). This weekends weather was perfect, the track was really hard packed, and as others said alot of injuries. The caliber of these riders is just incredible. It's great to be around, the atmosphere is buzzing with drive to be the best you can.
The highlight of the weekend might have been that rider getting stuck in your bike for about a minute and a half during practice. Craziest thing I've seen in awhile.
That was crazy for sure. I felt him hit me, landed, and then the bike just stopped. When I spun around and seen him in there I couldn't believe it! He was 16 from New York and ended up with 2nd degree burns, but rode out the rest of the weekend. Tough kid! I actually had to spin the wheel by hand to get him out.