National attendance down?


PR Addict
Is it just me, or does anybody else seem to notice that attendance at the Nationals is down from the 80s/90s?


PR Founding Father
I say it is down for sure. Many think its just as easy to watch on TV or online. Plus the cost to go to a national is ridiculous anymore in my opinion. Last time I went, they raped me just to park my truck and trailer.


PR Addict
I’m pretty over attending nationals ever since they introduced all the extra “VIP” areas. It’s a big money grab now more than ever, and the VIP treatment in my living room is top notch.


PR Addict
its down for sure. They dont use helicopters or drones for aerial footage for a reason today. Just at red bud. The crowd would look pathetic

but DC will tell you its really bigger today and we remember wrong.

go figure.


PR Addict
Funny part is MX Sports always says there are 14 million people there and the promoter says there are 14 people....
Cash business so of course the promoter is going to say way less then the actual number... that's less taxes.
And of course MX Sports is going to say there is more because they want it to look like a valuable product for TV ratings and other promoters to buy a round.

I personally have not been to a National since I was behind the gate. Why would anyone pay $60 to stand in either mud or 100 degree heat and get to see maybe 100 yards of the track when I can see it all from my couch.

AND I don't have to hear REEEEDDDDD BBBBUUUUDDDDD a half million times. Its like Ohio St football fans yelling O-H-I-O. Yeah, I know where I'm at, thanks for that.


PR Addict
I go to high point and camp every year and only pay $75 for the whole weekend. I go just to party though and see some Pittsburgh friends

Jack Bierbower

PR Addict
I raced red bud and high point amateur days.

Practice - Race - Party - National - Party - Race.

High Point was pretty cheap but red bud we did it up. Packed the van with as much gas and beer as the ole girl could handle. Do it again next year too.

Worse ways to spend money. REDDDD BUDDDDDDDD.


PR Addict
it's been about 5 years since i went to one and it was a big drunken brawl,i'm there for the races not a ufc cage match!! went to a torc series race at red bud totally different crowd


PR Founding Father
Agree. The last national I went to there were a ton of drunks. Ok to have some beers and fun, but were alot of young Amateurs for sure.