LL National Classes


PR Founding Father
So are they looking to add these Vet C classes to Loretta Lynns? We will have a whole new group of C class sand baggers!! I am sure Knox will be emailing MX Sports in support of Vet C Classes at Loretta's for sure.

R+Junior (25+) C122-Open ccna
R+Vet (30+) C122-Open ccna
R+Super Vet (35+)122-Open ccna
R+Senior (40+) C122-Open ccna
R+Golden Masters (60+)122-Open ccna
R+Women C
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PR Addict
I can see it making sense to add some vet classes with the 3 regional format now.

C class is gonna be a slippery slope for a lot of people though. I dig it, gives a lot of people a fighting chance at it.
Also the addition of 35+ is nice.

Hopefully they are expanding their parking at the ranch


PR Founding Father
More is better Moto ain't dead yet ....
Yep, plenty of time now with the three regional deal.
You know I'm good with adding 60+.
and +35 was missed by some when it went way


PR Founding Father
Read the fine print guys - The Regional + classes don't get to go to the National, and they don't have to ride the area qualifier. They are just extra classes at the Vet Regional to space out the real classes for qualifying space between motos. The new classes aren't going to Loretta's for National Championships.


PR Founding Father
I read the stuff the regional + classes - But -
this is what is says on the other page
Tentative National Classes are now available for inspection and public comment through Monday, December 7, 2020.


PR Founding Father
Is that what the R+ is all about?
and that's why it says n/a next to the area "day" --?

I think Robin is right ...


PR Addict
Like Robin said, they are adding support classes for the Regionals to help support the 3 regional format; likely to help space out the National classes and I'm sure to also bring in some more cashola! The R+ classes only race at the Regional and are just open signup and do not advance to the National at LL.

The biggest item of note from the proposed changes is taking away the "sportsman" designation from +45 and putting it on +40 instead.

Also worth noting is they are proposing to take 9 guaranteed spots from each Area, giving regionals a max signup of 72 per class (9x8) instead of 64 (8x8) (assuming they keep 8 AQ's per region). Another way to not have to refund as much money!


PR Founding Father
Still taking 6 from regional ? Rita was mumbling about possibly knocking out one of those western regionals that don’t get a high power ranking or somethin....


PR Addict
I like how they put a name to each age group. "Super Vet" "Golden Masters" Who uses those names?

Keep adding classes then that adds days to the event. The Mini o's are now 7 days and just two events. Was four events in 4-5 days.
How many is too many? BMX has a class for EVERY year. Is that where we are going? And then we will have 33+A, 33+B, 33+C 33+D


PR Addict
I heard they are adding another new class:

"Ex-Pro gate filler that scored a handful of points in the 80's/90's and can't ride Sportsman classes now because of it"

Should be a huge hit! In a year or two they will probably have to break it into 2-stroke/4-stroke, age, and CC divisions. So there will be like 8 classes of it.


PR Founding Father
So they had to go with "Super" regionals this year due to Covid, and while the smaller regionals got us more track time and people liked the long motos for the regional (which is the way it should be). It also created some problems at the Vet Regional where almost every class is back to back, because there were only 8 classes total, and trying to space them out for which guys are riding 2 or 3 classes is really hard. And with 20 minute motos, going right back to the line was difficult, so they are adding "R+" or Regional plus classes to allow the promoters that are hosting a regional the following benefits:

1. More riders = More Money for the track (more spectators, more sign ups, more concessions) all of which is for the track putting on the race.
2. More classes - Now you won't have guys riding 2 or 3 classes with no rest in between, you can have a little rest between your long motos.
3. More fees - you will still sign up for these races ahead of time I'm guessing, which will make for a little cut of the fees going to MX Sports (we all know they like our money).
4. Possibilities - They can manage these races and see where there is interest to possibly add classes / subtract classes down the line depending on what looks like classes that will spend money and are good for the sport.

The smallest Super Regional (Vet Regional) got the most R+ classes, the others not so much as there already was enough and only 1 or 2 classes added. So we will see how this works out this year.

Changes that are odd to me - Change to +40 Sportsmen from +45, meaning the real ex pros can only ride +25, +45, and +50, which is a large gap of 20 years between 25 and 45. A middle aged ex pro from age 35-45 really can't race Loretta's except in +25. There aren't enough of those guys still riding to make an Ex Pro Class, but seems like they are excluding more and more of them as everyone always screams, it's the AMATUER National Championship and why am I racing against Ex Pros???? They are slowing phasing them out.


PR Addict
I heard they are adding another new class:

"Ex-Pro gate filler that scored a handful of points in the 80's/90's and can't ride Sportsman classes now because of it"

Should be a huge hit! In a year or two they will probably have to break it into 2-stroke/4-stroke, age, and CC divisions. So there will be like 8 classes of it.
MX Sports is the best.


PR Founding Father
Did you just say super ?..........
Well it wasn't so SUPER for me exactly, but I did still make it to the Ranch, which I really hoped would be postponed in order to let my knee heal up more due to Covid! And that didn't happen, so I went to Loretta's anyway 3.5 weeks after knee surgery on July 8 and while riding wounded mid pack, I ended up breaking my pelvis and being life flighted to the tune of $54,000.00 for the scenic helicopter ride from Loretta's to Nashville, only to almost die there and have horrible treatment so that I had to transfer to Cleveland on my own dime via Medical Airplane transfer 5 days later to get surgically repaired correctly for my open book pelvic fracture. So here I am almost 4 months out from my crash and I'm reading about what are the rule changes and what I can look forward to next year.

Yes, some people are gluttons for punishment, I'm certainly on that list!

The SUPER part of this year for me was my health insurance which I put to the extreme test, and I used up a lot of benefits for sure, my moto friends who transferred all of my stuff (truck, trailer, gear, and bike) back home to Ohio after leaving the ranch in a helicopter strapped into a gurney, and my doctor at the Cleveland Clinic who listened to my issues, and helped fix me up so that I'll be able to ride again, and my family and coworkers who helped me work from home / hospital (which I was in for 3.5 weeks straight) until I could get back on my feet (8.5 weeks in a wheelchair) and start my normal life over again. And here I am looking to see what I'm going to have to do in 2021 to get back to the ranch!!!! July 8th - Knee Surgery, August 7th - Broken Pelvis in my 3rd Moto and LifeFlight to Nashville, August 12th - Pelvic surgery in Cleveland, August 31 - released from the Hospital, October 6th - released from the Wheelchair, November 17th - allowed to start riding a stationary bike and start training for Loretta's 2021, and coming up Dec 22nd - release of all restrictions pending good xray results of my pelvis and then I can go full swing into training again. What is wrong with me??? It's moto addiction, a serious condition that there is no known cure for!!!!!


PR Founding Father