Loretta's Live Timing Talk

What am I missing
He was not 17 yrs old as of 01/01/2020, so he can continue in B class.
From the supplemental rulebook:
7. Riders who placed in the top 5 overall in the 250B/250B Limited or 450B/450B Limited class at the 2019 National and who are 17 years or older as of January 1, 2020, are not eligible to compete in a "B" or “B/C” division.
Ah so he was 16!

I don’t see anything wrong with that. B class gate drops are gnarly. It’s just going to groom him into a better A rider. Amazing how fast some of these young kids are.

Cast it to your big screen and get nothing done.
He was not 17 yrs old as of 01/01/2020, so he can continue in B class.
From the supplemental rulebook:
7. Riders who placed in the top 5 overall in the 250B/250B Limited or 450B/450B Limited class at the 2019 National and who are 17 years or older as of January 1, 2020, are not eligible to compete in a "B" or “B/C” division.
Ok but he could have moved to the A class but just chose not too? Am I getting that correctly?