Funny part is MX Sports always says there are 14 million people there and the promoter says there are 14 people....
Cash business so of course the promoter is going to say way less then the actual number... that's less taxes.
And of course MX Sports is going to say there is more because they want it to look like a valuable product for TV ratings and other promoters to buy a round.
I personally have not been to a National since I was behind the gate. Why would anyone pay $60 to stand in either mud or 100 degree heat and get to see maybe 100 yards of the track when I can see it all from my couch.
AND I don't have to hear REEEEDDDDD BBBBUUUUDDDDD a half million times. Its like Ohio St football fans yelling O-H-I-O. Yeah, I know where I'm at, thanks for that.