PR Addict
Not in my neighbor hood.. i have been practicing for weeks.Are the wheelie boys practice streets shut down too?
Not in my neighbor hood.. i have been practicing for weeks.Are the wheelie boys practice streets shut down too?
Any idea who the promoter is? To write that letter and not call them out by name is soft in my opinion.Looks like all the tracks in Southern Cal are gonna be closed.
A race promoter called law enforcement on SoCal tracks due to them allegedly violating government guidelinesmotocrossactionmag.com
Myron Short (2X promotions)Any idea who the promoter is? To write that letter and not call them out by name is soft in my opinion.
The only thing the mediary will accomplish is getting ALL the tracks and clubs shut down. Then everyone will be screwed. Better to just quit posting on social media and just call your friends and let them know where people are riding.OK. We have a mediary established for like businesses that are not being treated fairly in Ohio. Are all the tracks going to get together and come up with a letter to operate as well as a plan or what?
I can hardly believe that we cant come up with a process to follow social distancing rules as well as remain open sat these tracks. There is plenty of acres as well as parking to have adequate spacing .
Lets go MX community get going on this. OMA CRA AMA hash something out....
A government for the people, by the people.Honestly at what point does a business open and say the hell with you, I am an American citizen and have constitutional rights to operate my business. And my customers have rights also in America. What are they going to do, take everyone to jail? There needs to be a movement where Friday May 1, people go back into local businesses and resume our lives. If enough of us do it, there is nothing the government can do.
I said this about eastfork “closing” this weekend! If enough riders show up to ride what in the hell is local law enforcement going to do, surely can’t arrest all of usHonestly at what point does a business open and say the hell with you, I am an American citizen and have constitutional rights to operate my business. And my customers have rights also in America. What are they going to do, take everyone to jail? There needs to be a movement where Friday May 1, people go back into local businesses and resume our lives. If enough of us do it, there is nothing the government can do.
I guess I don't quite understand how East Fork got shut down "by a snitch" when I was under the impression they had approval to run? It must not have been approved after all?
Its kind of nice not having all the monkeys around, I'm getting so much done!!
Additional parking lot #1 done, for now. Hogging the hill to fill new entrance Today-Thursday.
New parking #1 coming soon.
Track enhancements.......
We the people must stand up now!! Do your research. watch the David Icke Interview on London Real tv website. Trump is surrounded by the deep state.A government for the people, by the people.